Statement of Ranking Member Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights
Committee on International Relations
Statement of Ranking Member Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights
Committee on International Relations
Suffering and Despair: Humanitarian Crisis in the Congo
May 17, 2001
Madam Chair,
This hearing today is vitally important because we have the opportunity to
set the record straight as to what has been happening in the Democratic
Republic of Congo for the last 3 years. We have the opportunity to be able to
draw together the varying investigations and reports of experts who have
examined the DRC War and place in the public record the truth about what
Rwanda, Uganda and their rebel allies have done to the people of the DRC. We
have the opportunity to pass judgment on the Clinton legacy and make a
finding as to exactly what Madeleine Albright and her foreign policy team has
done to the Great Lakes region.
I think its also important to point out at the outset that the US and Belgium
deserve special condemnation for the 37 years of suffering in the DRC because
it was their intelligence services who conspired to assist in the murder of
the democratically elected President Patrice Lumumba. The west chose Mobuto
to replace him and for next 3 generation's Zaire, as it was then known, was
placed in the grip of a corrupt and evil leadership. Despite the mining of
billions of dollars of minerals and other resources DRC was left by Mobuto
nearly bankrupt and on the brink of collapse. The corporations and the
western businessmen who traded with Mobuto never once called him to order
instead they celebrated in his fabulous homes and enriched themselves at the
expense of the Congolese people.
Rwanda, Uganda and their rebel allies began a war in August 1998 in the DRC
under the claim of fighting the Hutu interahamwe, the Rwandan militia
responsible for much of the killing during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide.
President Museveni of Uganda and President Kagame of Rwanda have always
maintained that by fighting in the DRC they will defeat the interahamwe and
in so doing secure their borders and prevent another Rwandan type genocide
from occurring. They continue to maintain this position until this very day.
But this Rwandan/Ugandan explanation for their invasion of DRC is a lie,
it's a bright shining lie.
This is not a noble war about saving civilians from genocide or about protecting democracy from tyranny, instead this is a war about self-interest and greed. Despite limp and totally ineffective protestations by the United Nations the world communityhas largely stood idly by and allowed these two men to prosecute what can only be described as the most vicious, senseless and bloody wars being fought in the world today.
The cost of their actions to the DRC and its people is almost beyond measure.
The scale and savagery of the crimes committed by the Rwandan and Ugandan
armies in DRC compares to the abhorrent actions of the Nazi assault upon
Eastern Europe.
The International Rescue Committee has just released a 2001 Survey of the
Death Toll in DRC's war. For the 32 month period from August 1998 until the
end of March 2001 an estimated 2.5 million civilians have died in the DRC. Of
those 350,000 people have died from violence and 2.2 million have died from
disease and malnutrition arising from the adverse affects of the war on the
region. IRC estimates that on average 77,000 civilians have perished each and
every month in the DRC. That's almost 2,500 civilians dying each day for
almost the last 3 years. Compare those numbers with the lost lives in Kuwait
10 years ago and the world's response to Iraqi aggression. The world sent
350,000 troops to the gulf to defend Kuwait. In 100 days the combined
military, naval and air forces of the Western world had reduced the Iraqi
military, one of the world's powerful armies, to a burning hulk. And then
compare DRC's suffering with the 2 thousand lost lives in Kosovo two years
ago. The combined airforces of NATO pounded Belgrade into submission and
then indicted Milosevic for war crimes. We all remember how the western world
responded to the Iraqi and Kosovo humanitarian disasters and flooded them
with food, medicines, shelter and other aid.
