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McKinney Commends Bush For Action in Supreme Court Case:
"During the campaign, he called it 'affirmative access.' I don't care what he calls it if he fights for continued access for blacks and minorities to Transportation contracts."

August 13, 2001

(Washington, DC) Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney commended President Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft for vowing to defend the use of racial preferences in federal highway programs. The Administration has asked the Supreme Court to uphold practices being contested in the Adarand case. "This is a small step in the right direction," McKinney stated. "During the campaign, he called it 'affirmative access.' I don't care what he calls it if he fights for continued access for blacks and minorities to Transportation contracts," she continued.

The Clinton administration filed papers defending the US Transportation Department's preferential contracting program as a constitutional way to combat the lingering effects of racial discrimination. "I'm pleased that Bush saw the merit in Clinton's position. This is a position that will benefit the millions of minorities who depend on these programs for access to government contracts. I hope his defense of the Department of Transportation is a vigorous one," McKinney concluded.

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