Cynthia McKinney remains optimistic while MARTA studies East Line
has wonderful engineers and finding a route to relieve conjestion
in South DeKalb is not rocket science"
February 15, 2000
Cynthia McKinney praised the MARTA Board of Directors for their
approval of the three rail line extensions currently being under
consideration. While the Board prioritized the West and North lines
before the East line extension, the Congresswoman noted that "it
is good to see MARTA growing. All of these areas are in need of
increased transportation options."
MARTA must not neglect South DeKalb.
"Seems to me, MARTA is exponding to serve people who don't pay MARTA
taxes at the expense of those of us who do," observed McKinney.
"I know of no place where rail service is more important," Congresswoman
McKinney stated. "This is an area that has historically been underserved,
and now, while the area is witnessing unprecedented growth, the
need for rail service now is more important than ever." Congresswoman
McKinney concluded.