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US: The Threat From Within
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"The events of September 11 did not damage the constitutional
system of checks and balances nor public
accountability. But constitutional protections and
democratic government are under great threat from
an Administration that seeks to aggrandize power
and from members of Congress who are both reluctant
to exercise legitimate oversight and eager to
strip the courts of their responsibility for oversight.
U.S. is poised at a Rubicon and the world with
it. Those in U.S. government who press to cross the
river are, like Caesar, committed to being victorious.
But Caesar recognized that failure to conquer would
mean death, for himself and all those under his leadership.
Do U.S. leaders who are so eager for U.S.
military domination recognize all that is at stake?"
- Bosnia, Kosovo, and Now Libya:
The Human Costs of Washington's On-Going Collusion with Terrorists,
by Peter Dale Scott, The Asian-Pacific Journal, 1 Aug 2011
- Hiding the Truth? President Bush's Need-to-Know Democracy,
by Stephen Pizzo,, 29 Oct 2003
- Market Will Attempt to Predict White House Moves,
by American Action Market, 1 Aug 2003
- The Last Defender of the American Republic?
An interview with Gore Vidal by Marc Cooper,
L.A. Weekly, 5 Jul 2002
- A wry scourge on the attack
Gore Vidal delivers chilling predictions of despotism,
by Arthur Jones, National Catholic Reporter, 1 Aug 2003
- The DiIulio Letter to Esquire, 24 Oct 2002
- The Threat from Within, Friends Committee on National Legislation,
Washington Newsletter, June 2002
- The Enemy Within, by Gore Vidal,
The Observer [UK], 27 Oct 2002
- Homeland Security Act: The Rise of the American Police State,
by Jennifer Van Bergen, truthout, 2,3,4 Dec 2002
- Text of Homeland Security Act, (H.R. 5005), November 2002
- Book Review: The New Pearl Harbor
Was the Bush Administration Complicit in 9/11?,
by Rosemary Ruether, December 2003
- Gore Vidal claims `Bush junta' complicit in 9/11,
Sunder Katwala, The Observer [UK], 27 Oct 2002
- Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens,
by Ward Churchill, 12 Sep 2001
- War, Inc., by Mike Ferner, April 2002
- Tetuwan Oyate Statement, Teton Sioux Nation Treaty Council:
Against the United States Invasion of Iraq
and call for United Nations General Assembly Intervention
- Market Will Attempt to Predict White House Moves,
by American Action Market, 1 Aug 2003
- Saving Tennessee - There is $3.3 Trillion Missing
From HUD & DOD in FYs1998-2001 by Catherine Austin Fitts, 4 Jul 2002
- U.S.'s Missing $Trillions Make Mainstream At Last, Scoop, 26 May 2003
- Thoughts On Our War Against Terrorism,
by Representative Cynthia McKinney, 13 Apr 2002
- From The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence:
No Proof, No Investigation, No Accountability, No Law,
Bush Junior, September 11th and The Rule of Law
by Francis Boyle, 17 May 2002
- Rep. Henry Waxman letter to Condoleezza Rice
Questions Forged Evidence, 30 June 2003
- Rep. Henry Waxman letter to Rumsfeld
Questions Halliburton Ties to Terrorism, 30 Apr 2003
- The Rule Of Law versus Democracy,
by Doug Hammerstrom, By What Authority, Winter 2002
- Stopping A Police State, by Francis Boyle, snowshoefilms, 28 Apr 2003
- Rolling Back the 20th Century,
by William Greider, The Nation, 12 May 2003
- Collateral Damage From An Illegal War - United States: unsecured dollars,
by Frederic Clairmont, Le Monde diplomatique, Apr 2003
- A Claim Of Human Rights Violations To The United Nations -
Versus The United States Government, UN Observer & Int'l Report, 30 Apr 2003
- Conspiracy crusader doubts official 9/11 version,
by Michele Landsberg, Toronto Star, 11 May 2003
- Conspiracy Theories, The Black Commentator, 17 Apr 2003
- The Crime Of The Century: A Never-Ending
"War Against Terrorism", by Thom Hartmann, 30 Apr 2003
- Heady times for Carlyle in the wake of chaos and grief
that gripped a nation, by Dan Briody, UK Times Online, 8 May 2003
- How Carlyle buys respectability and profits,,
by Dan Briody, UK Times Online, 9 May 2003
- Who Knows?
The FBI may be hot on the trail of books read by potential terrorists.
We're not sure because we're not permitted to know,
by Nat Hentoff, Legal Times, 22 Apr 2002
- Foreknowledge of 9/11,
by John Judge, 9 Jul 2002
- The Un-Americans,
works assembled by Paul Wolf, 6 May 2003
McCarthy flourished during Cold War anxieties, with some parallels to
today's fear of terrorism. Levin said the hearings were a reminder of
"tactics (that) can be used to quiet dissenters" and the need to resist
"those who try to still voices of disagreement."
