Florida Republicans Not Interested in Election Reform:
Don't Be Fooled by Kathy Harris Testimony
April 26, 2001
McKinney: "Florida More Important in 2004 than in 2000!"
(WASHINGTON, DC) Although Kathy Harris, Republican Secretary of State for
Florida came to Washington, DC to testify in favor of election reform and
fairer elections, in November 2000, when she had a chance to establish a fair
election, she and the other Republican leadership of the State of Florida,
did just the opposite. Additionally, as the Bush team makes its 2004
reelection calculations, Florida once again looms larger than life in the
making of the Bush Presidency.
A key player in the 2000 election in Florida, was the Choicepoint company.
Using lists of misdemeanor offenders in Texas, Choicepoint "padded" the
Florida list of ineligible voters to include more ineligible voters than
there actually were in Florida. This resulted in thousands of blacks not
being allowed to vote in the Presidential election. This, joined with the
high number of thrown-out ballots and a Supreme Court decision that stopped
the ballot counting, resulted in a Bush victory in Florida.
It is clear that Bush did not win Florida. Any effort that counts all votes
cast and allows all registered voters to vote will result in a Bush defeat at
the polls in Florida. We must pay attention to every aspect of voting: from
the districts that will soon be drawn, to the casting of the votes that will
elect representatives for those districts, to the counting of the votes for
those candidates.
"Because of Florida I can guarantee you that people whose relatives and
ancestors and friends got beat up and died for the right to vote will be
watching this process very carefully, and we will not allow a repeat of
Florida 2000," McKinney stated.