This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on the state of the world thought built. Alternatively, the 911 Analysis archive covers issues specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
2001 | 2002 | 2003
- Subject: Paul Robeson Jr. "The Paul Robeson Files"
21 May 2001More on Robeson from his son in 1999 in The Nation. Also links to home page for the Frank Olson project, another victim of MKULTRA testing.
Paul Robeson Jr. "The Paul Robeson Files"
20 December 1999
http://www.frankolsonproject.org/Articles/Robeson,%20Nation.htmlFrank Olson Legacy Project
http://www.frankolsonproject.org/The Mysterious 364th
Geoffrey F.X. O'Connell, 17 May 2001
http://www.cpcn.com/articles/051701/cs.coverstory1.shtmlHear the interview with Robeson's son on this
(you need Real Player if you don't have it).Did The CIA Drug Paul Robeson? - A Look at the Secret Program MKULTRA
Democracy NOW!, 1 July 1999
- Subject: A vast right wing conspiracy
25 May 2001This (7 May 2001) piece by Robert Parry of Consortium still softpedals the true depth of the right wing conspiracy and flying monkey circus that has taken charge. Clinton was not only hounded, he was set up as part of a clever intelligence operation run by long time operatives Lucianne Goldberg (NANA) and Linda Tripp (Army Intelligence and Delta Force. Still what is said here about the quisling press is worth repeating.
A Quisling Press Corps
Robert Parry, 7 May 2001
- Subject: [Fwd: [counter-recruitment] Kerry, Vietnam and the Need to Remember]
29 May 2001
To: counter-recruitment@yahoogroups.com
From: Harold Jordan <hjordan@afsc.org>I've been following with some interest the discussion growing out of the recent revelations from former Senator Kerry. I wanted to make folks aware of a resource we [American Friends Service Committee - Y and M Online News, a monthly newsletter about youth, war, and peace] produced last year in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the end of the war. We devoted a special issue of our on-line newsmagazine to the Vietnam War. The issue includes an annotated resource guide as well as several articles and reviews. It can be accessed at:
Special Issue: The Vietnam War - 25 Years Later
http://www.afsc.org/youthmil/html/news/may00/index.htmHarold Jordan
American Friends Service Committee
National Youth and Militarism Program
1501 Cherry St.
Philadelphia, PA 19102
web site: www.afsc.org/youthmil.htm
- Subject: Yeltsin's Oswald files
To: Counter Recrutiment <counter-recruitment@yahoogroups.com>
31 May 2001Friends,
Thought you might find this article interesting on the KGB records Yeltsin gave to Clinton. Chris Courwright will be attending the June 10 event and can talk further on this.From: "Chris Courtwright" <ChrisC@klrd.state.ks.us>
To: John Judge
Subject: Re: And We Are All Mortal - RSVP Now!Hi John -
Thanks for the responses. I saw where Clinton in fact had declassified the PFIAB records on his last day in office, an act which in and of itself is a good thing. But it begs the question of who now has the power to do that kind of thing (Dubya) in the absence of any successor entity to the ARRB. And of course the other notable example of post-ARRB confusion occurred when Yeltsin gave Clinton a bunch of the Soviet-era documents in 1999 in Germany.
Here's a link to an article I wrote back then. The link wasn't functioning as of this morning, so I am attempting to attach a hard copy to the body of the email, as well. (At the time I wrote this, I had not received the final letter from Gary Stern saying that the Archivist was going to wuss out of the issue.) Looking forward to talking about all of this more in Dallas.
The Father's Day Gift of Cologne
05 Jun 2001More in the ongoing debate. Some interesting statistics about the role the media played and the whipping boy it came for Al Haig later in insisting no frontline coverage of war ever again.
The Myth of the Media's Role in Vietnam
Jeff Cohen, 6 May 2001
- Subject: Changes to come?
06 Jun 2001
To: Counter Recrutiment <counter-recruitment@yahoogroups.com>What will this mean for size, recruitment, budget, weapons systems, etc? How can we insist that we are part of the debate and decision about what the military will look like?
Bush Outlines Defense Reforms
UPI, 25 May 2001
- Subject: The Consortium
07 Jun 2001Good recent article on the King assassination, the files still remain concealed on this important matter.
Who Killed Martin Luther King?
Douglas Valentine, 21 February 2000
- Subject: Doug Valentine on Ellsberg
07 Jun 2001Put on your thinking caps, mine is a bit loose. An interesting tangle of characters and stories if I ever read one. No wonder Ellsberg doesn't talk about the Kennedy assassination.
The Clash of the Icons
Douglas Valentine, December 1998
- Subject: Finally, we approach the truth
09 Jun 2001Soldiers, Strategists Return To Cuba To Clarify Bay Of Pigs Events
Documents Suggest Invasion Was Intended To Fail By CIA
To Push President Kennedy Into Sending In U.S. Troops
- Subject: No space for peace?
09 Jun 2001Defense Aims For Orbit
Future defense strategy will take more advantage
of America's dominance in space.
- Subject: Narco-dollars
09 Jun 2001
From: "helen watt" <helen_watt@hotmail.com>This piece, IN MY OPINION, gets PARTICULARLY interesting appxly 1/4 down under the heading "Recycling Narco-Dollars." From there on in, it makes for great reading.
Washington Finances Ethnic Warfare in the Balkans
Michel Chossudovsky, 3 April 2001
- Subject: Somebody noticed
20 Jul 2001I remember hearing of the "thousands of votes languishing on ships at sea" that suddenly were rushed in to save Bush, with no date stamps on them. As usual, the Pentagon decides the election.
New York Times documents military role in theft of 2000 election
Barry Grey, 19 July 2001
- Subject: Zogby News! JFK Assassination Poll
11 Aug 2001Here's a chart about the Zogby poll cited on NBC's today show saying that 68% of Americans believe a conspiracy killed JFK, a figure even Gerald Posner found hard to believe, knowing as he must that over 90% believe it. NBC is attempting to portray a massive shift in public opinion about the conspiracy, with no foundation for such a change. Clearly the poll is flawed.
A JFK conspiracy?
20 June 2001
- Subject: [Fwd: Drug politics. Peter Dale Scott.]
13 Aug 2001Somewhat dated, but a great summary on CIA drug traffic and counterinsurgency links. Scott has finished a long poem about Indonesia and the CIA slaughter there. He is working now on new information on the JFK assassination, and has a finished manuscript comparing Columbia and Vietnam interventions that is seeking a printer. He will be at our Dallas meeting to speak.
Washington and the politics of drugs
Peter Dale Scott, Summer 2000
- Subject: Empire or Not? A Quiet Debate Over U.S. Role
21 Aug 2001The glove is coming off the fist. This split in the powers that be speaks volumes. Ricks, the writer, just finished a book called A Soldier's Duty and on radio here warned about a professional military elite that does not take an oath to the President but to "the Constitution". He is not naming the principals, just their intellectual cohorts. The battle seems to be whether you flaunt it or not, but the battle is a real one. Don't miss this one.
Empire or Not? A Quiet Debate Over U.S. Role
By Thomas E. Ricks, August 21, 2001
- Subject: Democracy at the barricades
23 Aug 2001This one hits the nail on the head. Susan George is the author of the excellent book, How the Other Half Dies.
THE GENOA PROTESTS - Democracy at the Barricades
By Susan George, August 2001
- Subject: Bush-CIA-Nazi connection makes the mainstream media
15 Nov 2001Also back up to http://baltech.org/lederman/ for a list of more of his articles.
Bush-CIA-Nazi connection makes the mainstream media
3 May 2001
- Subject: Dr. Charles Crenshaw
18 Nov 2001A loss to the research community of a very qualified witness at Parkland Hospital and a courageous man who spoke the truth despite the consequences. As you know, he was scheduled to speak at the COPA Regional Meeting this year. We will miss him, and we regret his passing.
Charles Andrew Crenshaw M.D., F.A.C.S. 1933 - 2001
Obituary Notices, Fort Worth Star-Telegram
- Subject: [Fwd: Shots from the front: Charles A. Crenshaw believed that Oswald wasn't lone gunman]
20 Nov 2001Dr. Aguilar, the co-author of a new book with Dr. Crenshaw, and Brad Kizzia, his attorney in the JAMA suit and since, will fill in for Dr. Crenshaw at our regional meeting on Saturday. He was there, he told the truth about what he saw.
JFK doctor dies
Charles A. Crenshaw believed that Oswald wasn't lone gunman
by Drake Witham and Linda Stewart Ball, Dallas Morning News, 19 Nov 2001
- Subject: Dallas Morning News: Eyewitness's reasoned view: No conspiracy
26 Nov 2001Dear Jaquielynn Floyd,
I read your recent piece in the Dallas Morning News about Mr. Brandt, and I know a bit about his story and his recollections. I am writing to dispell your notion that there is nothing more to learn about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and that the proliferation of theories as well as research into a conspiracy in the case makes all of them wrong. . . .
Full Text of JJ's letter to JF
Eyewitness's reasoned view: No conspiracy
by Jacquielynn Floyd, The Dallas Morning News, 20 Nov 2001
- Subject: Re: [Fwd: The Dallas Morning News:
Eyewitness's reasoned view: No conspiracy]
29 Nov 2001John Judge mail responding to GSG (below):
From: John Judge
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 01:49:59 -0500What you call "the obvious" is not hard to accept, it is just impossible to prove. No matter what you speculate about Oswald (and I must assume you didn't know him well enough to make these guesses), you cannot put him on the sixth floor of the TSBD at the time of the shooting, prove he fired a rifle that day, prove he owned the rifle and pistol alleged to be the "official weapons", demonstrate that the shots are possible using that rifle, explain the medical and ballistic evidence of a shot from the front as well as from the back, or create the wounds and other damage done by bullets that day without at least two people firing. That is the baseline evidence of a conspiracy.
Much of Jim Garrison's investigation and charges is being vindicated by the new files, I suggest you read DiEugenio's Destiny Betrayed and Bill Davy's Let Justice Fall. Penn Jones did more original research on the case than you ever will, and was an honest journalist. Groden compiled a great deal of good photographic evidence showing the official version is wrong, and worked to preserve and make public the visual record of that event. Is there something wrong with selling photos on a street corner? Is there a rule you have to be in the middle of the street? Groden certainly knows the case better than Mr. Brandt does.
Your snideness and innuendo are not argument or evidence of anything. Try reading a few books, like Sylvia Meagher's Accessories After the Fact, or Howard Roffman's Presumed Guilty, or Peter Dale Scott's Deep Politics in the Death of JFK. Why is it so hard to imagine that more than a lone nut might have planned or plotted to kill President Kennedy when he was bucking the major political forces and institutions in those years?
There is and has been a growing body of hard evidence that both debunks the Warren Commission and proves a conspiracy for many long years. I don't know what you have been doing with your time since then, I've been reading and researching.
John Judge
GSG letter regarding John Judge letter to Jacqueline Flood
GSG wrote:
Perhaps the author of the e-mail to which I am referring has not read any of Robert Groden's "excellent books", or if he has, the author undoubtedly has no idea of what an excellent book really is. Groden is a self-serving, self-styled "expert" in photographic analysis, who at one time was selling photos on a Dallas street corner. His credentials as a photo analysist were debunked when he was a witness for the defense in the O. J. Simpson civil trial,
Jim Garrison? Penn Jones? These are supposed to be credible investigators and writers?
May I suggest that we remember the life and legacy of JFK, instead of trying to dredge up mysterious conspirators and devious plots in his death.
Why is it so difficult the accept the obvious: that Lee Harvey Oswald, a misfit who wanted to achieve greatness, assured his place in history by killing the President.
Where is the solid evidence of a conspiracy?
Cleveland, TNMail followup from David Cogswell (reprinted with permission)
Great letter John [see JJ mail to JF], horrible article. You got me inspired and I fired off a letter to her myself. Here it is:
Dear Ms Floyd,
Your profile of Mr. Brandt has some interest as a personality sketch. If he were a butterfly collector, it would matter less that you stayed entirely on the surface and never delved into the substance of the huge subject you opened up. You pass on his conclusions about a matter that is still controversial with far-reaching implications, with nothing more to back them up than a character study of the man who holds the conclusions.
He seems like a nice enough man and probably sincere in his beliefs, though it takes a little more than that for me to adopt his beliefs wholesale, and I think it should for you too. Your attitude of blasé indifference toward the subject of the assassination would seem to disqualify you from drawing conclusions and passing them on in a context that some may assume is authoritative. It reminds me of reviewers who pan a work of art without taking the trouble to learn about what is behind it.
It is certainly more comforting to pass off the assassination as the work of one whacko who just got so lucky his shots performed murderous miracles. And it's fine for you to hold on to the more comforting thought. It really doesn't fit with the facts, however. I have no idea how Mr. Brandt came to his conclusions and your article made no effort to answer that question. It only said he had studied the subject at length and that was his conclusion. I'm always curious how a person could reason from the facts to that conclusion.
