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Statement on Pulling Armenian Genocide

October 19, 2000

The Clinton Administration has a dismal record on genocide. I'm disappointed that the Clinton Administration has apparently pressured the House leadership to withdraw consideration of H.Res. 596, the United States Affirmation of the Armenian Genocide Resolution. In 1994, the Clinton Administration actively fought to ensure that nothing would be done to stop the genocide in Rwanda. Crimes against humanity are currently being committed in Democratic Republic of Congo and yet the Clinton Administration actively assists the perpetrators. In Sierra Leone the Clinton Administration dawdled while the democratically-elected government almost fell, and then did everything in its power to force the Kabbah government to accept criminals such as Foday Sankoh into positions of leadership. This Administration lectures the world on human rights but plays favorites and at times is even complicit in grave international crimes. The United States used to be a force for good in the world. But now we're too often seen as a prime violator of human rights and a threat to peace and security in certain regions of the world. Unfortunately, this country has had too long an association with some of the worst perpetrators in the world of crimes against humanity. Suharto, Mobutu, Marcos, Rios Montt, Pinochet, Saddam Hussein, and even Osama Bin Laden have all worn the U.S. Government Seal of Approval.

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