Madam Chairwoman, I am ashamed to say that the western world has treated DRC
like it has treated all the other African disasters - too little too late. In
January 2001 the World Food Program issued a worldwide appeal for $110
million for urgent food aid to Congo. As of May the World Food Program had
received less than one third of this amount. Similarly, UNICEF had asked for
$15 million essential drugs and therapeutic feeding center and to date UNICEF
has received less than one tenth of that amount. Incredibly, the principle
aid sent by the US to the region has been in the form of military aid to the
warring parties. What we do know is that US Special Forces and US funded
private military companies have been arming and training Rwandan and Ugandan
troops to deadly effect. I think its appalling that the US tax payer should
be directly assisting the military efforts of Rwanda and Uganda, the
aggressors in this tragic conflict and who have confirmed by Amnesty
International and Human Rights Watch as the authors of terrible atrocities
against Congolese civilians. Our efforts in Africa have amounted to nothing
more than bank rolling belligerents and mass murders.
What makes this conflict particularly sickening is the role of US and
European corporations together with Rwanda and Uganda in the plunder of DRC's
resources. The recent UN Report on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural
Resources from the DRC made a series of important findings. Before going on
let me first commend Madam Safiatou Ba-N'Daw and other UN panelists for their
work in preparing the UN Secretary General with a truly first rate
investigative report on the theft of DRC's resources.
The report concluded that "there is a mass scale looting, systemic
exploitation of Congo's resources taking place at an alarming rate by the
armies of Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda." For example the report finds that
"DARA Great Lakes Industry of which DARA Forest is a subsidiary is in
collusion with the Ministry of Water, Land and Forests of Uganda to export
timber from eastern Congo by falsifying its origins. The countries actively
buying this uncertified timber included USA, China, Belgium, Denmark, Japan,
Kenya and Switzerland. In May 2000 DGLI (the parent of DARA Forest) signed a
contract for forest stewardship certification with SmartWood and the rogue
Institute for Ecology and Economy in Oregon in the United States". This
program amounted to nothing more than a scheme to facilitate the
certification and extraction of illegally acquired timber from the DRC.
The same large scale theft of DRC's resources has been committed with respect
to cobalt, gold, diamonds, coltan, silver, zinc, uranium and numerous other
minerals. Significantly, DRC has some of the world's largest deposits of
Coltan, an important mineral critical for maintaining the electric charge in
the computer chip industry. The price of Coltan varies from $100 to $200,000
a ton varying on quality and availability. Business in Coltan is booming but
its not the Congolese who are getting rich.
Madame Chairwoman, there is an additional and very disturbing report from
MISNA, the Catholic News Agency regarding Rwanda's actions with respect to
the theft of DRC's resources. MISNA reported in February this year that the
Rwandan Army is now setting up "concentration camps" in the Numbi area south
of Kivu in order to have sufficient labor on hand to extract Coltan and other
precious minerals. It was this enslavement of innocent civilians and captured
prisoners of war that drew some harshest criticisms against the Nazi and
Japanese leadership from the Nuremberg and Tokyo War Crimes Tribunals.
In response to the findings by the UN Special Panel the Rwandans have had the
audacity to say that the Congolese people are benefiting from the mining
trade in eastern Congo with improvement in their welfare, security, health,
education and infra-structure. Madame Chairwoman that's almost like saying
that the peoples Eastern Europe who were enslaved in quarries, underground
mines and forced to work in dangerous conditions in automotive and munitions
plants benefited from the Nazi occupation of their countries.
Mr. Robert Raun, President of Eagles Wings resources, a US based company
which trades in Coltan was reported to have described the growing trade in
east Congo's Coltan as "Capitalism in its purest form." I say it's capitalism
trading in misery.
Madame Chairwoman,
We need to support the recommendations of the Ba-N'Daw UN Special Report on the Illegal Exploitation of the Natural Resources from the DRC.
We need to end all military support for the Rwandan Ugandan military forces.
Our government should publicly condemn the governments of Rwanda and Uganda
for their criminal actions in eastern Congo and we should to demand that an
International Tribunal be established in the Great Lakes Region to investigate and prosecute the violations of international law.
We need to urgently increase US aid to the peoples of Congo and ensure that
they receive adequate food, health care, medicines and shelter.
We should call on our allies and the entire international community to join
us ending the conflict in DRC.