Some day you might want to delve into the subject yourself. It certainly does hold some fascination. A vast majority have always rejected the official conclusion because it was so riddled with flaws. Even the House of Representatives concluded it was a conspiracy in the Committee on Assassinations in the 1970s, but the establishment media tend to embrace the Warren Report's elaborately constructed lone assassin theory, apparently because of the disturbing political implications of a conspiracy that involved highly placed officials.
Did you ever see the Zapruder film? It was hidden away in a vault for the first several years after the assassination so the population didn't have the benefit of seeing with their own eyes how Kennedy was thrown backwards like a rag doll hit with a cannonball when he was shot. How anyone can see that and conclude he was shot from the rear is a testament to how a belief can overrule what is plain as day to the senses.
If you ever get curious, take a look at Crossfire by Jim Marrs, another Texan who teaches a university course about the assassination. It's quite fascinating and full of facts that will show you what all the fuss is about. It's at least worth the trouble to take a look at the arguments. It may enhance your perspective and help you to be a more canny observer of current affairs.
Best wishes,
David Cogswell
Hoboken, NJ
- Subject: "McGehee v. CIA" - The Jonestown File
5 Dec 2001Though I do not share the "socialist" premise, or the CIA denial conclusions, there is interesting new information on Jonestown in here.
"McGehee v. CIA"
Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple
by Rebecca Moore
- Subject: CIA-Drug Symposium: Daniel Hopsicker
5 Dec 2001New book, Barry and `the boys,' links David Ferrie and Barry Seal, not sure on credibility, but interesting.
CIA-Drug Symposium: Daniel Hopsicker
- Subject: Vietnam Environmental Conference
9 Dec 2001We haven't cleaned up our last messes yet, now we are planning new ones. There is a pattern here. War is a laboratory to test weapons and people alike. Both GI's and the enemy are guinea pigs. The ecocide, etnocide and genocide in Vietnam is still an unassessed heritage of our war there. Agent Orange, Gulf War syndrome and the new bio-weapons in Colombia take their toll on GI's and the population being attacked. We have unleashed so much death in the world, and weapons that just keep on killing decades down the line. Afghanistan was already dealing with 10 million land mines, now there is new unexploded anti-personnel cluster bombs as well. I am sure depleted uranium weapons are part of the picture there too. Here is a look back at the technology of death we rained down on a small country 40 years ago.
Vietnam Environmental Conference
International Conference on the Long-Term
Environmental Consequences of the Vietnam War
Stockholm * 26-28 July 2002 http://www.nnn.se/vietnam/environ.htm
- Subject: JFK photos lost in WTC
10 Dec 2001Incredible! The dust continues to settle.
Photo negatives from Kennedy years lost in trade center debris.
by Frank Eltman, AP, 6 Dec 2001
- Subject: RFK Assassination: Judge tentatively rejects bid to turn L.A.'s Ambassador hotel into school
10 Dec 2001Times always change.
Judge tentatively rejects bid to turn L.A.'s Ambassador hotel into school
AP, 28 Nov 2001
- Subject: The Secret History of World War II
17 Dec 2001ABC Corporation, the firm set up after WWII (American, British Canadian) by Donovan and Dulles, served this same purpose for ongoing covert operations.
Part VII
Cloaked Business
Files reveal how Allied firms dealt with Axis through cover of other companies
by Mark Fritz, Boston Globe, 19 Nov 2001
- Subject: Holocaust-era art collection beckons heir
31 Dec 2001Another sort of justice.
Holocaust-era art collection beckons heir
One restitution could open door to other cases
A suburban Chicago man plans to claim valuable paintings
accumulated by his great-great-uncle and stolen by the Nazis
by Howard Reich, Chicago Tribune arts critic, 30 Dec 2001
- Subject: Evidence Contrived in the Prosecution of Al-Amin
6 Jan 2002Did COINTELPRO ever end? Aschroft wants it back in force. H. Rap Brown speaks out over a gag order and is charged with contempt of court for proclaiming his innocence.
The Al-Amin Trail -- Murder Case against former H. Rap Brown
More than a man on trial
Ability to ensure justice for all is at stake
by Lateef Mungin, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 6 Jan 2002
Prosecution argues Al-Amin broke gag order with letter to congregation
by Lateef Mungin, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 5 Jan 2002
Text of Al-Amin's letter to congregation
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 5 Jan 2002
- One Year After The Shooting
Al-Amin `resilient' as dream crumbles
by Mae Gentry, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 16 Mar 2001
Al-Amin: A life layered with irony
by Jim Auchmutey, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 18 Mar 2001
Facts, key events in life of Al-Amin
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 18 Mar 2001
Al-Amin supporters blast police
Blood evidence gone; it may have cleared him
by Steve Visser, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 28 Mar 2001
Trial of Al-Amin may test community
by Ernie Suggs, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 9 Sep 2001
Al-Amin On Trial
by Ernie Suggs and Jill Young Miller, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 10 Sep 2001
- Subject: The latest "solution" on JFK
7 Jan 2002I am wary of the bona fides of these documents, having seen a similarly hyped "top secret" list of "CIA agents" supposedly produced from a computer data-base of Robert Crowley some years back which turned out to be the Association of Former Intelligence Officer member list (with perhaps 12 unverifiable additions), which was already part of Dan Brandt's NameBase database. However, thought you would want to know about this latest "solution".
Regicide, The Official Assassination of John F. Kennedy
by Gregory Douglas
"With documentation compiled by Robert Crowley, former Assistant Deputy Director for Clandestine Operations of the CIA
- Subject: Ritalin's effects
11 Jan 2002I worked for ten years with the international movement of victims of forced drugging, toxic drugging, electroshock, insulin shock and lobotomy / psychosurgery, and other forms of invasive and destructive "therapy". Seven million children are forced to take Ritalin now by the school systems.
This article exposes some of its potency and brain-damaging effects. It was exposed that the diagnostic terms Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) were created in collusion with the pharmaceutical industy that then claimed Ritalin would "cure" them. This brings multi-billion dollars in profits to these huge industries, like Pharmica, which has several representatives in the White House chain of command at present.
Whatever "benefit" is supposedly derived from this massive drugging of young people, whose brains are even more vulnerable than adults and still growing, it must be weighed against the simple fact that for hundreds of years we have had schools and children and communities that have survived, grown, and been educated without these drugs. There are other alternatives.
I, for one, hope that Oppositional Defiance Dis/order is never cured. I also hope that the pure joy that children have in learning and matching their creative curiosity with the tools they need will not be buried in institutional warehouses that are merely trying to control them for several hours a day. The "attention deficit" is on the part of a society that cannot overcome the damage done by lack of community and family support and tv-driven consciousness to allow education to take place.
Children's drug is more potent than cocaine
by Jean West, Observer [UK], 9 Sep 2001
- Subject: New Contract with the Planet
17 Jan 2002I am currently working with Avenging Angels, a communications resource company for progressive groups. We have initiated A New Contract With the Planet, a ten point program that includes the concerns of diverse progressive organizations, as well as the critical changes that provide "New Jobs for Old Glory". The ad ran as a two-page spread in the last issue of The Nation, encouraging groups to sign on to the campaign. This platform addresses key issues of militarism, poverty, ecology, alternative energy, civil liberties and foreign policy at this turning point in our history. Other forces are working hard to push the country far to the right and to undermine any progressive agenda. Please take a look at this website and discuss this campaign with your organization for endorsement. For more information, sign in at the website or contact me.
Contract with the Planet
- Subject: USEC - privatizing uranium?
20 Jan 2002This used to be the province of the Defense Industrial Security Command and the NRC. Like all else, it is being privatized now to the detriment of any real security, which was already compromised by DISC by shipping bomb grade plutonium to South Africa and other client states. Anybody have more on this one?
Doesn't it somehow fit eerily into the ENRON web -- creating an energy crisis to trump up a phony excuse to rebirth nuclear power plants, creating needs in which a market is covertly controlled for power and greed. Who is involved in the USEC and are they the same players as the ENRON group? Is Cheney involved? I'm certain smarter people can enlarge theTracking the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC)
- Subject: Studies in Intelligence - Max Holland's Chicanery
29 Jan 2002Max Holland is still trying to peddle this absurd notion that Paese Sera's article on Permindex was the only reason Garrison or others believed there was CIA involvement in the JFK assassination, and that this alone is the basis for Oliver Stone's film and for the public suspicions. Those of us in the research community know how small the circle of Americans is that have ever heard of Permindex or it's relation to Clay Shaw and the JFK events. Holland's thesis is allegedly based on his
"scholarly detective work makes perhaps the best use to date of the rich inventory of documents that were declassified at the direction of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB)."
I suppose he's never noticed John Newman's book based on the same "rich inventory" called Oswald and the CIA, which never mentions Permindex at all. Those of us slammed by Holland from the start of COPA, and present at the ARRB hearings and events, knew his agenda was set not on "scholarship" but on attack. His main push back then was to be sure files were released on RFK, which he and Guss Russo hoped would prove another false thesis that JFK's murder was "blowback" from RFK's alledged plots against Castro.
Holland is reduced, as was Russon, to relying on notes, minutes and reminiscenses of the likes of Gen. Edward Lansdale, Richard Helms, William Casey and the pantheon of "honorable men", who of course would never engage in deception of any kind about history. Maybe every awful suspicion we have about the good old USA and its intelligence apparatus is due to a slander campaign by the KGB, but you can't convince anyone who has done a bit of homework. Expect more of the same and worse from this source, and be ready to counter it.
We know much more now about Operation Gladio and the Propaganda Due covert operations aimed at stopping communists from ever being elected in Italy, with a great deal of help from the American CIA. And we know much more about Shaw (Destiny Betrayed by Jim DiEugenio, and Let Justice Fall by Bill Davy, and more to come from the files) and his relation to intelligence and the assassination plots. The new files do more to bear out Garrison's thesis than to discount it. There is still an ongoing interest in the publishing world in any book that discounts Garrison or Oliver Stone, who told his story in the film JFK. But you have to ask yourself which organization has planted the most disinformation in the press about the death of JFK, here and abroad, the KGB or the CIA?
The Power of Disinformation
The Lie That Linked CIA to the Kennedy Assassination
by Max Holland
- Subject: The Lodger
31 Jan 2002An important item in the Post Book World. Lardner is now retired but still contributes. He comes on stronger now about the acoustics proving a second gunman. The book and he cover up Mrs. Paine's intelligence ties though, and Michael's.
The Lodger
'Mrs. Paine's Garage: And the Murder of John F. Kennedy' by Thomas Mallon
Reviewed by George Lardner Jr., Washington Post, 27 January 27 2002
- Subject: New JFK Research Forum
3 Feb 2002Since the former JFK Research group online is now charging a fee to be a member, Bill Kelly and I set up this simple Yahoo Groups site for serious researchers into this case (and other cases). Not looking for a debate, just a forum to share ongoing evidence and discussion about the covert operations and deep politics behind the murders. The site allows posted messages (moderated), posted photos, calendar events and more, including a chat room that could be scheduled for regular gatherings. Membership needs prior approval, but let me know at the site if you want to join. Hope it is useful for us all. Email to the group should be sent to JFKassassination@yahoogroups.com.
- Subject: DoD Films: Part 5 - Flying Disk Aircraft Programs
3 Feb 2002I have long contended that "UFO's" are really terrestrial craft, developed by Nazi scientists first in WWII, and used but kept secret by the US when they were brought here and to Canada to continue their work. I call them Unrecognized Fascist Observatories, and they are part of what I call hidden technology. William S. Burroughs said, "If this was the middle ages and Magellan was an American, and he discovered that the world was round not flat, we wouldn't tell anyone so we could attack from the rear." That's the mentality.
Anyway, here is a list of unclassified (much more is not) DOD films of flying discs, including the Avrocar model. We are supposed to think they are either swamp gas reflections or men from Mars. When I studied the reports in the Pentagon library, though, they were coming in and out of military bases in most situations. Does this mean there is not intelligent life on other planets? I hope not, having found so little here. It just means that "flying saucers" are not evidence of their existence, and that "alien abductions" are not likely. After all, if you are smart enough to cross interstellar space to get here, wouldn't you be smart enough to turn around?
