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Congresswoman McKinney Urges President Clinton to Investigate Atrocities against the people of East Timor

"Bring to trial all those, who are responsible for crimes against humanity committed in East Timor," stated McKinney

February 15, 2000

Washington--In a letter to President Clinton, Congresswoman McKinney urged the P resident to establish an independent international war crimes tribunal to investigate the atrocities committed against the people of East Timor.

Congresswoman McKinney believes that the Indonesian Judiciary lacks the independence to ensure that domestic remedies can secure justice with regard to the massacres, devastation, and the forced relocation of hundreds of thousands of East Timorese people in 1999. Moreover, Indonesia lacks the legal infrastructure to bring those responsible for the destruction of East Timor to justice.

The establishment of an independent international tribunal will send a clear signal to the Indonesian government and military that the international community will not tolerate similar atrocities committed in other trouble spots in Indonesia. "Justice and accountability are critical to promoting reconciliation in East Timor and real democracy in Indonesia," concluded McKinney.

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