Table of contents


  1. E. I. Hamilton: Applied Geochronology; Academic Press, London and New York, (1965).
  2. D. J. Horen et al.: Nuclear Level Schemes A = 45 through A = 257 from Nuclear Data Sheets; Academic Press, New York and London, (1973).
  3. H. Gray: Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical; Running Press, Philadelphia, PA, (1974).
  4. Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers, ICRP Publication No. 30, Part I; International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), Pergamon Press, New York, (July 1978)
  5. J. C. Elder and M. C. Tinkle: Oxidation of Depleted Uranium Penetrators and Aerosol Dispersal at High Temperatures, LA-8610-MS; Los Alamos National Laboratory, (December 1980). download (2,857 KBytes)
  6. W. R. Leo: Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments; Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, and Heidelberg, (1987).
  7. R. E. Alexander, A. Brodsky, R. B. Neel, and J. S. Puskin: Uranium Mills Bioassay Dosimetry Model; Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), (January 1988).
  8. L. Parker: Fear of Flying; Nature, Vol. 336, (December 1988).
  9. P. Loewenstein: Industrial Uses of Depleted Uranium, Vol. I; American Society for Metals, (1989).
  10. I. Camins and J. H. Shinn: Analysis of Beryllium and Depleted Uranium: An Overview of Detection Methods in Aerosols and Soils, UCID-21400; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, (March 1989). download (4,249 KBytes)
  11. J. W. Gofman: Radiation-Induced Cancer from Low-dose Exposure - an Independent Analysis; Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, (1990).
  12. M. H. Ebinger, E. H. Essington, E. S. Gladney, B. D. Newman, and C. L. Reynolds: Long Term Fate of Depleted Uranium at Aberdeen and Yuma Proving Grounds, Phase I: Geochemical Transport and Modeling, LA-11790-MS; Los Alamos National Laboratory, (June 1990). download (1,419 KBytes)
  13. Kinetic Energy Penetrator Environmental and Health Considerations, Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC), (July 1990), also included as Appendix D of [14].
  14. M. E. Danesi: Kinetic Energy Penetrator Long Term Strategy Study; US Army Armament, Munitions, and Chemical Command (AMCCOM), (July 1990).
  15. Guidelines for Safe Response to Handling, Storage, and Transportation Accidents Involving Army Tank Munitions and Armor Which Contain Depleted Uranium, TB 9-1300-278, Appendix F; Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA), (September 1990).
  16. Public Health Statement: Uranium; Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), (December 1990).
  17. D. Stokols, I. J. M. Stellman, and C. Brabant, Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol. 2; International Labor Office (ILO), Geneva, (1991).
  18. Summation of ARDEC Test Data Pertaining to the Oxidation of Depleted Uranium During Battlefield Conditions; US Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC), (March 1991).
  19. Lt. Col. Ziehmn to Maj. Larson: The Effectivness of Depleted Uranium Penetrators; Los Alamos National Laboratory memorandum, Studies and Analysis Branch, (March 1991), included in [102].
  20. Standards for Protection against Radiation, Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 20 (10 CFR 20); Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), (May 1991).
  21. Estimated Cost of Destroyed Ammunition, Estimated Cost of Destroyed Vehicles, Army Accident Report 910711001; US Army Safety Center, (September 1991).
  22. Occupational Radiation Protection, Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 835, (10 CFR 835); Department of Energy (DOE), (1993).
  23. Operation Desert Storm: Army Not Adequately Prepared to Deal with Depleted Uranium Contamination, GAO/NSIAD-93-90; General Accounting Office (GAO), (January 1993).
  24. G. Bukowski, D. A. Lopez, and F. M. McGehee III: Uranium Battlefields Home & Abroad: Depleted Uranium Use by the US Department of Defense; Rural Alliance for Military Accountability, Progressive Alliance for Community Empowerment, Citizen Alert, (March 1993). download (1,770 KBytes)
  25. M. H. Erbinger, O. B. Myers, P. L. Kennedy, and W. H. Clements: Depleted Uranium Risk Assesment at Aberdeen Proving Ground, LA-UR-93-484; Los Alamos National Laboratory, (March 1993). download (429 KBytes)
  26. A. J. Magill, M. Grogl, R. A. Gasser Jr. W. Sun, and C. N. Oster: Visceral infection caused by Leishmania tropica in veterans of Operation Desert Storm; New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 328, (May 1993).