From: Michael Ravnitzky
To: ire-l@lists.missouri.edu, foi-l@listserv.syr.edu
Subject: DoD Films: Part 5 - Flying Disk Aircraft Programs
Part 5 - Flying Disk Aircraft
by Michael Ravnitzky
Avrocar I Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report,
Feb. 1958 - May 1959
Film Number USAF 29668
Flying Disk Aircraft Classified Film - CLASSIFIED
Film Number USAF 29669
Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report
Film Number USAF 29670
Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report
Film Number USAF 29671
Avrocar Vehicle Manufacture
Film Number USAF 29672
Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report
Film Number USAF 29673
Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report
Film Number USAF 29675
Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report
Film Number USAF 29676
Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report
Film Number USAF 31347
Advanced Pyewacket Progress
Film Number USAF 28520
Any of these films may be requested from:
Freedom of Information Act Director
telephone: (703) 697-1160
Directorate for Freedom of Information
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301
William G. Lewis, Archivist
Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
- Subject: WashingtonPost.com: Watergate
3 Feb 2002Restrospectives from the original water muddiers.
Revisiting Watergate
- Subject: Hollywood changes movies to please the military
3 Feb 2002The Pentagon-Hollywood axis, how the movies are censored for war.
Top Gun versus Sergeant Bilko?
No contest, says the Pentagon
by Duncan Campbell, The Guardian, 29 Aug 2001
- Subject: Roger and Me - Clinton and Vatican Bank?
3 Feb 2002Sindona financed by the Gambino family, interesting.
Subject: Roger and Me
Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2001 07:36:05 -0400
Check out the links, below, in this story to "God's Banker," the Vatican and Sindona!
Roger and Me
Rosario Gambino, beneficiary of Roger Clinton's lobbying largesse, has local roots.
by Jim Barry, Philadelphia citypaper.net, 6 Sep 2001
- Subject: Where Star Wars Came From
21 Feb 2002This item should be filed with Time Magazine's "Where Are They Now?" piece on General Walter Dohrnberger in 1960 revealing his plans then for satellites circling the planet with nuclear weapons. Both LeMay and Dohrnberger played key roles in killing JFK in my view. Thanks to Kenn Thomas for this item in his "Things Are Gonna Slide" column.
Kenn Thomas, Steamshovel Press
- Subject: Harold Weisberg will be missed
26 Feb 2002Weisberg was an early recipient of the Sylvia Meagher award from COPA, and an idefatiguable researcher into the JFK and MLK murders. He was an inspiration and resource for many more recent researchers into the murders. His work is preserved at Hood College library in Maryland. His later unpublished works have been preseved on CD I understand. Once I know more, I will provide the contact information. He broke ground, and understood the details of the cases, and his body of work stands against the Warren Commission and the FBI versions like a stone. He will be missed.
Harold Weisberg; Denounced Warren Commission Findings
by Adam Bernstein, Washington Post, 23 Feb 2002
- Subject: Ashcroft Urges Caution With FOIA Requests
3 Mar 2002Here's the original article about Ashcroft's offer of the Justice Department's muscle against FOIA, and his request that any "significant requests" lead to "consultation" with his office. Bush followed this with a claim of secrecy for past Presidential papers at the whim of those who follow them into office. The more secrecy the better according to the Bush team. After all, there's a war on
Ashcroft Urges Caution With FOIA Requests
Associated Press, 17 Oct 2001
- Subject: Tom Harkin: Nuclear Fallout Study
4 Mar 2002What goes around comes around, and these weapons kill in the making, testing and use, and then in the waste they create.
Nuclear Fallout Study
Senator Tom Harkin 1997 hearings to explore the findings of a report indicating that a radioactive element, Iodine-131, had been spread all over the United States as a result of America's above-ground nuclear testing in the 50's and 60's.
http://www.senate.gov/~harkin/specials/20020301-fallout.cfmSee Also: Downwinder's section on:
- Subject: Collateral Brain Damage
4 Mar 2002The Pentagon Hollywood Axis and how it works. Recently released "We Were Soldiers" is an apologia for the genocide in Vietnam made like a Battan film from WWII with the same apolitical unit morality and tears back home at the base among the officer's wives. Human suffering is human suffering, but setting up military bases in another country, after refusing to allow elections and establishing a dictatorial regime ten years before, doesn't make us an "innocent bystander" to the local response. However rewriting Vietnam and overcoming the "syndrome" (i.e. anti-war sentiment and repulsion at genocide) is critical right now for the coming generation.
Collateral Brain Damage -- The Hollywood Propaganda Ministry
by Alex Constantine, Scheduled for the July 2000 issue of High Times
- Subject: MIT team tied to questionable missile studies
9 Mar 2002Too much money in this game to not rig the results.
MIT team tied to questionable missile studies
by David Abel, Boston Globe, 4 Mar 2002
- Subject: Professor Don C. Wiley Obtituary
9 Mar 2002And nary a word on how he died? The Howard Hughes Medical Institute requires a lifelong secrecy agreement signed by all researchers. It was a continuation of the hoax that Hughes existed when in fact the CIA and Mormon Mafia were running the show. Mae Brussell thought the Hughes Center, which like NSA is windowless, was a site for covert research on mind control and possibly AIDS.
Professor Don C. Wiley Obituary
Harvard College, 21 Dec 2001
- Subject: Ruth Paine's act of kindness thrust her into national tragedy
17 Mar 2002Yet another retelling of the myth. Michael and Ruth Paine have much to answer for, but not in the way this article plays it.
Ruth Paine's act of kindness thrust her into national tragedy
by Michael Granberry, The Dallas Morning News, 17 Mar 2002
- Subject: Was There A Conspiracy?
24 Mar 2002Yes, Hillary, there is a conspiracy, a vast right-wing conspiracy, but it goes way beyond the goons who tried to discredit your husband and even beyond Mellon-Scaife and the other funders of the conservative propaganda machine. I saw Brock on C-SPAN today, and was bemused by his shocked recognition, after years of toadying, that these reactionary goons will lie, cheat, steal and smear. But the real conspiracy behind "Monicagate" (around here is was called "Zippergate") was centered in the two women who began the scandal and exposed the affair:
Linda Tripp (GS-13 Army Intelligence, White House leftover from the Bush years, former personal secretary to Richard Secord and the Delta Force covert operations that led into Contragate), who began taping her calls from Monica.
Lucianne Goldberg (North American Newspaper Alliance stringer/operative). NANA was a spy operation since it's formation by Ian Fleming's British Intelligence circle, postwar US intelligence figure Ernest Cuneo -- mentor to Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson, the masters of selective declassification -- and Texas oil man Ivor Bryce, when Lucianne's husband Sidney Goldberg was hired by Fleming to be the "Russian desk". Sidney in turn employed Priscilla Johnson (later McMillan) to interview the "defector" Lee Harvey Oswald in Moscow, at the urging of her Office of Naval Intelligence plant at the US Embassy there, Richard Snyder, and also Aline Mosby, who did a similar job establishing ONI "defector" Oswald's credentials. Lucianne continued planting disinformation through NANA, took a job with the Watergate CREEPs, working to dig out dirt on Nixon's political opponents in the 1972 election, and more recently served as a publicity agent for LAPD racist cop Mark Furman in the OJ Simpson spectacle.
These two are part of the real conspiracy, the assassination by innuendo and scandal of a President, by two experienced intelligence handlers. Monica may have been victim or ally, it remains to be seen. The right wing was more than happy to pick up the trail and send in the bloodhounds, and no doubt were contacted to do just that. But the removal of a President from office is not left to the dogs, they send in the professionals. As always, there is more to the story. But on Clinton's inauguration day, George H W Bush, known as "Poppy" to the family, left town and the White House saying, "I'll give him his term, then I'm coming back." And, here we are.
Was there a Conspiracy?
by Denis Mueller, March 2002
- Subject: Jan Rainwater
27 Mar 2002Formerly a board member of COPA, Jan Rainwater continues her work on exposing hidden history. I recommend her work.
Progressive Politics
Research and Commentary by Janette Rainwater
- Subject: The CIA: Audiotapes, Videos, Books and Articles
27 Mar 2002Note once more the clever mix of credible sources and the fringe information and right wing tripe.
The CIA: Audiotapes, Videos, Books and Articles
- Subject: Philip Agee: Producing the Proper Crisis
27 Mar 2002Agee holds forth on the Gulf War, some insightful comments mixed with his usual "passport" problems. From the same source who mixes left wing information with right wing conclusions and comments. He concludes by saying that the US was never meant to be a democracy and that democracies corrupt governments. Instead, we have to be a republic, though how that is run in his mind is unclear. By "patriots" no doubt, once all the "traitors" are hung. This quote on the JFK matter [from another article on the same site --ratitor] should tell you enough:
"There have, of course, been men of outstanding moral stature, for example, Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan Jr, U.S. Senator George Mitchell and President John F. Kennedy (whose assassination in 1961, probably involving the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, military intelligence, American supporters of Israel and two future U.S. Presidents, Nixon and Bush Sr., was the first coup d'etat in the history of the U.S.)"Just gotta blame those Jews somehow!
Producing the Proper Crisis
A Talk by Philip Agee, Z Magazine, Nov 1999
- Subject: Defense Department Agency Severs Its Ties to an Elite Panel of Scientists
27 Mar 2002This interesting article is one of many that are cited in Steve Aftergood's Secrecy News (at http://www.fas.org/sgp/news/secrecy/) from Federation of American Scientists. Here is how to get it online:
Secrecy News is written by Steven Aftergood and published by the Federation of American Scientists. To SUBSCRIBE to Secrecy News, send email to majordomo@lists.fas.org with this command in the body of the message: "
subscribe secrecy_news
".Good reading
Defense Department Agency Severs Its Ties to an Elite Panel of Scientists
by James Glanz, New York Times, 23 Mar 2002
- Subject: Book Claims IBM Holocaust Link
29 Mar 2002Edwin Black has done good work on unearthing just one of many American corporate links to fascism at the time. Mussolini said fascism should be defined as "corporatism plus reaction".
Book Claims IBM Holocaust Link
Reuters, 27 Mar 2002
31 Mar 2002A recent article by Edwin Black reveals more about IBM and the Nazis, only one of many American corporations which worked on the side of fascism, from those days to this.
How IBM Helped Automate the Nazi Death Machine in Poland Final Solutions
by Edwin Black, Village Voice, 27 Mar 2002
- Subject: William Walker And The Jesuit Massacre Cover-Up
31 Mar 2002If it ain't broke, you don't fix it. See what you make of this.
William Walker And The Jesuit Massacre Cover-Up
by John Flaherty and Jared Israel, Emperors Clothes, 22 Mar 2002
with full text of 60 Minutes TV exposé
- Subject: New MLK Assassination Suspect
6 Apr 2002The following story appeared on the newswire recently concerning a "confession" by an alleged King assassination plotter. It is not credible in my view because it reduces the plot to the Ku Klux Klan and a $100,000 payoff. Note that the confessor waited until all the other plotters were dead, and plans to do a book. Also note that the FBI is "taking this very seriously", even though they are "not investigating" any link to Wilson's father. The timing of the confession guarantees news coverage.
In any case, there may be a modicum of either truth or falsehood in the story that can enlighten. King's case remains unsolved and the files unreleased. But it seems canaries sing for their suppers quite often following the lines in songbooks we already wrote. King's family has no comment.
Work continues on two ideas that sprang from the November COPA conference. An International Network of Deep Politics Researchers (INDPR) has formed to share information on the real history and events of September 11, 2001. Also, a proposed tabloid of current information and research on the three major assassinations is being assembled for printing prior to the 40th anniversary of the JFK assassination in 2003. Next year will also mark the 35th anniversaries of the MLK and RFK killings, and we might want to organize small meetings in Memphis and Los Angeles, as we did on the 30th anniversary, hoping to get some press and keep interest alive. Let me know if you are interested in such meetings. Work continues on the release of the MLK records with Rep. Cynthia McKinney's office as well.
John Judge
for COPAFBI Considers MLK Shooting Claim
by Ron Wood, Associated Press, 3 Apr 2002
- Subject: Chomsky's take on the recent Israeli attacks
8 Apr 2002A very condensed version of the source of the problem. In the Gulf War, we moved the base of operations to Saudi, now we are shifting to Uzbekistan. The comparison with other settler states is apt in my view.
Chomsky's take on the recent Israeli attacks
Interviewed by Michael Albert, ZNet, 2 Apr 2002
- Subject: Hugo Chavez: A Servant Not Knowing his Place
13 Apr 2002Since when does the military care if 13 demonstrators are killed?
The CIA and the Venezuela Coup
Hugo Chavez: A Servant Not Knowing his Place
by William Blum, Counterpunch, 14 Apr 2002
- Subject: Regicide in print
13 Apr 2002I can't vouch for the credibility of this one, have my doubts. But wanted folks to know it is out.
Hello everyone!
REGICIDE is in!We have just received our shipment of the new book Regicide, by Gregory Douglas.
(5187) Douglas, Gregory: Regicide. Published in 2002, by Monte Sano Media in Huntsville, Alabama, 220 pages, $20.00. Hardcover Fine/Fine DJ. Documentation compiled by Robert T. Crowley, former assistant deputy director for Clandestine Operations of the CIA. JFK was removed with the help, approval and/or knowledge of the FBI, Joint Chiefs, LBJ, under the aegis of the CIA. They did this because he thwarted plans to go to war with Cuba. Includes a list of CIA and other intelligence sources from the mid-1990s.
