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In researching this book, we have conducted more than two hundred interviews, many of which do not appear in the footnotes. In a number of cases we have interviewed the same person several times, but have denoted our talks with them with a single date. In denoting our printed sources, we have used a number of abbreviations, primarily for U.S. Government agencies. They are:
    ABCC:   Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
    AEC:    Atomic Energy Commission
    CDC:    Center for Disease Control
    DOD:    Department of Defense
    DOE:    Department of Energy
    DHEW:   Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
    EPA:    Environmental Protection Agency
    FRC:    Federal Radiation Council
    FDA:    Food and Drug Administration
    GAO:    General Accounting Office
    ICRP:   International Commission on Radiological Protection
    JCAE:   Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
    NAS:    National Academy of Sciences
    NIOSH:  National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
    NRC:    Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    OTA:    Office of Technology Assessment
    PHS:    Public Health Service
    USMC:   U.S. Marine Corps
    VA:     Veterans Administration

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