  27. C. A. Ohl, K. C. Hyams, J. D. Malone, and E. Oldfield: Leishmaniasis among Desert Storm veterans: a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma; Military Medicine, Vol. 158, (November 1993).
  28. D. M. Van Etten and W. D. Purtyman: Depleted Uranium Investigation at Missile Impact Sites in White Sands Missile Range, LA-12675-MS; Los Alamos National Laboratory, (January 1994). download (1,908 KBytes)
  29. H. Ebinger and W. R. Hansen: Depleted Uranium Human Health Risk Assessment at Jefferson Proving Ground, Indiana, LA-UR-94-1809; Los Alamos National Laboratory, (April 1994). download (3,524 KBytes)
  30. V. Mikhailov: The Enrichment Industry in the Russian Federation, 1995 Uranium Institute Symposium Abstract; Russian Ministry for Atomic Energy (Minatom), Moscow, (1995).
  31. G. L. Nicolson, E. Hyman, Col. A. Kor yi-Both, D. A. Lopez, N. Nicolson, W. Rea, H. Urnovitz: Progress on Persian Gulf War Illnesses - Reality and Hypotheses; International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 4, (1995).
  32. N. M. Becker and E. B. Varta: Hydrologic Transport of Depleted Uranium Associated with Open Air Dynamic Range Testing, LA-UR-95-1213; Los Alamos National Laboratory, (May 1995). download (938 KBytes)
  33. Health and Environmental Consequences of Depleted Uranium Use in the US Army; US Army Environmental Policy Institute (AEPI), (June 1995).
  34. H. Livingstone: Depleted Uranium Weapons, The Edge Gallery, London, (July 1995).
  35. Depleted Uranium Training Support Packets: Tier I - General Awareness; US Army Chemical School, (October 1995).
  36. D. Judd: Current Findings: A Health Survey of 10,051 Ill Gulf War Veterans; Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm Association, (November 1995)
  37. P. L. Goddard, A. J. Legeay, D. S. Pesce, and A. M. Stanley: Site Descriptions of Environmental Restoration Units at the Oak Ridge K-25 Site, K/ER-47/R1; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, (November 1995).
  38. Brookhaven National Laboratory Radiological Control Manual; Brookhaven National Laboratory, (last revised March 1999) or Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) Radiological Control Manual; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, (last revised September 1999). download (50 KBytes)
  39. J. V. Writer, R. F. DeFraites, and J. F. Brundage: Comparative mortality among U.S. military personnel in the Persian Gulf region and worldwide during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm; Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Vol. 275, (January 1996).
  40. Radioactive Battlefields of the 1990s; Military Toxics Project, (January 1996).
  41. L. A. Dietz: Contamination of Persian Gulf War Veterans and Others by Depleted Uranium; WISE Uranium Project, (June 1996).
  42. Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Vulnerability Analysis, Army Field Manual 3-14; US Army Chemical School, (July 1996).
  43. M. H. Ebinger, P. L. Kennedy, O. B. Myers, W. Clements, H. T. Bestgen, and R. J. Beckman: Long-term fate of depleted uranium at Aberdeen and Yuma Proving Grounds, Phase II: Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments; Los Alamos National Laboratory, (September 1996). download (13,373 KBytes)
  44. Subcomission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities Concludes 48th Session; UN Press Release, HR/CN/755, (September 4, 1996).
  45. M. H. Ebinger and W. R. Hansen: Depleted Uranium Risk Assessment for Jefferson Proving Ground Using Data from Environmental Monitoring and Site Characterization; Los Alamos National Laboratory, LA-UR-96-3852, (October 1996). download (4,117 KBytes)
  46. H. K. Kang and T. A. Bullman: Mortality among US veterans of the Persian Gulf War; New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 335, (November 1996)..
  47. J. Shirley: Nukes of the Gulf War, ParaScope, (November 1996).
  48. H. Van der Keur: Uranium Pollution from the Amsterdam 1992 Plane Crash; WISE News Communiqué No. 463/464, (December 1996).
  49. S. H. Mather: Statement to the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations, House Committee on Governemnt Reform and Oversight; Veterans Health Administration, (December 1996).
  50. P. Jacob, G. Pröhl, K. Schneider, and J.-U.Voss: Machbarkeitsstudie zur Verknüpfung der Bewertung radiologischer und chemisch-toxischer Wirkungen von Altlasten, Umweltbundesamt, Texte 43/97, Berlin, (1997).
  51. Persian Gulf Veterans Coordinating Board Fact Sheet; The Research Working Group of the Persian Gulf Veterans Coordinating Board, (January 1997).
