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  • S.J. Goldstein, M.T. Murrell and D.R. Janecky: Th and U isotopic systematics of basalts from the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges by mass spectrometry; Earth and Planetary Science Letters 96, pp. 134-146, (1989).
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  • R. Lawrence Edwards, J.H. Chen and G.J. Wasserburg: 238U-234U-230Th-232Th systematics and the precise measurement of time over the past 500,000 years; Earth and Planetary Science Letters 81, pp. 175-192, (1986/87).
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  • J.H. Chen, R. L. Edwards, and G.J. Wasserburg: 238U, 234U and 232Th in seawater; Earth and Planetary Science Letters 80, pp. 241-251, (1986).
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  • J.C. Elder and M.C. Tinkle: Oxidation of Depleted Uranium Penetrators and Aerosol Dispersal at High Temperatures; Los Alamos National Laboratory, LA-86110-MS, (December 1980).
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