Rep. McKinney says "Stop, Wait, Hold It" to moving
Suffragist Statue
MAY 1, 1997
House Concurrent Resolution postpones planned
move to the Rotunda
WASHINGTON, D.C. Today Congresswoman Cynthia
McKinney (GA, D) introduced her bill postponing the scheduled move
of the Portrait Monument to the Capitol Rotunda.
While the Portrait Monument is scheduled to be
moved within the next few weeks, Congresswoman McKinney said that
her bill is a statement of principle. "They may whitewash history,
and they may keep Sojourner Truth another invisible woman, but they
won't keep me from doing what is right."
Congresswoman McKinney's bill postpones the relocation
of the statute and the ceremony to commemorate and celebrate the
statue's return to the Rotunda. Besides postponing the move, the
bill expands the 11 member commission to 15 in order to better complete
its intended purpose. The expanded commission would recommend a
solution to the current controversy over adding Sojourner Truth
to the 13-ton marble statue already featuring Susan B. Anthony,
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott or commissioning a separate
monument that better celebrates all of our history.
The resolution has the support of the coalition
of community organizations led by the National Black Women's Political
Congress, and several Members of the House have already cosponsored
it. The Georgia Congresswoman believes that more Members will join
her as they learn of her legislation and they look at whether or
not they want to be complicit in missing the opportunity to do the
right thing.