Please call Andy Winiarczyk, at 570-321-1150, to order this book.
We will be sending a more complete April 2002 update next week.Andrew Winiarczyk
The Last Hurrah Bookshop
37 Memorial Ave.
Williamsport, PA 17701
- Subject: King, on LBJ tapes, said he feared a `race war'
14 Apr 2002Interesting exchange between LBJ and King.
King, on LBJ tapes, said he feared a `race war'
by Jim Vertuno, Associated Press, 13 Apr 2002
- Subject: Chavéz Comeback Exposes U.S. Government & Media Lies
14 Apr 2002Does anyone see an old pattern here? They had lots of reasons to get rid of Chavez
Chavéz Comeback Exposes U.S. Government & Media Lies
by D. Baatar, Jared Israel, Nestor Gorojovsky & Nico Varkevisser, Emperor's Clothes, 14 Apr 2002
- Subject: Deep Politcs network
14 Apr 2002The attached article is an interesting review of Hollywood and Kruschev, in life and in portrayals. The review of 13 Days is especially telling, with the text of what the Joint Chiefs said after JFK left the room following a confrontation on the Cuban Missile Crisis and his refusal to go into nuclear war, the microphone was still running. Maybe Shoup needs to be put back into the loop of suspicion on JFK. He later spoke out against the Vietnam war and he was at his physical at Bethesday on November 22 so I had always given him benefit of the doubt.
Nikita goes to Hollywood
by Mike Lee, New Zealand Political Review, Vol XI No.1, Autumn 2002
- Subject: Venezuela: Change of Government
15 Apr 2002Here is the official and completely phony State Department release on the coup to oust democratically elected President Chavez in Venezuela. The IMF/World Bank had been busy for some time "dollarizing" and destroying the economy of this once rich southern neighbor, and creating the conditions for an uprising. Chavez had been opposing them, selling oil to and maintaining relations with Cuba, bucking Chevron in the state-owned oil company, and generally refusing to cowtow to US corporate/military interests in the region.
We have engineered many coups and overthrown many democratically elected leaders. When those who support oppressive US and globalist policies of privatization of resources and austerity measures for the populace go about killing the opposition, we do not chide them, we reward them instead. But there is no evidence that shows the attacks on demonstrators did not come from the same military that then ousted Chavez. He did not resign, he was overthrown. What comes next remains to be seen.
When Teddy Roosevelt set out to steal the Panama Canal, they hired a group to overthrow the local government in what was then a section of Bolivia, and the State Department recognized the existence of a separate country, Panama, before Bolivia even knew it had been annexed for control of the canal. "We showed those jackrabbits!" Teddy said. All over the world people are "Enduring Democracy", American style at least.
Venezuela: Change of Government
Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman, U.S. Dept of State, 12 Apr 2002
- Subject: Israel must cooperate with Jenin investigation
28 Apr 2002When Iraq does it we threaten to go to war.
Israel must cooperate with Jenin investigation
Seattle Post-Intelligencer Editorial Board, 26 Apr 2002
- Subject: UK Commentary Examines, Criticizes UK Thriving Arms Industry
28 Apr 2002The universality of the game.
UK Commentary Examines, Criticizes UK Thriving Arms Industry
by Will Self, The Independent, 26 Apr 2002
- Subject: Sonar Killed Whales, Navy Admits
6 May 2002Don't tell Dr. Spock!!
Sonar Killed Whales, Navy Admits
by Cat Lazaroff, Environment News Service, 21 Dec 2001
- Subject: Soldiers For Sale
6 May 2002Old soldiers don't die, they hire out.
Soldiers For Sale
Foreign nations lure ex-military adventurers to teach war tactics
by Rowan Scarborough, American Legion, April 2002, p.18
- Subject: Maude Barlows "Blue Gold"
6 May 2002Thirsty anyone?
Report Summary: BLUE GOLD
The Global Water Crisis And The Commodification Of The World's Water Supply
by Maude Barlow, Chair, IFG Committee on the Globalization of Water
National Chair, Council of Canadians
See Also:
- The Global Water Crisis and the Commodification of the World's Water Supply
Transcript of Maude Barlow speaking at the Seattle IFG Teach-In 11/26/99 on- Section on Water in Analysis of & Responses to the Impacts of Corporate Globalization on Living Communities
- Subject: Re: Conspiracy Nation (2)
6 May 2002Earl Warren's father was beaten to death with blows to the head. He was home alone, but there was no suicide, just an unsolved homicide. Some suspect it may have been Earl, but it was never solved. Warren worked closely with McCloy, and others in California to set up the WWII Japanese internment camps. He was politically "discovered" by Murray Chotiner, a hatchet man for Nixon. He was supposedly opposing the Mob and offshore gambling. He headed a libertarian court, but he was not legit. He had a good reputation though, so LBJ wanted him to give credibility to the JFK cover-up. Warren balked, knowing it would always haunt him I suppose, and LBJ reminded him he was a military officer and could be called to duty at any time. Johnson gave him a military order to chair the commission.
Eustace Mullins is anti-semitic and often very inaccurate in his work on the government and the Federal Reserve. The far right want us to think JFK was killed because he printed some money independent of the Fed. That was the least of their problems with JFK. But it lets them link it all in to the worldwide "International Banker Conspiracy" (read Jewish), and avoid talking about the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex. You can find better sources, trust me.
TF wrote:
Mullins was in D.C. last year at our annual conference, telling that Earl Warren assisted his Father to commit suicide. Very interesting guy with vast knowledge of the Federal Reserve System.
Eustace Mullins Interview
by Tom Valentine, Conspiracy Nation, 28 Oct 1994
- Subject: GI Resistance Urged
6 May 2002There are over 1,000 Israeli resisters in the military there so far, so our troops need to take note.
Advice from a Gulf War Vet:
A Message to Troops, Would Be Troops and Youth
by Jeff Patterson, Counterpunch, 19 Apr 2002
- Subject: Nuclear based crimes--->JFK vs The Y-12 Nuclear National Security Network
6 May 2002Though this is too simplistic a model to explain the high-level involvement of the JCS, for instance, it does ring true in regard to the nuclear circle at Oak Ridge. Garrison was looking into the security guards there, the largest police force in the US, totally secret, founded by Colonel Groves and David Lillienthal as the Defense Industry Security Command (DISC). It is mentioned in histories of the Tennessee Valley Authority. It is one of the groups listed by Torbitt (Copeland) in Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal as responsible for the plot against JFK. It still exists as DISCO and guards the nuclear weapons, plants and waste.
Oak Ridge and Manhattan were the beginnings of the national security secrecy state. Has anyone run across the person named here? The link to Ruby? DISC was under DIA of course, so this can be true at the mechanical level but still not the whole story. There was a lot of "fallout" from nuclear weapons, and JFK wanted to end the arms race and dismantle them.
Nuclear based crimes--->JFK vs The Y-12 Nuclear National Security Network
by MN, 28 Apr 2002
- Subject: Israel's rebel reservists break their silence
6 May 2002When the troops speak, you'd better listen.
Israel's rebel reservists break their silence
by Harvey Morris, Financial Times, 26 Apr 2002
- Subject: Joint Chiefs [1962] willing to kill americans in bizarre plot/new book
6 May 2002We are busy filling in the schedule of speakers for our annual COPA Regional Meeting in Dallas, and glad to announce that Peter Dale Scott, Ph.D. will be joining us again this year. I am working closely with the staff of Rep. Cynthia McKinney to draft legislation based on the JFK Act, but improving on it, aimed at the release of files in the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination and all related records, including COINTELPRO and other military intelligence operations such as GARDEN PLOT and LANTERN SPIKE.
The following excerpt from William Bamford's new book, Body of Secrets is telling, and gives even more insight into the forces that had reason to kill President Kennedy. The Senate Foreign Intelligence Committee warned of a military coup like the one fictionalized in Seven Days in May.
I hope you can join us in Dallas this year. The newly refurbished Hotel Lawrence (302 S. Houston Street, at Jackson, near Dealey Plaza) reservations can be made between now and October 22 for $69 single/$79 double, per night, by calling (214) 761-9090 and mentioning COPA. Kerri Kincheloe is our contact there if you have any trouble. We will be on the Grassy Knoll at 12:30 for a commemoration on Friday, November 22, and meeting that night and the following two days. Registration fees will be collected at the event, and will not exceed $25 per day. If you plan to attend, please try to bring at least one new person who has never heard the information.
Joint Chiefs [1962] Willing to Kill Americans in Bizarre Plot/New Book
by DM, Apr 2002
- Subject: A Narco News White Paper: Three Days that Shook the Media
6 May 2002Would that we cared as much for democracy here.
Three Days that Shook the Media
Online Journalism's Finest Hour Exposed and Reversed a Coup
by Al Giordano, Narco News, 15 Apr 2002
Washington Post joins conspiracy theorists
13 May 2002Somebody noticed.
Apr 22, 2002
Inside the Beltway, Out of the Loop, Ahead of the Curve
Edited by Sam Smith
Since 1964, Washington's most unofficial source
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All democracies turn into dictatorships but not by coup. The people give their democracy to a dictator, whether it's Julius Caesar or Napoleon or Adolf Hitler. Ultimately, the general population goes along with the idea - George Lucas
Washington Post joins conspiracy theorists
[We'd like to think that this report would reduce the number of journalists making dumb comments about "conspiracy theories" but we doubt it since badhabits can be even stronger than conspiracies]
||| George Lardner Jr. Washington Post - The House Assassinations Committee may have been right after all: There was a shot from the grassy knoll. That was the key finding of the congressional investigation that concluded 22 years ago that President John F. Kennedy's murder in Dallas in 1963 was "probably . . . the result of a conspiracy." A shot from the grassy knoll meant that two gunmen must have fired at the president within a split-second sequence. Lee Harvey Oswald, accused of firing three shots at Kennedy from a perch at the Texas School Book Depository, could not have been in two places at once. A special panel of the National Academy of Sciences subsequently disputed the evidence of a fourth shot, contained on a police dictabelt of the sounds in Dealey Plaza that day. The panel insisted it was simply random noise, perhaps static, recorded about a minute after the shooting while Kennedy's motorcade was en route to Parkland Hospital. A new, peer-reviewed article in Science and Justice, a quarterly publication of Britain's Forensic Science Society, says the NAS panel's study was seriously flawed. It says the panel failed to take into account the words of a Dallas patrolman that show the gunshot-like noises occurred "at the exact instant that John F. Kennedy was assassinated." In fact, the author of the article, D.B. Thomas, a government scientist and JFK assassination researcher, said it was more than 96 percent certain that there was a shot from the grassy knoll to the right of the president's limousine, in addition to the three shots from a book depository window above and behind the president's limousine.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A56560-2001Mar25¬Found=trueStudy Backs Theory of `Grassy Knoll'
New Report Says Second Gunman Fired at Kennedy
by George Lardner Jr., Washington Post, 26 Mar 2001
- Subject: student history class: Questions about the Vietnam War
17 May 2002Subject: Questions about the Vietnam War
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 21:10:41 EDT
From: Kate Kolbert-Hyle
To: John Judge
We are studying the Vietnam War in history class. For an English assignment we have been asked to find somebody involved in the Vietnam War to answer questions and reflect on their experiences. You can answer any, all or none of the questions as i can understand it might take awhile. If you'd rather reflect on a specific experience that would be just as good. Thanks so much for your help and if you have any questions let me know!
- Were you involved in the Vietnam War?
I was involved with the Vietnam war, as was almost all of my generation and other generations that came before us, in one way or another. The war became a national question because it made young men face questions about their social duties and sense of alienation that had built up since the 1950s. The war also brought social costs at home, guns instead of butter, thousands of deaths, and eventually a recession. Those who fought the war became increasingly alienated with it as well, due to the nature of the weapons, the high levels of civilian deaths (90%), and the lack of clearly defined military objectives. It became a war of attrition (reducing the numbers), not only of the "enemy" but of the Vietnamese people.
The war did tremendous damage to Vietnam as well, and what was once the rice-producing capitol of the world now imports most of its rice. Horrible ecological damage resulted from the bomb craters (26 million in a country the size of Rhode Island), the chemical spraying and de-forestation, the breakdown of barriers between salt and fresh water, loss of topsoil which irreversibly hardens the clay soil beneath (called laeterization), the deaths of many natural species and types of plants and the normal interaction of the different levels of the ecology there.
The Vietnamese people are still being poisoned by chemicals in the water and soil, have high rates of birth defects (25%), are still harmed by unexploded bombs in the soil, and have never been given any reparations or help following all the destruction. So, yes, I was very involved with the war and with those who fought it or refused to. I read all I could about it starting in the early sixties, and collected information all through the war years.
