Condolezza Rice meets with the CBC Task Force on WCAR
August 1, 2001
(WASHINGTON, DC) Yesteday, The Congressional Black Caucus Task Force on the
World Conference Against Racism, headed by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA),
met with National Security Advisor, Condolezza Rice at the White House. "The
elimination of racism and discrimination are integral themes in the history
of the United States and of great importance to all Americans," stated McKinney.
The CBC has been vocal in urging the Bush Administration not to boycott WCAR.
The meeting with Ms. Rice was to enlighten her on the issues being broached at
the WCAR have both compelling domestic as well as international importance and
the United States involvement in the WCAR will help to bring these many significant
issues into sharper focus, both home and abroad.
The Task Force wants the Administration to adopt policy positions at the WCAR
that seek to advance an understanding of current and historic factors contributing
to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance. "It is
essential that the United States play the same leading role in the WCAR that it
seeks and maintains in other international organizations," concluded McKinney.