- Iraq, the United States, and International Law: Beyond the Sanctions,
by Richard Falk, Transnational Foundation, 27 Aug 2002
- Impending Constitutional Crisis: The Rush to War,
by Richard Falk, Transnational Foundation, 27 Aug 2002
- A letter to America,
by Margaret Atwood, The Globe and Mail, 28 Mar 2003
- The Erosion of the American Dream,
interview with Gore Vidal, SBS TV, Australia, 12 Mar 2003
- Bush Terror Elite Wanted 9/11 to Happen,
by John Pilger, 12 Dec 2002
- Bracing for Bush's War at Home
Ground Laid for Historic Presidential Powers Push,
by Chisun Lee, Village Voice, 26 Mar 2003
- The United States of America Has Gone Mad,
by John le Carré, The Times of London, 15 Jan 2003
- Pentagon Threatens to Kill Independent Reporters in Iraq,
Kate Adie, 9 Mar 2003
- The media embedded,
by Tom Engelhardt,, 19 Feb 2003
- Book Review: The War on Freedom - How and Why
America Was Attacked on September 11 2001,
by Wanda Ballentine, 2 Dec 2002
- The Men From JINSA and CSP,
by Jason Vest, The Nation, 2 Sep 2002
- US Thinktanks Give Lessons in Foreign Policy,
Brian Whitaker reports on the network of research institutes whose views and
TV appearances are supplanting all other experts on Middle Eastern issues,
The Guardian, 19 Aug 2002
Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba, 13 Mar 1962
From The National Security Archive:
TOP SECRET US government memo
on Cuba by the Joint Chiefs of Staff proposing plans to covertly engineer
various pretexts that would justify a U.S. invasion of Cuba.
These proposals -- part of a secret anti-Castro program known as
Operation Mongoose -- included staging the assassinations of Cubans
living in the United States, developing a fake "Communist Cuban
terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and
even in Washington," including "sink[ing] a boatload of Cuban
refugees (real or simulated)," faking a Cuban airforce attack on
a civilian jetliner, and concocting a "Remember the Maine" incident
by blowing up a U.S. ship in Cuban waters and then blaming the
incident on Cuban sabotage.
- Friendly Fire - Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans
to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba,
by David Ruppe,, 1 May 2001
- Former Top German Minister Rejects Official Story Of 911 Attacks,
Tagesspiegel, 15 Jan 2002
Former German Minister of Technology, Andreas von Buelow Attacks
Official Brainwashing on September 11 Issue; Points at "Mad Dog"
Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel Huntington.
- Euro Intel Experts Dismiss `War On Terrorism' As Deception, Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press, 4 Dec 2001
European intelligence experts dismiss the Bush "war on terrorism" as
deception and reveal the Realpolitik behind the aggression against
"[America is] adrift toward war, and it's a war that we can't
win. I suppose we can blow up Baghdad. But I think, when that
starts, if that happens, we can count on retaliation from 1
billion Muslims and who knows what other? We are opening up--
I don't know, a Pandora's box. It's as if we're opening a tomb
and God knows what will come out of it.
is dangerous country. This isn't just ordinary colonial
aggression--a European power that wants to take over Panama,
something like that. This isn't it at all. First of all,
they're proudly talking about a cultural and religious clash
between Christianity and Devil's work. That's very dangerous
and very stupid. And I don't know how you win that one. . . .
is something new. We've never had a period like this.
It was, to somebody like me, who is really hooked into
constitutional America, this is incredible. We cannot trust
the Supreme Court after their mysterious decisions on the
election of 2000.[14] . . . So in the absence of politics,
with a media that is easy to manipulate and, in the hands of
very few people with interests in wars and oil and so on, I
don't see how you get the word out, but one tries because
there is nothing else to be done."
- Asking the Wrong Question,
by John Judge, 19 May 2002
- Double Edged Sword by Paul Wolf,
11 Sep 2002
- Friends of terrorism,
Otto Reich in Bush Admin exposes hypocrisy of war on terror,
by Duncan Campbell, The Guardian, 8 Feb 2002
- Centre for Research on Globalisation: Foreknowledge of 9-11,
Compilation of articles & documents in support of a 9-11 Investigation
- Global Eye - Into the Dark,
by Chris Floyd, The St Petersburg Times, 1 Nov 2002
- The Secret War
Frustrated by intelligence failures, the Defense Department
is dramatically expanding its `black world' of covert operations,
by William Arkin, Los Angeles Times, 27 Oct 2002
- `P2OG' allows Pentagon to fight dirty,
by David Isenberg, Asia Times, 5 Nov 2002
- America the Fearful
by James Carroll, Boston Globe, 21 May 2002
- by Larry Chin:
- The American Empire: A Banana Republic?,
Francis Boyle, 25 Jan 2002
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