Copyright © 1999 by David T. Ratcliffe
All rights reserved.
rat haus reality press, 45 Bexley Road, Roslindale, Massachusetts 02131
Printer and binder: Thomson-Shore, Inc.
1st edition, first printing.
ISBN 0-9673507-0-0
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 99-75115
Manufactured in the United States of America
on 60% recovered and 25% post-consumer waste recylced paper
with soy-based inks.
Formy parents, John and Elizabeth Ratcliffe,
who taught me to seek out life's infinite possibilities,and
all who strive to build a sustainable civilization
where nature, humanity, and technology manifest
a contemporary wholeness that serves and honors life.
Special Operations are an ad hoc creation -- probably
the strongest ad hoc creation in our government today.-- L. Fletcher Prouty, 1999
Table Of Contents
1. Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty's Military Experiences 1941-1963
Part I: 1941-1945
- Entering the Army, the Air Corps, and Air Transport Command
- Air Transport Command Pilot: North Africa
- Air Transport Command Pilot: the Middle East
- Air Transport Command Pilot: Eurasia
- Air Transport Command Pilot: the West Pacific
- On Okinawa: The Surrender of Japan,
and a 500,000 manpack Re-Routed to Korea and Indochina- 1946-1948: Inaugurating the Air Force's ROTC Program at Yale
- 1949-1950: Writing the First USAF ROTC text book on
Aeronautics and a Major Portion of Rockets and Guided Missiles- 1950-1951: A New Air Defense Command
- 1952-1954: Managing Tokyo International Airport
And Heavy-Transport Flying- 1955: Attending the Armed Forces Staff College
- 1955: Assignment to New Position of "Focal Point" Officer
for Air Force Support of U.S. Government Clandestine Operations- Coordination of the CIA: How Covert Operations Are Run
- The Suez Crisis of 1956
- The CIA in Europe
- Nuclear Warfare: the CIA becomes a Fourth Force
- Cuba, 1959-1960: From Over-The-Beach Work to Invasion
- Experiences of and Perspectives on the Bay of Pigs
- A Result of CIA Covert Military Commanders in Vietnam:
The League of Families for the Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia- JFK Prepares To Get Out Of Vietnam:
The Taylor/McNamara Trip Report of October 1963 and NSAM 263- The Murders of President Diem and Kennedy
- Explanation of the Office of Special Operations--
Military Services Providing Support to Government Clandestine Activities- The Economy Act of 1932: Handling The Money To Run Covert Operations
- Clarifying the Role of the National Security Agency (NSA)
- Abolishing the OSO and Moving Special Operations Into the JCS
2. Understanding The Secret Team in the Post-World War II Era
- In The Context of Its Time: The National Security Act of 1947
- The Creation of the National Security Council
- The Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report
- Opening the Door to CIA Clandestine Operations:
Shifting NSC Oversight from Directing to Approving Plans- The Function of the Director of Central Intelligence:
Coordinating Intelligence of the Government Intelligence Community- Clandestine Operations: Out of Control
If Not Directed by the National Security Council- Four Categories of Military Personnel Employed by CIA
- Final Chapter in the History of War Making:
Going From Offense to Defense- The Threat of Nuclear Weapons: Making War Planning Obsolete
- Creating a Manichaean Devil to Justify Spending $6 Trillion for a Cold War
- Secret Team Foundations:
Creation of the CIA Focal Point System Throughout The Government
- The Power of Indirection--
Military Units Financed and Controlled by the CIA- Secret Team Growth: Focal Point Personnel Assuming Broader Roles
- Obtaining Everything Money Can Buy: The CIA Act of 1949 and
Secretary of Defense Johnson's paper on Covert Operations- Employing the System of Reimbursement To Fund Unaccountable Activities
- Post WWII War Plans--CIA Begins Amassing
Its Own Stockpile of Military Equipment- From the Chairman of the JCS On Down: "where the CIA was concerned
there were a lot of things no one seemed to know"- The Importance of the CIA's Deputy Director of Support (DD/S) Side of the Agency
by the Time of the Bay Of Pigs- Congressional Non-Oversight of Agency Funding
and Executive Branch Responsibility for CIA- The Significance of the Sense of Infallibility
Leaders of the Agency Felt Imbued With- The ST Running A Government Of Reaction: Develop and Control
All Secret Intelligence, And Brief The President On It Every Day
- Allen Dulles: Forging a Government of Reaction
- Dispersion of the OSO, Creation of the Office of SACSA
- DOD Adoption of a Counterinsurgency Role in the late Eisenhower Years
- NSAM 55--JFK's Attempt to Get CIA out of Clandestine Operations
- Chairman of the JCS: Exit Lyman Lemnitzer, Enter Maxwell Taylor
- Bay of Pigs Post-Mortem and the Dynamics of Personality:
Allen Dulles, Maxwell Taylor, and Bobby Kennedy- Bay of Pigs Report: Taylor's Letter to the President
and the Origin of NSAM Nos. 55-57- Understanding the Military Assistance Program (MAP)
- The Little Red Book's Influence on General Stilwell and Lansdale
- MAP as a Sensor to React To
- MAP's Ultimate Manifestation: Iran
- The Secret Team: Far Beyond the Capability of the CIA
- An Impossible Contradiction: Covert Operations Must Be Deniable
3. A Very Special Operation: The Assassination of President Kennedy
Part I
- What Would Entail Conducting A Proper Murder Investigation?
- In Context: August-November 1963
- Cancelling Secret Service, Military, and Police Units
in Dallas and Inserting False Actors in Their Place- The Volume and Significance of the Photographic Evidence
- The Christchurch Star's Impact Upon the Facts of the Assassination
- The Existence of a High Cabal or Power Elite
- Magellan's Circumnavigation of the Globe:
The Philosophy That Derived From Knowing the World Was Finite- The Development of the East India Companies and "Proprietary" Colonies
- Inventorying Earth: Haileybury College and the Roles of Malthus and Darwin
- Two Books: The End of Economic Man and The Road To Teheran
- The Changing Nature of Warfare: From a Military to an Economic Basis
- Human History and the Composition of the High Cabal
- Building a Bridge: Trusting Ourselves to Know How to Work and Live Together
EpilogueAppendix A
Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G
Understanding Special Operations
And Their Impact on The Vietnam War Era
1989 Interview with L. Fletcher Prouty
Colonel USAF (Retired)
1999. Paper, 424 pp, index, $23.00 + $5 postage and handling.
ISBN 0-9673507-0-0
David T. Ratcliffe, Publisher
rat haus reality press
45 Bexley Road
Roslindale, Massachusetts 02131 USA