Important message for Veterans
September 3, 2000
Congress has declared that ANY
service member who served in Vietnam during the war time era 2-28-61
through 5-7-75 was exposed to agent orange, and such exposure may have
caused several types of cancer. Diagnosis of any of these conditions will
be considered "Service Connected" by the VA. The Veteran may be entitled to
compensation from $0 a month to over $2000 a month. If the Veteran is
retired from the military this could change him or her to tax free status.
All Vietnam veterans should get a complete physical, compliments of the VA.
If a Vietnam Vet comes down with the following it will be considered
"Service connected". Lung Cancer, multiple myeloma, Hodgkin's disease,
lymphoma, and prostrate cancer, even if it is many years after service.
Call 1-800-827-1000 for a claim form and submit it to your nearest VA. If
you have trouble call DAV, VFW, AL,OPH, or any service organization for
free help. Don't take NO for an Answer.