House Approves $16 Million Reauthorization for
Rehabilitation and Safegaurding of Neglected Urban Roads in Fourth
April 2, 1998
(Washington, D.C.) - The first hurdle towards the
rehabilitation of long neglected major transportation corridors
in DeKalb County was cleared last night when the House passed the
re-autorization of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency
Act (ISTEA), known as BESTEA, (Better Efficiency Surface Transportation
and Equity Act.) This key transportaiton bill passed the House by
a 337-80 vote. The passage of the measure will provide funding for
the enhancement of Candler Road, Memorial Drive and Buford Highway;
the extension of Lithonia Industrial Boulevard (railroad overpass);
and the construction of a bridge structure at Perimeter Center and
Ashford Dunwoody Road in north DeKalb County.
The measure called for $7 million in enhancements
and revitalization of 3.3 miles of Candler Road extending from Memorial
Drive to I-285 to include the creation and repair of sidewalks,
bus pull-offs to rid traffic congestion, and the creation of landscaped
tree lawns.
Seven miles of enhancements are planned for Memorial
Drive, totaling $7.5 million were approved. From Candler Road to
the City of Stone Mountain the project will include a pedestrian
facilities location study to be coordinated with bus circulation,
planning and design, pre-engineering and the construction of pedestrian
facilities. After the vote McKinney stated, "These improvements
are long over due. Candler Road has long been neglected and the
working families of the area are tired of the eye-sore."
The Perimiter Center and Ashford Dunwoody project
will construct a bridge structure over I-285 from Perimeter Center
Parkway to Lake Hern Drive and will make improvements to the Ashford
Dunwoody at the I-285 interchange. This two-phase project will include
the finalization of the engineering concept, bridge construction
design, and the completion of right-of-way plans.
"While the County put forward many worthy projects,
I prioritized Candler Road, Memorial Drive and Buford Highway as
the projects that would benefit working families the most. When
the mid period, three year window opens up I will make sure that
the rest of the funding for Buford Highway is there." The Higway
bill authorizes transportation programs and projects for six years.
There is a midperiod review that will open up a window for changes
in its third year. Federal Funding will be for the extension of
the Lithonia Industrial Boulevard and the enhancement of Buford
The remaining hurdles to secure these projects
are for them to make it through the conference committee and signed
into law by President Clinton.