Local Neighborhoods To Be Visited
May 3, 2000
DECATUR-Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) said that census
takers are knocking on doors throughout DeKalb County, as part of
the nonresponse follow-up period in Census 2000. Census takers will
be easily recognizable by their identification badges and the distinctive
black and white bags they carry.
The U.S. Census Bureau has developed a national campaign "Because
You Count," to encourage the public to welcome census takers. Residents
need not be fearful about opening their doors to them as they have
undergone security screening. Census takers are our neighbors and
friends, who were hired in DeKalb County. The information reported
is kept strictly confidential. All census workers take an oath to
protect the privacy of the data collected.
Congresswoman McKinney described the Census 2000 results as critical
to the future of DeKalb County and Georgia. The census count determines
how communities get their fair share, each year of the more than
$185 billion in federal funds annually. "By cooperating with those
who are helping to complete our census count, we are demonstrating
pride in our culture, in our community and in our contributions
to this society," stated McKinney.