  52. Public Health Assesment: US Army Materials Technology Laboratory Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, MA0213820939; Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), (February 1997).
  53. M. H. Ebinger, T. P. Oxenburg: Modeling exposure to depleted uranium in support of decommissioning at Jefferson Proving Ground, Indiana, LA-UR-96-3907; Los Alamos National Laboratory, Proceedings of the Waste Management '97 Conference, Tucson, AZ, (March 1997). download (797 KBytes)
  54. D. Fahey: Depleted Uranium - The Stone Unturned, Report on Exposures of Persian Gulf War Veterans and Others to Depleted Uranium Contamination; Swords to Plowshares, (March 1997).
  55. S.-H. Guenther: How DU Shell Residues Poison Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia; Metal of Dishonor, International Action Center, (May 1997).
  56. D. Fahey: Collateral Damage: How US Troops Were Exposed to DU During the Gulf War; Metal of Dishonor; International Action Center, (May 1997).
  57. M. Anderson, T. D. Enyeart, T. L. Jackson, R. W. Smith, C. E. Stewart, R. A. Thompson, M. D. Ulick, and K. K. Zander: Resumption of Use of Depleted Uranium Rounds at Nellis Air Force Range, Target 63-10; US Air Force, (June 1997).
  58. Toxicological Profile: Uranium and Compounds, DE-98/02; Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), (September 1997).
  59. Hon. D. Burton: Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses: VA, DoD Continue to Resist Strong Evidence Linking Toxic Causes to Chronic Health Effects, House Report 105-388; Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, (November 1997).
  60. C. E. Groves: Control of Sodium, Potassium and Water Balance ; University of Arizona, (December 1997).
  61. C. E. Groves: Renal Water Reabsorbtion and Concentration/Dilution of Urine; University of Arizona, (December 1997).
  62. C. E. Groves: Calcium Regulation; University of Arizona, (December 1997).
  63. K. F. Eckerman, R. W. Leggett, C. B. Nelson, L. S. Puskin, and , A. C. B. Richardson: Health Risks From Low-level Environmental Exposure to Radionuclides, Federal Guidance Report No. 13; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Environmental Protection Agency, (1998). download (1,088 KBytes)
  64. Annual Report of the Office of the Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense for Gulf War Illnesses; Department of Defense (DoD), (January 1998).
  65. A. McDiarmid and J. P. Keogh: The Depleted Uranium Follow-Up Program; Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI), (March 1998).
  66. R. Fisk: Allies Blamed for Iraq Cancer Torment, The Independent, London, (March 4, 1998).
  67. R. Fisk: From the Cancer Ward of Basra Hospital, The Independent, London, (March 6, 1998).
  68. M. L. Zamora, B. L. Tracy, J. M. Zielinski, D. P. Meyerhof, and M. A. Moss: Chronic Ingestion of Uranium in Drinking Water: A Study of Kidney Bioeffects in Humans; Toxicological Sciences, Vol. 43, (May 1998).
  69. J. D. Knoke and G. C. Gray: Hospitalizations for Unexplained Illnesses among US Veterans of the Persian Gulf War ; Emerging Infectious Diseses, Vol. 2, (April - June 1998).
  70. A. McDiarmid, A., K. McPhaul, F. J. Hooper, et al: Biological Monitoring and Medical Surveillance Results of Depleted Uranium Exposed Gulf War Veterans; Conference on Federally Sponsored Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses Research, (June 1998).
  71. Public Law 105-204, (July 1998), also included as Appendix N of [82].
  72. B. Rostker: Environmental Exposure Report: Depleted Uranium in the Gulf, Department of Defense, (July 1998).
  73. A. C. Miller, W. F. Blakely, D. Livengood, T. Whittaker, J. Xu, J. W. Ejnik, M. M. Hamilton, E. Parlette, T. St. John, H. M. Gerstenberg, and H. Hsu: Transformation of Human Osteoblast Cells to the Tumorigenic Phenotype by Depleted Uranium-Uranyl Chloride; Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 106, (August 1998).
  74. B. Bender, US double strike: 'a new ball game', Jane's Defence Weekly, (August 1998).
  75. D. Fahey: Case Narrative - Depleted Uranium Exposures; Swords to Plowshares, National Gulf War Resource Center, Military Toxics Project, (September 1998). See the more recent report [102].
