McKinney requests assistance from U.S. Department of Transportation
February 15, 2000
On Friday, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
delivered a letter to visiting U.S. Secretary of Transportation,
Rodney E. Slater, which addressed the existing transportation problems
in DeKalb County. Secretary Slater was in Atlanta to address a convention
for the Commuter Choice program, a proposal that would allow businesses
to encourage employees to use mass transit options by offering tax
incentives to the employers.
Congresswoman McKinney requested assistance
with a county-wide study of transportation needs and possible rail
routes, for investment in Transit Oriented Development (TOD) that
would improve density and business access near present and future
MARTA stations and asked for increased access to 'flex' highway
money for the purposes of mass transit investment. "We need to improve
the opportunities for MARTA rail expansion in DeKalb County." Stated
In addition to this request, McKinney
trumpeted the new Georgia Regional Transportation Authority, and
asked the Secretary to support a number of the agencie's new projects.
The Congresswoman also inquired about
federal assistance for increasing sidewalk construction on streets
such as Buford Highway and Candler Road, a potential study of Bus
Rapid Transit express-service for the South DeKalb area leading
to rail service.
Congresswoman McKinney continued,
stating that "waiting too long to provide adequate mass transit
anywhere in this county will only burgeon it with increased air
pollution, traffic and lost economic investment."