- Subject: Peace Activist Art Rosenblum dies
17 May 2002Although we had our differences, Art was always open to ideas and once made a videotape of a talk I gave in Philadelphia and distributed it. More recently, he sent me a CD with the best of his ARF writings, and corresponded about Jonestown, 9-11 and other matters. I know Judy will miss him, she is a wonderful person. I never got to know his kids really. I might try to make the tribute.
Peace Activist Art Rosenblum dies
by Judy Rosenblum, 16 Jun 2002
- Subject: The Jonestown Dead
26 May 2002Ms. Hufffington:
Since you once laughed your head off on your inaptly-titled show "Equal Time" on MSNBC as Gerald Posner maligned me for suggesting that the people who died at Jonestown did not commit suicide but were murdered, and your producers would not allow me "equal time" to respond to his castigations, I thought I'd drop a note just to clear up the record. The "kool-aid hit squad," as you found it so hilarious to call them, did exist and they used something much more lethal. . . .
- Subject: Judge stays Pledge decision
27 May 2002I remember years ago when a jock at my college asked me, "Whaddya mean you don't believe in war? Don't'cha believe in God?" Nix to both. The death threats against this person are so typical of "Christians" who cannot tolerate any belief but their own. Why are they sooooo threatened when a few people don't believe in their Supreme Being? I know they all want a theocracy, but this country was founded by deists, who did not themselves believe in a Supreme Being. The phrases "under God" and "In God We Trust" are offensive to those not steeped in this religious blindness.
Gov't to ask rehearing of Pledge ruling
Judge stays Pledge decision pending appeals
by John King and Dana Bash, CNN, 27 Jun 2002
- Subject: U.S. Sailors Sprayed with Nerve Gas by U.S. DoD
29 May 2002War is a laboratory for weapons and people to be tested. GIs are expendable guinea pigs. This is not the first, the worst or the last such testing.
Sailors Sprayed With Nerve Gas in Cold War Test, Pentagon Says
by Thom Shanker with William J. Broad, New York Times, 24 May 2002
- Subject: The Spirit of resistance to government
30 May 2002Amen to this!
The Spirit of resistance to government
is so valuable on certain occasions
that I wish it to be always kept alive.
It will often be exercised when wrong,
but better so than not to be exercised
at all.
---Thomas Jefferson
- Subject: Bush filed reports to SEC late
8 Jul 2002I am shocked! Shocked!!
Bush filed reports to SEC late
1991 agency memo queried acts at 4 firms
by Mike Allen, Washington Post, 4 July 2002
- Subject: Chomsky on the JFK Assassination
9 Jul 2002Follow the links on this one, they are all worth it. Chomsky, Albert, Corn and crew are following the same path now on 9/11. No conspiracy, no questions but the big ones.
My Beef with Chomsky
by Michael D. Morrissey, Sept 2000
- Subject: CIA Defector Edward Lee Howard Said to Have Died in Moscow
21 Jul 2002A late defector.
CIA Defector Edward Lee Howard Said to Have Died in Moscow
Suspected Spy Who Fled to Soviet Union Under FBI's Nose
Provided One of Cold War's Memorable Espionage Stories
by Walter Pincus, Washington Post, 21 July 2002
- Subject: For New Museum, a Covert Crowd
21 Jul 2002I went to the opening as "press" for Open Secrets and saw the exhibit. Bill Kelly came this weekend and got a press pass, but the lines were so long all day he never got in. I think the time is more than ripe for an Assassination Museum to open here covering the truth about JFK, RFK and MLK, with the best evidence we have, and with a bookstore and research center attached. We can draw crowds and students alike and DC provides assistance to non-profits in just this sort of development, so I am working on it still.
For New Museum, a Covert Crowd
by Manny Fernandez, Washington Post, 20 July 2002
- Subject: Opening the Secret Files on Lumumba's Murder
21 Jul 2002One more crack in the wall of silence.
Opening the Secret Files on Lumumba's Murder
by Stephen R. Weissman, Washington Post, 21 July 2002
- Subject: District Backs Spy Museum
21 Jul 2002"We're very happy to have James Bond come here," Gandhi said yesterday.
DC helps them out, and the Mayor plays their bufoon at the opening ceremony.District Backs Spy Museum
Developer Given $21.9 Million in Tax-Increment Financing
by Jackie Spinner, Washington Post, 17 May 2001
- Subject: Series of Slayings Shakes Fort Bragg
27 Jul 2002The unassessed costs of war never end, and women and children are always the first and last victims of wars.
Series of Slayings Shakes Fort Bragg
Associated Press, Fox News, 26 Jul 2002
- Subject: FBI and Mob - One Hand Rubs the Other
28 Jul 2002It didn't stop with Hoover.
Mob Informant Scandal Involved Highest Levels of FBI, Documents Show
by Jeff Donn, Associated Press, 27 Jul 2002
- Subject: Committee on Government Reform
28 Jul 2002About time, but maybe they could take the building with it?
Chairman Burton Introduces Legislation to Remove
J. Edgar Hoover's Name From The FBI Building
Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, 25 July 2002
- Subject: Cynthia McKinney
4 Aug 2002On September 13, Rep. Cynthia McKinney is sponsoring a panel in DC on the MLK assassination and COINTELPRO at the annual national Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Session to introduce a bill modeled after the JFK Records Act to secure release of the files on MLK and the COINTELPRO program of the FBI, which Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft now wants to revive. This article focuses on the current funding behind an effort to unseat McKinney for taking unpopular progressive views. She is one of our best friends in Congress relating to release of files. She has a website, www.adoptcynthiamckinney.org, which I encourage you to visit in order to support her.
An Open Letter To Rep. Cynthia McKinney On The Upcoming Primary Election
by Andrew McIntosh, Black World Today, 1 Aug 2002
- Subject: Wessel Obituary
4 Aug 2002Not sure he was ever in the US. Anyone have more on this guy?
German Espionage Chief Wessel Dies
by Associated Press, 31 July 2002
- Subject: VA no longer recruiting vets to use VA health care system
4 Aug 2002Makes sense to me! Honor veterans, no more war. Honor peace, no more veterans.
From: Rick J
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 21:39:05 EDT
Delivered-To: mailing list counter-recruitment@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [counter-recruitment] VA no longer recruiting vets to use VA health care system.Hmmm. . . The VA is saying they don't have the resources to provide health care services to all the vets who are entitled to them, so it's okay to stop advertising VA health care services and stop recruiting vets to use the health care program. Seems like it should then be okay--even logical--for the military recruiting command to stop advertising and stop actively trying to convince people to join the military in the first place. After all, isn't that how vets are created? -Rick J
Veterans Official Defends Decision
by Melissa B. Robinson, Associated Press, 1 Aug 2002
- Subject: MIT Professor Chomsky's military ties
4 Aug 2002This tells us a bit more about Chomsky and who he really protects. I also recall him refusing to support student protests against MIT's appointment to the Presidency of his pal John Deutch who had extensive ties to the military-industrial-complex through some 10 top contractors. Chomsky later said that Deutch was the best possible man to head the CIA.
From: Bob Feldman
Subject: MIT Professor Chomsky's military ties
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 18:00:23 -0400Regarding the documentation of MIT Professor Chomsky's ties to the military during the McCarthy era of the 1950s:
"In 1955, Chomsky's friend Roman Jakobson arranged for him to work as a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chomsky, in his own words, `had no identifiable field or credentials in anything', but MIT, `a scientific university which didn't care much about credentials,' was willing to overlook his lack of certifiable `professional competence'. Chomsky was made an assistant professor and assigned, ironically, to a machine translation project of the type he had often criticized. The project was directed by Victor Yngve and was being conducted at the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics, which was subsidized by the U.S. military.
"...He was...interviewed by laboratory director Jerome Wiesner for the position...Chomsky was hired as a full-time faculty member, which meant that he was required to spend half his time working in the research lab...Here, his Aspects of the Theory of Syntax was hatched...The funding for the research published in Aspects was provided by `the Joint Services Electronics Program' (U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force), the Electronics Systems Division of the U.S. Air Force, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and NASA..." (from Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent by Robert Barsky)
Jerome Weisner later became the head of JFK's Science Advisory Committee during the early 1960s; and according to the 1965 annual report of the Ford Foundation-subsidized Institute for Defense Analyses Pentagon weapons-research think-tank, Jerome Weisner was an Adviser to IDA's Jason Division group of university professors who performed counter-insurgency, Vietnam War-related weapons research every summer during the 1960s Viet Nam War Era.
When students shut down Columbia University in 1968 in support of the demand that Columbia resign its institutional membership in IDA, MIT Professor Chomsky constructed a left anti-war rationalization for opposing the Columbia student revolt -- but he did not disclose at the time that an IDA Jason Division consultant, Jerome Weisner, was the person who hired him as an MIT professor and military lab researcher during the McCarthy Era.
As Barsky also notes in his Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent book: "While he admired `the challenge to the universities' that the students were so vehemently presenting, Chomsky thought their rebellions were `largely misguided,' and he `criticized [them] as they were in progress at Berkeley (1966) and Columbia (1968) particularly." Today, of course, MIT is still the 12th-largest recipient of all U.S. Air Force war contracts and the largest recipient of U.S. Air Force war research contracts in recent years.
Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent
by Robert Barsky, The MIT Press, 1997
See Also:
- Subject: Hiroshima Peace Declaration 2002
8 Aug 2002On the Hiroshima Day, the Mayor of Hiroshima City had a guts to voice our collective mind/heart before 45,000 gathered from around the world. Potent words from the first "ground zero". Isn't this the century for peace? If not, what are the odds we will survive until the next one? "The choice today is not between violence and non-violence, it is between non-violence and non-existence" --Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Hiroshima Peace Declaration 2002
by Tadatoshi Akiba, Mayor, The City of Hiroshima, 6 August 2002
- Subject: New Book: The Hidden War
13 Aug 2002Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!
Bacardi accused of campaign to oust Castro
Rum company boss `bankrolled CIA mission to kill Cuban leader'
by Duncan Campbell, The Guardian, 15 August 2002
- Subject: Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, The Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power
8 Sep 2002Here's "conspiracy lite", an expose of the Skull and Bones that leads Sy Hersh to say that there may be more behind the "accidents of history than we will ever know". However, any details are likely to be revealing on this secretive intiation fraternity of the eastern establishment's ruling elite. The right wing froths over this group because they love to think secret societies run the class and the world. I think it's the other way around.
Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, The Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power
by Alexandra Robbins, Little Brown & Company, September 2002
- Subject: Panel: The Murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
8 Sep 2002Dana, The thanks belong to you and Cynthia for pulling this together again and having the courage to do it. This travesty of a primary is your badge of honor, so wear it proud. She has been the only real "representative" in Congress for those of us beyond the political process. I still have all my notes and am ready to help on the legislation and hope we can at least mention it at the event. I'll be there. John Judge
Forum: Human Rights in the United States: The Murder of Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Victim of Cointelpro
Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference, 13 September 2002
- Subject: Scrap Hoover, King III urges
10 Sep 2002They could rename it after Frank Church just to remind themselves.
Ashcroft urged to scrap Hoover
Associated Press, 29 August 2002
- Subject: Memphis: Civil Rights Museum expands
1 Oct 2002Somehow the Civil Rights Museum got $11 million to expand into a phony exhibit trying to prove Ray's guilt. Wonder who put it up? I always knew there was so little evidence, myself. I'm working on a regional meeting in Memphis on April 4 next year, since it will be the 35th anniversary of Dr. King's murder. The press is already sniffing as you can see. I tried on the 30th anniversary to rent space at this very Museum and I was denied since they "wanted to focus on his life, not his death". I think another in Los Angeles on June 6 would be in order for RFK as well. In addition it will be the 40th for JFK, so we need to be visible in Dallas.
There will be a major debate of the single bullet theory at the Wecht College of Forensic Science at Duquesne University on November 22, 2003 featuring Dr. Cyril Wecht, Senator Arlen Spector, Dr. Gary Aguilar, Dr. Michael Baden and perhaps others, and we will try to simulcast it into Dallas for those who won't be in Pittsburgh to see it live. We are working also on a mock grand jury using real witnesses to retry the JFK murder at our Dallas meeting next year.
Bill Kelly and I will also renew our annual presence in April on the anniversary of JFK's powerful speech against the Pax Americana and nuclear rearmament and war that we are seeing now, given to the graduating class at American University in 1963. "...and we are all mortal" he said.
Work continues on drafting new legislation to release the MLK assassination files and the history leading up to it, with the help of outgoing Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus. Our panel discussion at the CBC annual legislative conference included Judge Joe Brown, Martin Luther King, III, Dr. William Pepper, Philip Melanson, James Lesar, Lyndon Barsten and myself. It was incredibly powerful and I hope to show a tape of it in Dallas this year.
