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Ending Corporate Governance


As of 1998, the ratitor would like to thank and acknowledge the people who have, so far, helped in getting this collection started. It is hoped more of you will have materials, ideas, suggestions, and leads, you can send in whatever form to rat haus reality press so we can add them into this resource.

Beverly Red shared her copy of Taking Care of Business, Citizenship and the Charter of Incorporation, and re-focused attention on this issue of "turning off" the harm-producing corporations of the world.

Richard Grossman sent xeroxes of the articles and information listed at the bottom of this page. We are grateful for his support. He and Ward Morehouse are Co-Directors of the

POCLAD is a project of the Council on International and Public Affairs (CIPA). Ward Morehouse is the President of
    Council on Public and International Affairs
    Suite 3C, 777 United Nations Plaza
    New York, NY 10017
    212/972-9878 (fax)

Wanda Ballentine gave permission to include her articles (Take back the might, Who's in charge here?, Corporate colonization of our minds, and What about the corporate "good guys?", and helped me connect with Richard Grossman.

Rick Crawford, did the exemplary research and then wrote and shared his What Lincoln Forsaw: Corporations "Enthroned" and Re-Writing the Laws Defining Their Existence article.

Wendy Govier, former executive Editor of Adobe's web site helped with the layout at the top of the page.

rebecca lord helped in proofing and suggestions about composition of the text.

Adam Keats sent a xerox of Article XII of the 1879 California Constitution.

Gordon Welty contributed a copy of his paper on Transnational Corporations and an enumerated list of his thoughts on how corporations got the way they are today.

Winston Weeks continues to forward many pertinent URLs and files and he finds on as well as other newsgroups and mail lists he forages amongst.

And, Peter Montague, and all the good people at Rachel's Environment and Health News who have a contributed so much information and inspiring energy on articulating the critical issues of our day.



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