  76. S. Thomas, L. Frank, and F. Sutherland: An Investigation into Illnesses Around the Nation's Nuclear Weapons Sites: Emerging health problems at the Oak Ridge nuclear weapons complex, Health problems revealed among neighbors of the Oak Ridge nuclear reservation, Mystery Illness found nationwide; The Tennessean, (September 29, 1998).
  77. H. Livingstone: Depleted Uranium In The Gulf; Electronic Whip, (October 1998).
  78. R. Fisk: The Evidence Is There. We Caused Cancer in the Gulf, The Independent, London, (October 16, 1998).
  79. A. Clarke, P. Hollett, G. McCauley, J. Hébert, and S. Vlahovich: Guide to Ionizing Radiation Exposures for the Occupational Physician, GMA-12; Canadian Nuclear Safety Commision (CNSC), formerly Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB), Canada, (November 1998).
  80. B. Grant: Lasers Improve Uranium Enrichment; Photonics Spectra, (December 1997).
  81. J. Tomkovicz: USEC Begins Process of Siting New AVLIS Uranium Enrichment Facility; USEC News Release, (October 1998).
  82. W. H. Timbers: USEC Inc. Suspends AVLIS Technology Development; USEC News Release, (June 1999).
  83. J. Cooke: Middle East Veterans back Iraq over Gulf war illness; BBC News, (December 3, 1998).
  84. K. H. Bacon: DoD News Briefing, (December 3, 1998).
  85. H. Harley, E. C. Foulkes, L. H. Hilborne, A. Hudson, and C. R. Anthony: A Review of the Scientific Literature As It Pertains to Gulf War Illnesses: Vol. 7, Depleted Uranium, MR-1018/7-OSD; RAND, (1999).
  86. Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Alternative Strategies for the Long-Term Management and Use of Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride, DOE/EIS-0269; Department of Energy (DOE}, (April 1999).
  87. Acute Radiation Syndrome; Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF), Hiroshima, (April 1999).
  88. S. Peterson: A Special Report - The trail of a bullet - Will America risk use of DU in Kosovo? - DU's global spread spurs debate over effect on humans - A rare visit to Iraq's radioactive battlefield - DU's fallout in Iraq and Kuwait: a rise in illness?; Christian Science Monitor, (April 29, 1999).
  89. S. Peterson: Special Report: Part 2 - Pentagon stance on DU a moving target - Tungsten: One alternative to a risky 'favorite round'?; Christian Science Monitor, (April 30, 1999).
  90. Parasites and Parasitological Resources; College of Biological Sciences, Ohio State University, (May 1999).
  91. K. H. Bacon and Maj. Gen. C. Wald: DoD News Briefing, (May 3, 1999).
  92. R. Coghill, C. Busby, and A. Philips: The Question of Depleted Uranium Bombing: Battlefield Chernobyl?; Coghill Research Laboratories, (June 1999).
  93. B. Busby: Radiation and Us; Faculty of Nuclear Engineering, Oregon State University, (June 1999).
  94. R. Edwards: Too hot to handle; New Scientist, (June 5, 1999).
  95. K. S. Saladin: Anatomy and Physiology; McGraw-Hill, (July 1999).
  96. War in Yugoslavia, Venik's Aviation Page (July 1999).
  97. War over Yugoslavia, YU Model Club, (July 1999).
  98. Z. Vukmirovic: Personal communication; VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, (July 1999).
  99. L. Robinson: It's bombs astray, U.S. News, (August 1999).
  100. Exposed: The Deadly Legacy of NATO Strikes in Kosovo; The Independent, London, (October 4, 1999).
  101. S. Peterson: A Special Report: The Trail of a Bullet; Christian Science Monitor, (October 5, 1999).
  102. D. Fahey: Don't Look, Don't Find; Military Toxics Project, (March, 2000). download (1,078 KBytes)
  103. A. Alessandrello, C. Arpesella, C. Brofferio, C. Bucci, C. Cattadori, O. Cremonesi, E. Fiorini, A. Giuliani, S. Latorre, A. Nucciotti, E. Orvini, M. Pavan, S. Parmeggiano, M. Perego, G. Pessina, S. Pirro, E. Previtali, B. Romualdi, A. Rotilio, E. Tatananni, and L. Zanotti: Measurements of Internal Radioactive Contamination in Samples of Roman Lead to Be Used in Experiments on Rare Events, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B142, (1998), pp. 163-172.
  104. Tomahawk Land Attack Missile Fact Sheet, Surface Warfare Division, US Navy, (January 2001).

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