However, we are very low on resources at COPA, and have not asked for donations in a long time. If you think these things should happen, please consider sending check or money order made to me, John Judge, with a notation that it is earmarked for COPA work. We no longer have an organizational account, but I will account it separately or open an extra personal checking account. I hope you have already made your reservations for Dallas this year from November 22-24, since we will have a great lineup of speakers and information and we will be staying in a completely redecorated Hotel Lawrence just off Dealey Plaza. Now's the time to get airline tickets and call the hotel for a special COPA discount of $69 single/$79 double (includes daily newspaper of your choice, great continental breakfast, and local van service to points of interest). We will be just off Dealey Plaza for all these events, as well as our annual Moment of Silence on the Grassy Knoll at 12:30 on the 39th anniversary of the death of hope. If you think these events are worth doing, let us know with some support.
Thanks -
John Judge
P.O. Box 772
Washington, DC 20044.Memphis: Civil Rights Museum expands
Associated Press, 29 September 2002
- Subject: Nuke Plant Legal Opponent Murdered
8 Oct 2002Gee, they gonna blame this one on Communism as well?
K2R4 Nuclear Plant Opposition Leader Murdered in Kiev
Associated Press, Korrespondent, CEE Bankwatch, 3 October 2002
- Subject: Another type of collateral damage
17 Oct 2002These are not isolated instances or the result of "malaria medication" as recently claimed in the rash of spousal killings and suicides at Ft. Bragg, they are a direct result of both the current basic training methods that take the brake off of violent reactions and the aftermath of the mass killing of modern wars.
War College Officer Pleads Guilty To Murdering Wife
by Florence Peace, Army News Service, 9 October 2002
- Subject: Nerve agents released in Md. during open-air tests in 60s
21 Oct 2002He gassed his own people! He gassed his own people! He gassed his own people!
Guinea pigs at the front lines and beyond. We are all downwinders.
Nerve agents released in Md. during open-air tests in 60s
Pentagon acknowledges VX, sarin experiments
by Frank D. Roylance, Ariel Sabar and Tom Bowman, Baltimore Sun, 10 October 2002
- Subject: NASA & CIA links exposed
21 Oct 2002Nazis at both ends too.
CIA and NASA Linked During Cold War Space Race
by Leonard David, space.com, 14 October 2002
- Subject: DC Killings Done By A Government Sniper Team
21 Oct 2002Speculation on the snipings. I don't think a team is necessary or even more than one savvy sniper. I'm still not convinced that this government wants to take our guns away from us, I think they are just fine with the 18,000 shootings last year and growing. I think they'd like us to rely on guns instead of information, analysis and imagination. Guns they can beat us at in a minute. If you don't have one when they kill you they will put one in your "cold dead hand" instead.
DC Killings Done By A Government Sniper Team
by Ken McCarthy, rense.com, 14 October 2002
- Subject: October update from The Last Hurrah bookshop
21 Oct 2002Christmas shopping? Here's your source for the conspiracy theorist who already has everything in print. Andy and Last Hurrah Books will also be on display at the COPA regional meeting November 22-24 in Dallas at the Hotel Lawrence. If you haven't made your reservations yet, now's the time. Call 214-761-9090 for the special COPA rate ($69 single/$79 double) at this refurbished boutique hotel. See you on the Grassy Knoll! - John Judge, for COPA.
October update from The Last Hurrah
Andrew Winiarczyk, The Last Hurrah Bookshop, 17 October 2002
- Subject: Iraq connection to Oklahoma City
22 Oct 2002This has all the elements of the classic urban myth in my view, complete with men seen celebrating and noticed in bars with McVeigh. The right wing is just itching to believe this one.
Iraqis linked to Oklahoma atrocity
by James Langton, This is London, 21 October 2002
- Subject: Richard Helms Dies; Founding CIA Member Led Agency Six Years
27 Oct 2002Another potential witness who knew much is gone to the grave.
Richard Helms Dies; Founding CIA Member Led Agency Six Years
by Bart Barnes, Washington Post, 24 October 2002
- Subject: Federal charges blocked local questioning of sniper suspects
30 Oct 2002"On orders from the White House and the Justice Department" the US Attorney in Maryland removes the sniper suspects from local police interrogation. Does this remind anyone of the removal of JFK's body illegally from Texas where the county had jurisdiction for the autopsy, or the literal "removal" of Oswald when he started saying too much? Were they about to say too much? The Feds were hands off during an investigation of interstate crimes that led to the death of one of their own analysts, and now hands-on when it comes to making obscure federal charges that are preventing local prosecution. Apparently, Williams/Mohammed's first wife moved to DC and worked for John Ashcroft at some point.
Federal charges blocked local questioning of sniper suspects
by Stephen Manning, Associated Press, 30 October 2002
- Subject: Richard Helms, Ex-C.I.A. Chief, Dies at 89
30 Oct 2002If anyone knew where the bodies were buried, Helms did. He and Colby and others still kicking in 1994 met with Guss Russo and expressed concerns about what would be said at the first COPA conference and whether their "friend" David Atlee Phillips would be named/blamed for the JFK assassination. This is one less witness if we ever get a grand jury on the case.
Richard Helms, Ex-C.I.A. Chief, Dies at 89
by Christopher Marquis, New York Times, 24 October 2002
- Subject: Elite Groups - a homework page
31 Oct 2002This has the beginnings of a very good resource page on right wing support organizations. Put it on your homework bookmarks.
- Subject: Our Man Deutch
31 Oct 2002Here's the skinny on John Deutch, the man Noam Chomsky called "the best man in the country to head the CIA" and one he supported in his bid for the presidency of MIT. Note the links to Schlumberger, the company that supplied the arms to the anti-Castro Cubans down in New Orleans in the 1960s.
Elite Watch - Raytheon
- Subject: The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses
31 Oct 2002Another good source of corporate information for the bookshelf.
Corporate Watch
www.corporatewatch.org.uk- Subject: questions about D.C. Snipers
31 Oct 2002This gives current sources for interesting contradictory information about the sniper suspects. The feds, who wanted nothing to do with the investigation, now have them incommunicado probably unto death.
NEWSLETTER #20 - Special Bulletin: The DC Snipers
by Dave McGowan, The Center for an Informed America, 31 October 2002
- Subject: D.C. sniper suspect a 'screwball' in Army
3 Nov 2002Remind you of someone? Who did the shooting?
D.C. sniper suspect a `screwball' in Army
by Frank Main, Chicago Sun-Times, 31 October 2002
- Subject: Alex Jones Show--US Government Planned Sniper Attacks
3 Nov 2002What the left ignores, the right takes up.
US Government Planned Sniper Attacks
Pentagon Planned to Carry Out Sniper Attacks in DC and Miami
Alex Jones, infowars.com, 24 October 2002
- Subject: A History of Secret Human Experimentation
3 Nov 2002Nice compilation on a health news website. Next time someone says "He gassed his own people" pull out this list.
A History of Secret Human Experimentation
Health News Network
- Subject: suspect in U.S. sniper shootings boast of being CIA agent and sharpshooter
3 Nov 2002Just boasting.
Prime suspect in U.S. sniper shootings lived in barely furnished room in Antigua, slept in plastic chair while boasting of being CIA agent and sharpshooter
by Michelle Faul, Associated Press, 26 October 2002
- Subject: France's DGSE in Full Disarray
4 Nov 2002FYI, watch how this develops.
France's DGSE in Full Disarray
Intelligence Online, N° 439, 24 October 2002
- Subject: Harry Rositzke Dies; Spymaster, Scholar
8 Nov 2002Dropping like flies, but they have such long lifespans. Do you think it's good for your health?
Harry Rositzke Dies; Spymaster, Scholar
by Bart Barnes, Washington Post, 7 November 2002
- Subject: `I'm Sure He Had Me in His Scope'
11 Nov 2002Another tale of a veteran who came back as a changed man. All the evidence is not yet it, but this broader issue is rarely addressed when social and spousal violence are discussed.
`I'm sure He Had Me in His Scope'
Muhammad's Ex-Wife Links Killings to Custody Fight
by Marcia Slacum Greene, Washington Post, 8 November 2002
- Subject: Nasa pulls Moon hoax book
11 Nov 2002The controversy continues. The reason I always believed we DID land on the Moon was that we left behind a plastic flag that had curls in it to look as if waving and that we left behind all the feces and urine from the trip. That's verisimiltude, and if it was PR they are damn good at it.
Nasa pulls Moon hoax book
by Dr David Whitehouse , BBC News, 8 November 2002
- Subject: jonestown report #4
11 Nov 2002An interesting source of some alternative information and where to get released government records and recording relating to Jonestown. This edition reveals that Larry Layton is now out of jail, that more of the survivors have written books, that a demographic study confirms my estimate of 1,100 people at Jonestown (345 were "about a third" of the population), with 915 as the official dead count, that author Jim Hogan now supports cyanide as the cause of death, and "some or most" committed suicide (he once paid me to give him my sources, and then trashed me in the article he wrote in Lobster years later and he now works for 60 Minutes), and more on the "religious" aspect of Jonestown. Next November 18 will mark the 25th anniversary of this massacre and the truth is still being covered up.
Jonestown: Film Documents Aftermath
Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple
- Subject: Re: I'm listening to a Chomsky lecture on the Net and
11 Nov 2002
KR wrote:
> I just heard him say "The CIA is the way that the Executive Branch
> maintains plausible deniability."
> Your reaction?
I think it's the other way around. The visible "electoral system" is the plausible deniability for what really happens beneath visibility. Chomsky always says that the CIA are just an obedient lapdog for the President. I think the reality is that the agencies last and the presidents come and go, sometimes with a little help either way. I think by the end of WWII the intelligence systems here and around the world were interlinked and powerful enough to start choosing the leadership in their countries while they played out their games, including making massive profits from the knowledge and operations they worked with. Kennedy said he would "scatter the CIA to the four winds" in October 1963, and fired the heads of the CIA after the Bay of Pigs. If it was just cover for him, why so? And who got scattered to the four winds in November?
- Subject: Interview with the Assassin
11 Nov 2002An interesting way to present the case, though all the canaries I know are singing from our songbook and not credible. This fictional "interview" is based on some of the work of researcher's apparently, although there is misinformation in the misinformation section.
Interview with the Assassin
- Subject: Sirhan's new trial
20 Nov 2002I'd stick to the ballistics myself, this is crawling out on a limb they have already sawn through. I do believe Sirhan was programmed, but where will that take us?
Was Robert Kennedy's Assassin Brainwashed?
by Gordon Thomas, babelmagazine.com, 9 November 2002
- Subject: A debate on recruitment
20 Nov 2002I hope he's not as typical as I fear he may be.
The following 2 back-and-forth e-mails between John Judge and Peter Trafas are compiled together in the following:
A debate on recruitment
- Subject: who was behind the assassination of jfk?
27 Nov 2002Beware a simple solution, but thought you'd like to see what they say on the links. Ruppert recently attacked those doing JFK research as insular and focused on the past.
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 14:38:10 -0500 (EST)
Subject: who was behind the assassination of jfk?
From: "Eric Stewart"
Three names rose to prominence in the wake of the 1st Kennedy assassination. All three of these names are individuals that are part of the Carlyle Group. The Bin Laden family is in the Carlyle Group.
As well, the same group, out of Florida, has STRONG connections to Watergate, Iran-Contra, Televangelists, the Mossad, anti-Castro exiles (mafiosos that want back in Havana), the SDI lobby, the combustion monopoly (bombs to engines), Wackenhut, September 11, ad infinitum. It is rightly called an octopus as it is as convoluted as is REALITY.
The three names are Frank Carlucci, Robert McNamara, and George Bush Sr.
A piece I did can be linked to here http://www.memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1036
and another that is relevant, by Mike Ruppert.
- Subject: Military Recruiting Law Puts Burden on Parents
3 Dec 2002Here's the section on recruiter lists. I wonder how we could get copies of the parental permission forms? We will be in the school Career Days again this month at some places so I will bring this up to folks there. The company that will produce the standardized tests for the NCLB program is in Texas, run by none other than Neil Bush.
Military Recruiting Law Puts Burden on Parents
by Elaine Rivera, Washington Post, 24 November 2002
- Subject: A Shot in the Dark
3 Dec 2002How they cover us out in Dallas, when we get press that is. Feel free to respond to this nonsense. At least Andy got kudos, he's the entrepreneur I guess, they understand that better than theories.
My Reply to Dallas Observer piece.A Shot in the Dark / Plus: Tourist Trap
by Robert Wilonsky, Dallas Observer, 28 November 2002
- Subject: Pa. Coroner Tries to Keep Post Elective
3 Dec 2002Going after Cyril's position. The quote about political patronage makes a good point on interference that an elected coroner does not face. This article, as written, also implies that Cyril does NOT have the requisite medical training. In fact, he is both M.D. and J.D. Better start feeling for political pulses.
