

  • Energy-LET-Range Calculator download version 1.20 (259 KBytes)
    The ongoing miniaturization electronic devices is accompanied by a constant reduction of the critical charge capable of changing logic state in the device. As a consequence, these devices are increasingly susceptible to soft and hard errors called single event upsets (SEU), caused by a single heavy ion passing through sensitive volumes of the device. Since the total number of charge carriers generated in the wake of the incoming particle and later collected in the device sensitive volume is proportional to the energy lost in that volume, the upset probability depends on the linear energy transfer (LET) of the heavy ion projectile. The experimentally determined LET threshold and saturated SEU cross section for a given electronic device are used to predict the expected SEU rate in a space environment. Heavy ion beams suitable for SEU testing are obtained at facilities attached to low energy heavy ion accelerators. The beam energy is determined by the accelerator operational parameters and beamline optics, and then is used to calculate the LET value, usually by using the semi-empirical formulas developed by J. F. Ziegler et al. These formulas are used to calculate the linear energy transfers by this program. These formulas are valid for heavy ion energies above 0.2 MeV/AMU and their accuracy is about ±5%. The Energy-LET-Range Calculator can calculate energy, LET, and/or range of heavy ions from hydrogen to uranium in a variety of targets. Given one of these quantities, the program calculates the remaining two. More target materials can be easily added by entering their density and chemical or mass percent formulas. The calculated results can be pasted/copied to other programs such as text editors, word processors, or spreadsheets. Windows 95/98/NT

  • DateTime File Stamp download version 5.11 (367 KBytes)
    The program can stamp a group of files with an identical date and time before the files are distributed. For example, a software developer may wish to stamp all files in a finished application, or just the newly created and modified files in an upgraded version of the application. A unique feature of the DateTime File Stamp is the capability to modify the creation date and time of folders. Subfolders and their files can be included. The DateTime File Stamp program is also able to extract and save both large (32 x 32 pixels), shell (18 x 18 pixels), and small (16 x 16 pixels) icons from the selected files, files in selected folders, and in all their subfolders. The extracted icons can be copied to other applications or saved in icon files. Another capability of the program is to destroy selected folders, including any subfolders, and to completely wipe out all files within the destroyed folders or individually selected files. The program user interface features an Explorer-like folder tree and file list to help the user navigate through the file system and select multiple files for stamping or destruction. The desired date and time is entered from the keyboard in a variety of formats or set by a bank of spin buttons for month, day, year, hour, minute, and second. It is possible to set the date to anything between the beginning of the year 1601 and the end of the year 30825. The full date range can be used for stamping files or folders only on NTFS file system supported by the Windows NT. On FAT (Windows 95/98/NT) and FAT32 (Windows 95/98) file systems, the stamping date range is limited to 1980-2107 inclusive for files and 1980-2099 inclusive for folders. Windows 95/98/NT

  • C Run-time for Visual Basic download version 1.0 (137 KBytes)
    Visual Basic is known to have a poor choice of string and buffer manipulation functions. Some Visual Basic programmers relied on certain string and buffer manipulation API calls, such as lstrcpy or hmemcpy, designed to supplement the C run-time library. However, the API call hmemcpy, originally designed to handle huge buffer pointers (32-bit long and pointing to more than 64 KBytes of memory), is no longer supported in the 32-bit KERNEL32.DLL dynamic link library. The reason is that all pointers in 32-bit C programs are de-facto huge, and the ordinary C run-time library function memcpy does the job of hmemcpy. However, C run-time library functions are not accessible from Visual Basic. CRTVB.DLL dynamic link library makes it possible to call most C run-time string and buffer manipulation functions from Visual Basic. Some of these functions have Visual Basic counterparts and are included just for entirety. But many have no Visual Basic counterparts at all, including the C run-time library functions memcpy and memmove. Windows 95/98

  • Wolf'nSheep Checkerboard Game download version 2.00 (130 KBytes)
    Wolf'nSheep plays the wolf and sheep checkerboard game. A herd of sheep tries to surround a single wolf. The wolf tries to penetrate the herd and escape. You can play with a friend or against the computer. Computer playing the sheep follows an optimum strategy and always wins. When you play the sheep, you can follow the same strategy and win; you can lose only by making an error. Windows 95/98/NT, Windows 3.1x upon request.

  • Network DDE Flat Thunk download version 1.02 (954 KBytes)
    When selecting an inter-process communication over the Local Area Network (LAN) for a real time data acquisition or industrial process control, Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) is too complex and slow. Named Pipes through network, the next best candidate, are supported in Windows NT only. The venerable network Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is simple and fast, but there is no 32-bit version of Windows 16-bit NDDEAPI.DLL. In order to access the network DDE functions from a 32-bit application written for Windows 95/98, it is necessary to build a flat thunk, i.e. 32-bit NDDEAP32.DLL and 16-bit NDDEAP16.DLL. This package includes a sample source code and build directions for doing just that. It may also serve as a prototype for building flat thunks to other vendor 16-bit DLLs. Windows 95/98


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