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Congresswoman McKinney: "Discrimination at Lockheed Martin is Alive and Well"

February 2, 2000

Decatur--Today, Congresswoman McKinney (D-4th) highlighted on the House Floor seemingly endemic discrimination against African Americans and women at Lockheed Martin plants located in the southeastern United States. From Alabama through Georgia and South Carolina up to North Carolina, complaints have been filed against the management of Lockheed Martin.

These complaints allege . . . .An African-American female, for restroom privileges, was required to get a pass from white employeesand to have an escort. African-American male who has worked at the facility for 20 years was surprised by a noose draped over his work area. White women also have been subjected to some of the same experiences, one was harassed by her supervisor and a subcontractor tried to intimidate her by urinating around her desk and spilling tobacco juice on her papers.

Recently the EEOC office in Georgia has substantiated nine complaints with findings of discrimination and a class action against the company is under active consideration. Similar actions are under way in Alabama, South Carolina, and North Carolina.

"Can we send Lockheed Martin a message? You bet we can!

Simply, say NO to more pork till they clean up their slop." Concluded McKinney.

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