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================== Electronic Edition ==================

---April 19, 1996---
Environmental Research Foundation
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Our Stolen Future, the new book on hormone-disrupting chemicals,[1] provides many lessons about our use of chemicals, and about our reliance on science as a guide for public policy.

Here is a short discussion of the main lessons we find in the book (numbers inside parentheses are page numbers from the book):

To show that we are flying blind, Our Stolen Future relies on the evidence of hormone-disrupting chemicals and of depletion of the earth's ozone shield by human-created chemicals (see REHW #246, #259, #285). But there is much additional evidence that could have been cited as well. For example, during just the past 25 years, we have been surprised by:

This does not exhaust the evidence, but represents a fair sample of the kinds of problems that have suddenly loomed into view since 1970. Have we encountered the last of such unsuspected and unlooked-for problems? Certainly not. No, there doesn't seem to be any doubt about it: we are rushing forward at high speed with no sure way to learn what hazards lie ahead. We really are flying blind. To us, this seems the most important lesson of Our Stolen Future.

Under such circumstances, can science provide us with adequate guidance? Next week.

--Peter Montague


  1. See REHW #485 and #486, reviewing Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski and John Peterson Myers, Our Stolen Future (N.Y.: Dutton, 1996).

  2. F. vom Saal and F. Bronson, "Sexual Characteristics of Adult Female Mice Are Correlated with Their Blood Testosterone Levels During Prenatal Development," Science Vol. 208 (1980), pgs. 597-599. And see: M. Clark and others, "Hormonally Mediated Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics in Mongolian Gerbils," Nature Vol. 364 (1993), pg. 712. Hormones have also been shown to affect humans exposed in the womb: D. McFadden, "A Masculinizing Effect on the Auditory Systems of Human Females Having Male Co-Twins," Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Science Vol. 90 (1993), pgs. 11900-11904.

  3. Reported in Ana M. Soto and others, "The Pesticides Endosulfan, Toxaphene, and Dieldrin Have Estrogenic Effects on Human Estrogen-Sensitive Cells," Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 102, No. 4 (April 1994), pgs. 380-383.

  4. "Prevalence of chronic migraine headaches -United States, 1980-1989," Morbidity And Mortality Weekly Report Vol. 40, No. 20 (May 24, 1991), pgs. 331-333.

Descriptor terms: endocrine disrupters; hormones; our stolen future; des; diethylstilbestrol; frederick vom saal; ana soto; science; oceans; marine mammals; global warming; mercury; fish; wildlife; birth defects; cancer; dioxins; furans; pcbs; species loss; acid rain; lead; migraine headaches; theo colborn; john peterson myers; dianne dumanoski;



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--Peter Montague, Editor


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