Pa. Coroner Tries to Keep Post Elective
by Associated Press, Washington Post, 29 November 2002
- Subject: Peace Activist, Author Philip Berrigan Dies
11 Dec 2002We need more people of his caliber and more creative ways to make our points.
Peace Activist, Author Philip Berrigan Dies
by Colman McCarthy, Washington Post, 8 December 2002
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A24780-2002Dec7?language=printer- Subject: Top defendant pleads not guilty in Congo presidential assassination conspiracy case
23 Dec 2002Imagine that, 115 people conspiring to kill someone! Couldn't happen here they say. In other countries the transfer of power is overt and the assassination is covert, here it is just the other way around.
Top defendant pleads not guilty in Congo presidential assassination conspiracy case
Associated Press, 18 December 2002
- Subject: Not alone, our closest relative speaks!
3 Jan 2003It may be language itself that leads to war. William S. Burroughs wrote that language was a virus that invaded the throats of apes and caused human evolution and devolution at the same time. Certainly the lack of communication does. Most animals I have known communicate and comprehend quite well, save for some humans. Dogs and chimps have different levels of objective reason to pay attention to humans, and domestication has its own inherent ills. I recall an old Ron Cobb cartoon showing a frog looking up at a man who was plunging the detonator to a nuclear bomb going off in his own head. The caption read "Man demonstrates his superiority over animals".
Bonobos, dolphins and many other wild animals seem to know how to live communally better than we do. Dominance over nature had led to tremendous violence against all species by humans, including our own. Mark Twain said man is "the only animal that blushes, or has to." "Enlighten all sentient beings" said the Buddha. War is a language and communication which must become obsolete if the earth hopes to survive it. Robert Anton Wilson contends in Illuminatus that all apes speak, but never around humans since they would be charged rent.
Subject: Not alone, our closest relative speaks!
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 11:11:00 -0800
From: Preston J Truman <hermit@downwinders.org>
www.downwinders.orgSurprise, surprise, or is it just somebody got over their own feelings of species' arrogance? Our closest relative on Planet Earth can develop words of its own. But we still can't give them the respect they deserve by stopping calling them Chimps.
They are not just another type of Chimpanzee, they are Bonobo. And they are a very unique member of the primate family, closer to us than to the chimps, and beyond question far, far smarter than the rest of the family of primates, especially humans because they have no difficulty grasping one concept -- the dangers of violence and inability to get along and gladly and openly prefer to spend their time making love not war -- which a lesser primate species known as Homo Sapiens can't grasp and has to put them down by calling them the horniest apes of earth. Well at least they are not the biggest warmongering apes on earth. There are no Bonobo WMD around poised for use against their own, or any one else, as their concept of screwing their neighbor every chance they get has a vastly different goal in mind.
Look them up on the web sometime and see what our closest relatives have that we don't (www.blockbonobofoundation.org): PEACE, and LOVE, brotherly love, sisterly love, combined brother and sisterly love, and more love, love, in more flavors than Baskin and Robins has ice cream, and do we? No. All we can muster in such endless varieties are weapons of war and even more endless excuses to use them!
Gives whole new meaning to the old hippie commandment about what to replace war with. Now we know they can develop their own words, start fearing what word or words a bonobo might develop to describe us? And wonder who belongs to the lesser emotionally developed, socially underdeveloped and more primitive species of primates, and wonder if we are not living-- because of our own species' warmongering -- in the last days of a real Planet of The Apes, where we clearly are the Apes!
We can't even shake off the Bushite War Party, while the bonobo could never have one as they have better, safer, and more productive and pleasurable things to occupy their lives with.
Who are the real Apes?
If there really is any long-term hope for this Planet of the Apes as we war drum and goose step into 2003 it has to be that after the small pox, the anthrax, the war for oil, the Robust Earth Penetrator, tactical nuclear weapons use, Daisy Cutters, Sarin, ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel, the bonobo will be left happily screwing away in peace in the trees, left to build a better world for somebody else's SETI Program to someday discover. Because if they are not left happily doing their thing, there will be no intelligent life left on this third rock out, for they are about all it has to offer as is!
Happy New Year and may at least the bonobo outlive OUR perverted lust! The endless lust for war and better ways to wage it!
As always;
J Truman
University chimp amazes scientists with own 'words'
by David Derbyshire, www.telegraph.co.uk, 2 January 2003
- Subject: CIA and MI5 linked to Hammarskjöld death
5 Jan 2003Amazing. How can we get the documents? I have long suspected he was killed by them.
CIA and MI5 linked to Hammarskjöld death
by Marlene Burger, Mail&Guardian, 28 August 1998
- Subject: Oil Bibliography Archive 1997: Jannah Hunt Oil and Gary Mitchell
6 Jan 2003Gee, Hunt Oil, Schlumberger, I feel like I'm reading something on the JFK assassination. H L Hunt was of course quite involved in the planning to kill Kennedy and Schlumberger owned the arms cache near Lake Ponchartrain, LA that was raided by JFK to stop a planned attack on Cuba. The anti-Castro Cubans and their supporters in New Orleans were the specific group infiltrated by Oswald.
There is more, but seeing these names again in an oil chase doesn't surprise me. George deMohrenschildt, the CIA handler in Dallas for the Oswald's was an oil geologist who lost a fortune in an oil investment (Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Trust) when Castro came to power, and an even larger one when his family was pushed out of power in Minsk, Byelorussia by the Bolsehvik revolution. His father had been in charge of the huge Nobel family oil fields there. deM was also close to Kerr of Kerr-McGee whose DISC security guards later killed Karen Silkwood. Fletcher Prouty used to contend that there was much more oil to be discovered, asserting that anaerobic oil sources exist as well. It would certainly be in the interest of the suppliers to create "shortages" as well as "surpluses" to control the market price.
Jannah Hunt Oil and Gary Mitchell
Joby G. Lewis II, 7 March 1997
- Subject: More Kids Receiving Psychiatric Drugs
14 Jan 2003This is a scandal almost no one looks at. Millions of childen on toxic Ritalin, making megabucks for the companies making it. The "diagnoses" of hyperactive, attention defecit, and oppositional defiance are labels specifically created by the drug companies who then sold families and schools and doctors the "wonder cure". When they get a little older they can be put on Prozac, like the dog is usually. Quitting these drugs quickly usually leads to disfunctional episodes which are often violent or suicidal. If they do something to really hurt anyone then it "proves" that they needed their meds. But the medication withdrawal seems to be the real source of the problem. Once past that, things improve rapidly for most.
"Class clowns" we used to call the kids who are now targets of this forced drugging regimen. One couple who refused to allow the school to drug their child ended up in court in a custody case based on their "incompetence" to raise their child if they thought he could be drug free. The level of Ritalin deaths and suicides as well as post-med activity and impovement has not been much explored. Dr. Peter Breggin is one of the few writing about Talking Back to Prozac, and his recent work on children and Ritalin and related drugs also. A voice in the wilderness though. Nasty stuff and spreading. One wonders from this logic how we ever had a functional society before all these lethal drugs came around to help us. "I just can't live without my Prozac" says one, or "he is terrible when he's off his meds". Anyway, there but for the grace of a few years went I, for sure.
More Kids Receiving Psychiatric Drugs
by Shankar Vedantam, Washington Post, 14 January 2003
- Subject: D.C. Students Skip Classes to Protest War
16 Jan 2003I talked to students on a panel debating the war about a month ago and encouraged them to decide for themselves. I feel I had a small part in their courageous decision to act on their feelings. Middle schoolers too!! Hope this starts replicating. When I was in high school, we couldn't even have had the debate. I think we should all call and write the principal telling him not to take any disciplinary action against them. This is much better than most field trips for real life learning. On Monday, January 20th I will be speaking at a workshop at Plymouth Congregational Church (N. Capitol and Riggs Rd.)on military recruitment issues from 11:00 - 1:30 and then I will be part of a workshop with folks from the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (CCCO), AFSC National Youth and Militarism Project, Center on Conscience and War (NISBCO) and War Resister's League at AFSC-DC (2411 14th below W St.) on counter-recruitment, JROTC and the draft from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. These will be some of the best folks in the country, so feel free to join us and learn about countering militarism.
D.C. Students Skip Classes to Protest War
Activists from Wilson, Deal Demonstrate Against Military Strike on Iraq
by Manny Fernandez, Washington Post, 15 January 2003
- Subject:
12 Jan 2003I was afraid when I heard about the shuttle exploding that it might be carrying nuclear materials, since so many do as part of military domination of the space program since the Challenger exploded. I heard them warning people to stay away from the debris. Since then, it was confirmed to have a nuclear payload aboard. This program just continues the problem in larger scale. It did not pass my notice that both the Challenger and the Columbia were carrying much-touted "rainbow coalitions" of the only Black, Jewish and women astronauts.
NASA'S Nuclear Prometheus Project Viewed as Major Paradigm Shift
by Leonard David, Space.com, 7 March 2003
- Subject: Jonathan Pollard pardon opposed by key manipulators
13 May 2003This item from http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/week007.htm is a right wing Christian critique of leading establishment lights who are also identified as members of the Bilderberg group (BB), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)and the Trilateral Commission (TC). The mix of people mentioned here is informative.
Seven former Republican defense secretaries, by a letter, have urged Clinton (AP Dec. 11) not to release convicted spy Jonathan Pollard "notwithstanding our strong support for Israel." The magnificent elite seven were: Donald H. Rumsfield (BB) [Trustee of Freedom House and RAND; Board Member, National Park Foundation; Member of Steering Committee, Balkan Institute and Chairman of Cilead Science, Inc.], Frank C. Carlucci III (CFR/TC) [Chairman of Carlyle Group; Adjunct Fellow, Hudson Institute; Director, Atlantic Council of the United States; Former Deputy Director of CIA; Trustee, RAND and Member of Steering Committee, Balkan Institute], Richard "Dick" B. Cheney (CFR) [Emeritus Member of Aspen Strategy Group; Director, Union Pacific; Haliburton Co., and Member, Bretton Woods Committee], Melvin Robert Laird (TC), Elliot Lee Richardson (CFR/TC) [Co-Chair, National Council, UNA-USA; Policy Review Board Member, Public Agenda; Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy; Honorary Director, Atlantic Council of the United States; Felix Frankfurter law clerk; President, Boston's World Affairs Council; Harvard Overseer and Secretary of HEW], James Rodney Schlesinger (CFR) [Lucius Trust; CIA Director; Secretary of Energy; Chairman Atomic Energy Commission; OMB; RAND staff; Director, Nixon Center and Director Atlantic Council of the United States] and Caspar Willard Weinberger (CFR/TC) [General Counsel, Bechtel; Pardoned by Bush in December 1992]. Among the some 800 documents turned over to Israel by Pollard was the 10-volume manual (CBS News Dec. 8) of the National Security Agency. Israel has never fully admitted to his actions.
The Week That Just Was, Vol. 1. No. 7. (to December 13, 1998).
Bible Believers -- the PRESENT Truth -- what Jesus is doing NOW
- Subject: Frauds-R-Us' - The Bush Family Saga
13 May 2003Additional layers of perfidy that surround the Bush family. "I have unleashed the Bush family on America" President (to be) George HW Bush in his campaign debate with Michael Dukakis.
`Frauds-R-Us' - The Bush Family Saga
by William Bowles, Information Clearing House, May 2003
- Subject: COPA Needs Your Support This Year
1 Jun 2003Please see the attached file concerning COPA's ambitious agenda this year and what's still ahead, and consider making a donation to our ongoing work to make all this possible. We cannot do it without you. Our special thanks to all those who made our Memphis conference a success and who are helping out with future ones. We hope to see everyone this year.
COPA Needs Your Support this Year
1 June 2003
- Subject: The rise of the militocracy
27 Jul 2003Does this sound a little familiar? With all of Poppy Bush's key Contragrate spooks in key positions, the revolving door between the Pentagon and both government and industry, and the same with ex-CIA and ex-DIA spooks running the privatized security agencies, why doesn't this same trend ever set off alarm bells here in the real "militocracy"? The coup was not so silent in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63, the shots were heard around the world, but the coup was only visible to those with enough courage to look.
The Military Has Managed A Silent Coup
by Olga Kryshtanovskaya, Moscow Times, 18 July 2003
So much for civilan rule, said Olga Kryshtanovskaya in the Moscow Times. President Vladmir PLutin has delivered the country to the army. In the three years of his presidency, "the corridors of power have swelled with people from a military, law-enforcement, or security background." Where Ptuin's predecessory, Boris Yeltsin, packed the Kremlin with policy wonks, Putin has filled it with spooks. He has "quietly and imperceptibly" replaced civilian staffers with his old cronies from the FSB, the spy agency that succeeded the old Soviet KGB.Russians should worry. It isn't just a matter of a few retired generals deciding to take up politics. More than one third of the ministers and deputy ministers Putin has appointed to the cabinet are military officers. Even at the provincial government level, the number of appointees with miliatry or security backgroudns has doubled. These people come from a world of rigid hierarchies, where you follow your commander's orders. They are completely unsutied to the give-and-take of democracy, especially the delicate, fledgling democracy Russia is trying to nurture. Spies and military men are notoriously reluctant to share information about what they are doing, too. Russia may have shaken off totalitarianism only to embrace "militocracy."
