Bush Shows True Colors
"No Compensation to Black Americans for Slavery," says spokesman
August 1, 2001
(WASHINGTON, DC) Today, Congresswoman McKinney declared, "George W. Bush
has shown his true colors. Now we know that they don't want to talk about
slavery and reparations because they have already made up their minds.
They just don't care about the issue."
McKinney was reacting to an AP report that Ari Fleisher, spokesman for the
President, stated that Bush opposes paying compensation to black Americans
for slavery.
"George W. Bush doesn't have room to dismiss black issues so cavalierly,
McKinney stated. "After all, the world knows that he came to office as a
result of a stolen election, a silent coup effected by nullifying black
voters. Even he knows that Al Gore is the one who really should be saluted
as the Commander in Chief. So obvious and transparent was the theft that the
world's despots and autocrats offered to send election monitors to Florida.
Former President Jimmy Carter noted that the US election was so flawed that
the US wouldn't even qualify for Carter Center monitors," she continued.
George Bush's ascent has come at the expense of the integrity of our democracy
and our world standing.
"Let's not forget the ignoble way in which George W. Bush came to office:
his campaign appealed to America's David Duke constituency, derided Senator
McCain's family, and actively courted the Bob Jones University crowd; I'm not
surprised that he's against paying compensation to black Americans for slavery.
It fits," McKinney continued.
"George Bush has never before made his position on the issue of reparations
so clear. We appreciate the clarity, but I reject the position," McKinney stated.
"Yesterday I asked the question if the Bush position toward the World Conference
Against Racism was indicative of his indifference to racism. Today, I think
I got my answer, McKinney concluded.