Congresswoman McKinney Decries Lack of Action From Bush Administration:
Bush Has Put Black America on Hold: "On Racial Profiling, Election Reform, and the World Conference Against Racism, George Bush's Administration is Missing in Action."
August 13, 2001
(Decatur) Today, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney accused the Bush Administration of putting Black America on hold and ignoring blaring needs of black Americans. McKinney recalls John Ashcroft's commitment to attack racial profiling within the first six months of his tenure as Attorney General.
"In a dramatic meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus shortly after his controversial selection for Attorney General, John Ashcroft promised to attack racial profiling within the first six months of his Administration Ashcroft has not advanced any legislation nor has President Bush signed an Executive Order outlawing the practice which targets minorities on America's streets and at America's airports.
Additionally, in meetings with President Bush the Congressional Black Caucus and the Democratic Caucus both addressed the critical need for election reform to restore faith in America's election system. Unfortunately, there has been little movement by the Administration on this issue and George Bush has yet to even utter the words "America needs election reform" in the seven months that he's been President.
"The president should make an announcement that he supports election reform so that every American can have confidence in the votes that are cast."
"Finally, the Bush Administration intransigence on participation in the World Conference Against Racism is shameful given the way he arrived at the White House," McKinney said. "The President can't duck the issue of racism. It's a permanent thorn in his side," she continued, "unless he takes affirmative action to quell all the suspicions out there that he's part of the problem and not a part of the solution. He should just send a delegation to the World Conference Against Racism.
"It's a shame that on three important issues, the Bush Administration has told Black America to wait: He's put us on hold and I don't know when he'll pick back up the phone," McKinney intoned.