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"Who would have ever thought an African American Mayor would ring a bell for freedom in Stone Mountain, Georgia"

February 16, 2000

Decatur--In 1963, during his world famous "I Have A Dream" speech, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. urged the nation to end racial discrimination and to "Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain, Georgia." Well on Saturday, February 26, 2000, at 11:00 A.M. Mayor Chuck Burris the first African American mayor in the city of Stone Mountain, Georgia will install a "Freedom Bell" on main street to carry out Dr. King's dream.

The Freedom Bell will be installed and rung where the Ku Klux Klan marched for over 60 years. Mayor Burris and his family currently reside in the former home of the imperial wizard of the Klan. This bell symbolizes how far the city of Stone Mountain has come. "This increasingly diverse community does not want to be associated with the intolerance of racism." stated McKinney.


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