The Baggett Memo This document is a memo written by Criminalist Larry Baggett, who investigated the Robert Kennedy shooting for the LAPD. TRANSCRIPTION NOTE: this text transcription was made from the photocopy at and this text file is resident in the same directory folder. Thanks to Paul Schrade for providing the original PDF copy. Any character errors in this text file are of my doing. Please inform me if you can confirm any correction. David Ratcliffe, editor/publisher, rat haus reality press, 11 Aug 2016 ____________________________________________________________________________ 42 Date____________ from the desk of . . . DEPUTY CHIEF JOHN A. MC ALLISTER Mac - this doesn't appear to require any action, but I think we should monitor. I think Wolfer and the investigator who handled should go. mep 43 SIRHAN HYCON BALLISCAN CAMERA HY-CON CAMERA [this line text scratched out] GOSSETT PANASCOPIC CAMERA LATTY BAGGETT PANASCOPIC CAMERA REPORT PHOTOS BY TED CHARACH & ENLARGED 20 X. OCT/NOV. 1973 1. WM HARPER PASA. CRIMIN 2. PROF. HERB. LEON McDONELL OF CORNING COMM. COLLEGE & ELMIRA COLLEGE ,N.Y. DIR. FORENSIC SCI. IVER JOHNSON , 22 CADET #H53725 OMARK - C.C.I; WEISEL BULLET CONSISTENT W OMARK KENNEDY " MFG BY FED. CART. CO. OR SOME OTHER. 44 HYCON BALLISCANIC CAMERA _____________________________________ DIFF. OF 1/2 DEGREE IN RIFLING ANGLES KENNEDY BULLET FIRED FROM BARREL WITH SHARPER RIFLING THAN WEISEL CONCLUSION 1. KENNEDY & WEISEL BULLETS NOT FIRED FROM SAME GUN. 2. KENNEDY BULLET NOT FIRED FROM SIRHAN'S REVOLER. _____________________________________ SID TRAPP VAN NUYS D.A. FOR HYCON INFO. DEPT 53 974-5679 V.N. 873-5674 AVOID PHIL ROBERTSON OF HYCON CORONER HAS HYCON BALLISCANIC CAMERA CO. # 309260 COST $3500 ACTRON INDUSTRIES INC. SUBSID. OF McDONNELL-DOUGLAS 700 ROYAL OAKS DR., MONROVIA #359-8216 45 1. INT. PATCHETT RE: EXPERT OPINION OTHER THAN WOLFER'S ON BALLISCAN 2. TALK TO SID ABOUT PROFESSOR. 3. DEP. D.A. DINKO BOZANICH