TRANSCRIPTION NOTE: this text transcription was made from the photocopy at and this text file is resident in the same directory folder. Thanks to Paul Schrade for providing the original PDF copy. Any character errors in this text file are of my doing. Please inform me if you can confirm any correction. David Ratcliffe, editor/publisher, rat haus reality press, 24 Nov 2016 ____________________________________________________________________________ RAMPART DETECTIVE DIVISION INTERVIEWS - JUNE 5, 1968 KENNEDY SHOOTING DR 68-521 466 INTERVIEWED BY M.J. MC GANN P.L. CALKISS HOMICIDE DIV. STATEMENT OF EDDIE MINASISAN DATE 6-5-68, 2:40 AM Ambassador Hotel 849-4342 Escoted from 5th floor to Embassy Room. After speaking, witness escoted Kennedy down hallway towards colonial room where he was going to meet press. As they got passed doors, Kennedy faced to his left and shook hands with several hotel employees. Witness was to Kennedy's right and slightly ahead of him. Saw susp. approach from his front. Thought susp. was going to shake Kennedy's hand. Reached around witness to the witness left and produced gun. Shot 2 or thee times. Witness grabbed susp. along with Karl Uecker. They were then assited by Grier and Johnson. Can ID susp. and gun.