- Subject: The Case Against the Generals
25 Aug 2003The US is the great haven for the war criminals we have trained and equipped and then protected after they carry out torture, assassination and genocide on our behalf. This was true of the Nazi war criminals who came here by the thousands, and it is true in all the other wars afterwards. . . .
The Case Against the Generals
by Joshua E.S. Phillips, Washington Post, 17 August 2003
- Subject: Upcoming book contends LBJ was behind JFK's assassination
25 Aug 2003The item is part two of a story. Put it together with the recent review of Barr McClelland's book (second article) and see if it rings any bells. Ed Clark, blamed in the JFK assassination by McClelland was appointed US Ambassador to Australia by JFK following this disappearance. Australian and US intelligence were linked in building listening posts, among other things afterwards. Other coups happened with those who opposed policy. Note here the comparison to the JFK assassination as well as the "theory" that the CIA killed Holt because he was about to pull Australian troops out of Vietnam (the last paragraph of most news stories is still the best one to read). Clark worked with Brown and Root which made billions off of Vietnam (now under Haliburton, posed to make even more off of Iraq), and which financed LBJ into office. Kennedy was ready to pull out of Vietnam, too. Just a happenstance, as Penn Jones would say.
I mistakenly sent the link to the later version of the first article on the Reuters site. Interestingly, the byline is gone now as is the "Conspiracy Theories" section. It's this version which ends with the gem of a last line that Holt was considering pulling out of Vietnam, and it has several more details about the case.
According to Robert Caro's Path to Power biography of LBJ, Edward A. Clark resigned as Texas Secretary of State in 1940 to go to work for Herman Brown, founder of Brown & Root. Clark was a principal lawyer/advisor to Brown thereafter. LBJ appointed Clark ambassador to Australia in 1965, where he served until 1967. Holt disappeared in Dec, 1967. LBJ attended the memorial service for Holt. Brown & Root made 4 billion off the war in Vietnam and financed LBJ's rise to the Presidency. Both JFK and Holt had planned to pull out of Vietnam before their murder/disappearance. Clark is fingered by Barr McClellan in his new book, Blood, Money and Power, as working for LBJ in the assassination of JFK.
Australia reopens mystery of missing PM
by Belinda Goldsmith, Reuters, 25 August 2003
missingPM.htmlUpcoming book contends LBJ was behind JFK's assassination
by Hye Jeong, Knight Ridder Newspapers,
- Subject: Mars takes a look at Earth
28 Sep 2003
Mars is a feisty little fellow! Now that Mars is as close to earth as he's likely to be for some time again (60,000 years was the last approach), it appears in this recent image that he has popped open one eye and is sniffing with his little nose to take a look at his neighbor. This is taken from an interesting amateur Mars Watch site that posts images regularly [click image for full view]. These will probably be some of the clearest during this near patch. Other images of the site make this "eye-nose-mouth" combination into an almost cartoonish grimace. Once I saw it, the "Man On Mars" comes clear in most of them. I've always been fascinated by images of the planets and outer space. If there are aliens, I wish to hell they'd come by and get me out of this gravity well!
- Subject: Who really started the Reichstag Fire?
24 Sep 2003A definitive account points the blame to the Nazis themselves. There is a scene in 1984 where Winston and Julia are speaking about the permanent wars being carried out in Eastasia or Eurasia (depending on the current propaganda it has always been only one of them, but the story changes in reality). Winston notes that except for the images on the telescreen and at Hate Week, they have no real proof of wars taking place, except for the occasional sounds of rocket bomb explosions on the outskirts of their main city. Julia reveals that she has always suspected those were being done by the Party itself. And now, we have 9/11. I am sending this both because of the parallels but because Ray McGovern and others have been siding to the "lone nut" thesis and blaming van de Lubbe. I believe the evidence points to the Nazi Party as the perpetrators and the beneficiaries at the same time. My reading of the history was that the Nazis overheard van der Lubbe plotting to start a fire, and they assisted his efforts. van der Lubbe had only the shirt on his back to set ablaze.
Book Review
The Reichstag Fire, 68 years on Alexander Bahar, Wilfried Kugel: Der Reichstagbrand - Wie Geschichte gemacht wird (The Reichstag Fire - How History is Created), edition q, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-86124-523-2, 864 pages, price: 68.00 DM
A guest review by Wilhelm Klein, World Socialist Web Site, 5 July 2001
- Subject: Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch in Dealey Plaza?
1 Oct 2003This one links more characters than you can shake a stick at on the ground level. Will be interesting to see the documentary when it is released.
When will Posada confess to complicity in Kennedy's assassination?
by Jean-Guy Allard, Special for Granma International, 19 August 2003
- Subject: Sieg Heil: The Bush-Rove-Schwarznegger Nazi Nexus and the Destabilization of California
9 Oct 2003Here are the goods compiled in one place with sources on the Nazi connection that continues to emerge as we move into the final stages of global corporate and capital monopoly, with its objective pressure for genocide. Things may be dim, but we must not "go quietly into that dark night, but rail, rail against the dying of that light".
Siege Heil: The Bush-Rove-Schwarzenegger Nazi Nexus
and the Destabilization of California
by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman, The Free Press (Columbus, Ohio), 6 October 2003
- Subject: Re: Can our agriculture survive the coming fossil fuel shortage?
9 Oct 2003Ken,
I don't agree with the peak oil thesis, but there is obviously a limit to the capability of one non-renewable energy source to sustain unchecked population growth and consumption patterns. However, there are alternative and sustainable energy sources, alternate paths, energy conservation technology and organic methods that would solve both the problems here if we got off of oil and fertilizer addictions.
Food shortage is created by misuse of arable lands worldwide to grow cash crops. Otherwise, all existing countries have enough arable land to feed their populations, even with expansion. Use of fertilizers and genetically altered seeds will destroy that advantage, however, and exhaust the soil for future use.
Oil shortages are created fraudulently in order to artificially inflate the prices. There are new deposits of oil being found all the time, the largest recent one in Iran, if that tells you anything about the war schedule. Also, there is non-organic oil, which is not being sought by conventional methods.
But oil is no salvation even if we had enough to go on forever, because the environmental damage done in its collection, transport and use create a net loss, not a net gain for future planet survival. Nuclear is worse. Solar, fuel cell, geothermal, wind, water and energy conservation and permaculture approaches can reverse all this mess. Ruppert constantly does this doomsday prediction with no alternatives given and then grins and shrugs. There are alternatives and we need to be pushing them. Otherwise, we all start fighting over the food
From: Ken
Date: Monday, October 06, 2003 5:30 PM
Subject: Can our agriculture survive the coming fossil fuel shortage?The average American, including me, has no idea of how much our agriculture depends upon oil and gas, and when those fuels are less availabe how that will affect our food supply, and the world's. Here in this well documented report is the amazing and very scary future that awaits us, and particularly our children, in the very near future. At the end, the author states:
The questions we must ask ourselves now are, how can we allow this to happen, and what can we do to prevent it? Does our present lifestyle mean so much to us that we would subject ourselves and our children to this fast approaching tragedy simply for a few more years of conspicuous consumption?
The answer, as long as we have a corporate dominated SYSTEM, which I believe may very well be for the foreseeable future, is a resounding YES! Ken
Eating Fossil Fuels
by Dale Allen Pfeiffer, From The Wilderness, 3 October 2003
- Subject: Corporate Banks, Nazis, Safe Passage and the JFK assassination
16 Nov 2003This is from a website description of the team members on staff at CorporateBank. Safe passage indeed! We were the ones threatened, their only problem was being discovered and hung before they got out. Dohrnberger and Braun worked side by side at Pennemunde and Dora, using slave labor and committing crimes against humanity to build their anti-personnel rocket weapons V-1 to V-5 that they used to terrorize civilian populations in England and elsewhere. Dohrnberger was convicted, but von Braun saved him by insisting he would not work for the US unless his mentor was brought here. Lucius Clay and John J. McCloy dropped the charges. Dohrnberger helped start the space program, invented Star Wars in 1960, headed up Bell Helicopter in Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX, and employed Michael Payne. Von Braun's capture was pre-arranged and handled by General Thatcher and his aide-de-camp Clay Shaw. Shaw and Payne both knew and manipulated Lee Harvey Oswald, and helped to bring about the assassination of JFK. John J. McCloy sat on the Warren Commisson to seal the cover-up, along with Allen Dulles who made the original deals with von Braun before the war ended. For more on CorporateBank, see the website below
President - Magplane Technology Inc.
Dr. Kolm is the president of Magplane Technology, Inc., a CorporateBank affiliate and partner company. He invented the Magplane system of magnetically levitated transportation (with co-inventor Dr. Richard Thornton), and developed the first practical synchronous electromagnetic launchers. Dr. Kolm is one of the founders of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory, an authority on electromagnetic technology with over 30 years of experience, and a recognized inventor, innovator, and industrialist. He has consulted extensively for industry and government. He has also published three Scientific American articles, approximately 60 professional papers, made several science films, contributed to several NOVA programs, and is an author of over 30 United States patents and their foreign counterparts in cryogenic, magnetic and piezoelectric applications. Dr. Kolm was also a member of the US Army Intelligence team responsible for the successful safe passage of Dr. Werner von Braun and other key German scientists to the United States.About CorporateBank
Strategic Alliance - Our Team
- Subject: Lethal Virus from 1918 Genetically Reconstructed
20 Oct 2003They dug the virus out of the frozen tundra supposedly to study its fatal effects, and now they have revived it as a weapon. Nothing new.
Lethal Virus from 1918 Genetically Reconstructed
US Army scientists create "Spanish Flu" virus in laboratory - medical benefit questionable
The Sunshine Project, News Release, 9 October 2003
- Subject: Frauds-Are-Us, The Bush Family Saga Part 1
20 Oct 2003Historical fascism meets global fascism at the Bush intersection. This and the previous one I sent are BOTH important to review to understand why we have become a Hitler-like Fascist nation overnite.
A Nazi in the (pocket) is worth four in the Bush (family)
by William Bowles, Information Clearing House, 7 May 2003
- Subject: Bush-Nazi Link Confirmed
20 Oct 2003Now they air the laundry.
Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed
by John Buchanan, The New Hampshire Gazette, 10 October 2003
- Subject: Breaking the News on JFK - Nov 19
15 Nov 2003Thought you'd find this of interest as well. One of several "anniversary specials" planned. FOX News has one for the 22nd that seems to be critical of the official story. Peter Jennings and ABC plan a prime time two hour program on November 20 to "prove" Oswald acted alone and no shots came from the front, reyling on the flawed research and computer graphics of Dale Meyers. Jim DiEugenio is asking people to write or call ABC to demand equal time for the critics.
"JFK: Breaking The News" Revisits Four Days in Dallas
that Shocked the World and Reshaped Broadcast Journalism
Jane Pauley Narrates, PBS, 11/19/03
- Subject: Kennedy, Vietnam and Iraq by James K. Galbraith
10 Dec 2003Galbraith only gets the timing wrong, since JFK decided on full withdrawal in April 63 to be completed by the end of 64. We had author Howard Jones at our Dallas conference for COPA, who wrote The Death of A Generation which came to similar conclusions, as did Robert Dallek in An Unfinished Life, even if he won't draw all the conclusions necessary.
Kennedy, Vietnam and Iraq
by James K. Galbraith, Salon, 22 November 2003
- Subject: JFK Grand Jury Petition
10 Dec 2003Friends,
The Coalition on Political Assassinations endorses this Grand Jury petition as yet another step towards learning the truth about the assassination of President Kennedy, since it would allow discovery, forensic tests, and new witness testimony, armed with the expertise of 40 years of detailed research into the case. Many leads have not gone cold and a determined prosecutor could follow them relating to both the crime and the coverup. Researcher Bill Kelly initiated this project and has spoken about it at several COPA regional meetings with good response.
Motivated prosecutors got convictions in the murder of Medgar Evers and the bombing of a church in Birmingham, Alabama some 30 years after the civil rights struggle that created them. The major cases of political assassination should not be exempt, and we have recently seen a definitive civil trial, as well as a near-exoneration of James Earl Ray in the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King in appelate court. Currrently, an attorney in Los Angeles is bringing an appeal on behalf of Sirhan Sirhan, to prove his legal innocence in the murder of Roberrt F. Kennedy. I hope you will sign the petition and forward it to others you know. We need thousands of signatures to bring pressure on local DA's to intiiate the Grand Jury.
Thanks, John Judge
JFK Grand Jury Petition
To: U.S. Attorney North Texas/La./DC