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Editor’s Note: This is an on-going witness to the terrifying and tragic reality of the consequences of the largest coercive medical experiment on human beings in history.
Summon the Courage to Break Free of the United States of Denial
See Also:
    •   Jan 2022: Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64
    •   Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide - It’s Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies,“ Naomi Wolf, 29 May 2022
    •   Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency disseminating the data relied upon by the FDA to license COVID-19 vaccines
    •   Experimental Injections - Risks and Consequences: deaths data from VAERS and EudraVigilance reporting systems
    •   Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains Why Fauci is Going After Children, December 2021 (2:43)
    •   At least 69 athletes collapse in one month, many dead - The reports of athletes who suddenly collapse have been increasing noticeably lately. Heart problems such as heart inflammation are often the cause – one of the known life-threatening side effects of Covid vaccines, which even the manufacturers themselves warn against. Free West Media, 26 Nov 2021
    •   Report Shows Nearly 300 Athletes Worldwide Collapsed or Suffered Cardiac Arrests after Taking COVID Vaccine This Year – Many Died, Your News, 8 Dec 2021
    •   When Correlation Does Equal Causation: Autopsies Show Covid Vaccines Are Killing People, Coronavirus News, 24 Dec 2021
    •   SADS = Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: Are You Buying It? I’m Not., Robyn Openshaw, Robyn Openshaw’s Newsletter For Health Warriors and Preppers, 10 Jun 2022
    •   Fifth largest life insurance company in the US paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021 - Total claims/benefits up $6 BILLION, Margaret Menge, Crossroads Report, 15 Jun 2022
    •   UPDATED: How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?, Dr Vernon Coleman,, 17 Jun 2022
    •   There's been a 44% increase in death rate in just under a year of reporting according to the CDC, Jessica Rose, Unacceptable Jessica, 23 Jun 2022
    •   Coffins for Children Ordered in Bulk, 'First Time in Over 30 Years' (Exclusive Interview), Miranda Sellick, RAIR Foundation USA, 14 Jul 2022
    •   What Is The Story Behind Sudden Death Syndromes?, A Midwestern Doctor, The Forgotten Side of Medicine, 17 Aug 2022
    •   Massive Miscarriage Rates Among Vaccinated Pregnant Women Found Buried In The Pfizer Documents, The pharmaceutical industry has committed crimes for decades, paying $30 billion in civil and criminal fines since 2000. The Pfizer documents reveal their latest criminal assault on our health. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings, 20 Aug 2022
    •   They're free to keep on killing us, as long as we keep thinking that they couldn't be that evil, Thus they rely on us to serve as our own thought police. Mark Crispin Miller, News From Underground, 25 Aug 2022
    •   Covid-19 Injections in Pregnant Women Lead to 8X Increase in Spontaneous Abortions and 3X Increase in Stillbirths. Sasha Latypova, Trial Site News, 3 Sep 2022
    •   How Do Vaccines Cause Sudden Death?, A Midwestern Doctor, The Forgotten Side of Medicine, 25 Sep 2022
    •   Government reports prove COVID Vaccination is killing Hundreds of Thousands every week & Confidential Pfizer Docs. confirm your Government knew it would happen, The Exposé, 16 Oct 2022
    •   "To an Athlete Dying Young" - The Sudden Deaths of Humanity's Fittest, Courageous Discourse with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake, 19 Oct 2022
    •   People Dying in Their Sleep Linked to Vaccines, Explains Dr. Peter McCullough, Cardiologist, Jennifer Margulis, The Epoch Times, 20 Oct 2022
    •   “CAUSE UNKNOWN” - The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022: Seeing Is Believing: What the Data Reveal About Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts Around the World, Gavin de Becker, The Defender, 9 Jan 2023
    •   1716 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1214 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection, Real Science, through Jan 2023
    •   COVID Intel by Dr. William Makis MD; Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General's Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.
132 Canadian doctors have died suddenly or unexpectedly since COVID-19 vaccine rollout Canadian Medical Associations maintain a conspiracy of silence: Part 1, Part 2, 18 Feb 2023
Top Vancouver cardiologist just died suddenly - is information on Canadian doctor sudden deaths being censored on the internet?, 19 Feb 2023
    •   Hollywood provides (while trying to hide) MORE proof that "vaccination" kills - The stars are also dying in unprecedented numbers (as the machine they work for wants us not to notice), News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller Subs, 13 May 2023

Hell [1/4] by Hieronymus Bosch
In Memory of Those Who Have “Died Suddenly”
Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground, 1 Feb 2022 to ongoing
2025 Jan Feb
2024 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2023 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2022   Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
At 1:47: “We have an experience with a mass-innoculation program and that was the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic where we had 220 million Americans—55 million had received an injection. The goal was to have everyone take it. But sadly there were roughtly 25 deaths that rose to 43 deaths and 550 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, an ascending paralysis. This was enough—and the reports in the news were unclear about causality—but it was enough, with no VAERS system, no twitter, no internet, the decision was: It’s not safe. We can’t ask people to walk into a center and take one of these and lose their life. So keep that in mind. The threshold in 1976 was 25 lives lost, ultimately rose to 43. Compensation was offerred to victims.
COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Efficacy and the Urgent Need for Early Ambulatory Therapy
—Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA, FASN, FNKF
Chief Medical Advisor, Truth for Health Foundation
Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology
Presentation in Fargo, North Dakota, 1 May 2022

