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 C R I M E S    A G A I N S T    H U M A N I T Y

The 9-11 bombings Are Not Acts of War

The 9-11 bombings Are Crimes Against Humanity

the focus is:
Hijacking Justice
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"The extreme nature of the positions that have been advocated by the Federalist Society and its leaders and detailed in this paper puts the Federalist Society far from the mainstream of beliefs shared by most Americans and enshrined in decades of constitutional jurisprudence and national policy. The leading voices of the Society share an ideology that is hostile to civil rights, reproductive rights, religious liberties, environmental protection, privacy rights, and health and safety standards, and would strip our federal government of the power to enforce these rights and protections. While individual members of the Society may hold different views, the driving force of the Society -- its leadership -- is united behind this extreme ideology. Even the words that define the purpose of government and the courts for ordinary people, fundamental values such as "fairness" and "tolerance," have been called into dispute. Richard Posner, a Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals judge with close ties to the Federalist Society, has derided these words as "terms which have no content.
        "Instead of lobbying or advocating in a very public and traditional manner, the Society is now working from powerful positions within the White House, the Justice Department and throughout the Bush administration. The Society's ambitions are not only to drive the nation's legal policies far to the right, but to lock in these changes for decades to come by controlling appointments to the federal court system. C. Boyden Gray, a Society member who served as White House counsel under Bush's father, has encouraged the younger Bush to use nominations for lifetime appointments to the federal courts to help create a legacy for his administration. "A president can put his or her stamp on the judiciary for a lot longer than he or she can the executive branch," said Gray.[139] Indeed, he can -- and if the Federalist Society has its way, President Bush will.
        "It's true that Federalist Society members, like all other Americans, have the constitutionally protected right to hold and express their own views and to join together with like-minded people in pursuit of shared goals. But it's also true that ideas have consequences. And the consequences of the ideas that leaders of the Federalist Society are promoting for the courts and the nation would be disastrous for Americans' fundamental rights."
--"The Federalist Society: From Obscurity to Power," People For
the American Way Foundation, August 2001

"The [Federalist Society] organization actively seeks to limit "judicial activism" and reverse Supreme Court landmark rulings since the New Deal, especially those issued in the 1960s and '70s. . . . Founded in 1982 by three law students, the Federalist Society has grown into one of the most influential institutions in America. Four of the nine members of the U.S. Supreme Court -- Clarence Thomas, William H. Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia and Anthony M. Kennedy -- are close affiliates of the Federalist Society. So are Donald P. Hodel, former president of the Christina Coalition, and special prosecutor Kenneth Starr."
--George Curry & Trevor Coleman, "Hijacking Justice," Emerge, Oct 1999

"Corporate money created the Federalist Society in 1982, helping it to gather 10,000 members at 120 law schools. ``Dedicated to purging law schools and the legal system of the `orthodox liberal ideology which advocates a centralized and uniform society,''' declares Justice For Sale,
the Society is now the principal organization for recruiting, educating and mobilizing conservative students on law school campuses and showcasing conservative legal scholarship. . . . The group's influence is perhaps best exemplified by the success of its three co-founders. As a member of the White House Office of Legal Counsel, Lee Liberman was considered the `ideological gatekeeper for the Bush Administration's process for selecting judges.' David McIntosh served as Executive Director of Vice President Quayle's Council on Competitiveness, and Steven Calabresi, now a professor at Northwestern University School of Law, was a special assistant to Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese.
"In sum, paying for and orchestrating law and economics professors and curricula at the nation's elite schools, sponsoring conferences, Continuing Legal Education workshops, legal research and theoretical writing, as well as for massive advertising and strategic litigation, these corporation initiatives `to make conservative economic theory the cornerstone of legal decision making,' documents Justice For Sale, have set up an `institutional network that will advance and sustain their cause well into the future. Integrated and intergenerational, this infrastructure includes representatives from all segments of the legal establishment -- judges, scholars, practitioners, and young apprentices hailing from the Federalist Society.'
        "Justice For Sale is a frightening report, meticulously documented with references to the professors, theorists, and foundations behind this campaign. `Intended to provoke debate' and `instigate true reform of the legal system,' it should be a catalyst for public debate and strategizing. Read it."
--Richard L. Grossman, "Review of Justice For Sale, Fall 1993

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