Hell [2/4] by Hieronymus Bosch
How we've been tracking the reports of people "dying suddenly," and what our numbers show
A breakdown of our methodology (with some history of that obituary phrase), and a glance at how the media has been deployed to NORMALIZE this ongoing catastrophe
Mark Crispin Miller, NFU, 2 Oct 2023
Haven’t people ALWAYS just “died suddenly” like this, some readers ask me (anxiously)?
The answer is, most definitely, NO—as many other readers know full well
Mark Crispin Miller, NFU, 6 Apr 2022

Since I started posting weekly compilations of reports of “sudden deaths” in the US and worldwide, I’ve often noted that this horrid spike is quite unprecedented, bolstering that point with links to pieces demonstrating, indisputably, that all-cause mortality has been rising steadily since the rollout of this “vaccination” drive began. By now the evidence, both statistical and anecdotal, is too copious, and clear, to be denied, its meaning variously reconfirmed by VAERS, DMED (the US military database), athletic organizations, life insurance companies, doctors, morticians, first responders and, increasingly, anyone and everyone who isn’t living in denial of what’s happening all around us, sometimes daily, right before our eyes.

I’ve also often noted that “died suddenly” was, pre-COVID, an obituary euphemism for suicide or drug overdose, but that it now pops up in the media more than ever, and, for the most part, not as a tactful way to hint that the departed killed himself, or overdosed, but simply to report the chilling fact that the departed just dropped dead, and often with no cause of death reported—something that one rarely saw, pre-COVID (and even during “COVID”) in the press reports of people dying, unless they were quite old. In other words, “died suddenly,” and “died unexpectedly,” though still used in that former coded way, are now frighteningly apt descriptors of how people everywhere, and of all ages, have been passing on abruptly, here one moment and gone the next, though in ostensibly good health.

Finally, in putting out these compilations I have also noted often that, while all too many have “died suddenly” for no reported reason, many others have been felled by either cardiological mishap—heart attack, stroke, blood clots, cardiac arrest—or sudden aggressive cancers: two categories of fatal illness that are now both well-established as “adverse events” post-“vaccination.” This too is entirely new, especially when it comes to countless children “dying suddenly” of “massive” heart attacks, which, once upon a time, was as unusual as children dying of COVID in 2020.

However much I’ve tried to put these crucial points across, I often hear from people who demand some proof that this macabre uptick is unprecedented. They ask if it hasn’t always been like this, and urge me to seek like data from the years before the “vaccination” drive began, since, they assume (or hope), I’d surely find the same innumerable reports of people “dying suddenly” in, say, 2019, and 2010, and 1999, etc. Until they’ve seen such data, they imply, they can’t see that what’s happening today is anything to make a fuss about.

I agree that someone should go back and look into the media’s prior death reports, and hope that someone will, but not because I think there’s any need for it. I think someone should do it, but only to convince those nervous readers who prefer to think that this cascade of “sudden deaths” is no big deal. The reason why I’m not about to spend my time on such research is that I know this uptick is unprecedented, since I’ve been closely studying the press since the late Seventies, and so am grimly confident that what we’re seeing now is something that we’ve never seen before; and many of my readers know it, too.

Here, then, are three pertinent responses to my latest compilations, posted just today. If you have similar observations, please feel free to pass them on to me, either as a comment here or in an email (, letting me know if I have your permission to share your testimony.

From Michelle Abernathy (email):

I think it’s the deaths of multiple students at the same schools that really gets me. I went to many different schools throughout my childhood (military), and how many student deaths were there? Two. From elementary through college, I remember (and I have a keen memory) exactly two, and they were college friends in icy/wet road conditions. Apart from that: I remember one kid having to go in an ambulance for an asthma attack in middle school, my best friend having ambulatory help from a soccer game in high school, a friend’s little brother getting shot at close range by a shot gun (and miraculously having no serious injuries), a rare parental death from cancer or drugs, one college acquaintance being paralyzed from a neck injury, another college student having a heart episode, but no death (smaller college) fact, *I* was the only person I knew growing up who lost a parent unexpectedly (mother, pulmonary embolism in 1998). Two young students Dying spontaneously for no reason? How can people possibly over look this?! Sigh.

From Baker Charlie (Substack comment):

The car crash thing is really disturbing. Here in my neck of the woods in just 10 days time I have seen two crashes, both involving vehicles coming thru intersections that just veered off across traffic and into utility poles. One was a small car, the other a large dump truck. Judging from the impact, they must have been going fairly fast. I’ve also seen a lot of erratic driving as well, just yesterday I followed an SUV that was literally driving all over the road. Due to our rainfall here, we have little road shoulder and deep drainage ditches. I found myself yelling in horror as the SUV would drift over to the ditch, pulling out at last minute, sway over to the oncoming side, then run a stop sign. This was at midday on a relatively busy road. It’s crazy out there, accidents used to be occasional, like hearing ambulance sirens. Now it is weekly if not daily.

From Faye Wollaeger (email):

My son worked with this girl:
The camp he worked at with Kamrynn sent them all an email saying that she died from a "heart" problem. This death occurred early in the vaccine roll-out and it was a huge wake up call for my son. We as a family were never going to get this "vaccination" anyway but actually knowing someone who died was chilling. An added note to this situation: my unvaXXXed son went to that very same camp where he was a junior counselor to work for the summer and he was so bullied and ostracized by both other campers and the STAFF (!) that I went to pick him up after only a day and a half. The camp director did not want to hear ANYTHING about the danger of the vaXXXines and he dismissed my concerns regarding medical discrimination and harassment. I tried to tell him.... Now the camp REQUIRES 100% vaccination to attend or work at the camp. I hope there is a bench somewhere at the camp with Kamrynn’s name on it.....

Hell [3/4] by Hieronymus Bosch

Hell [4/4] by Hieronymus Bosch
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