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Living Systems in Evolution
Elisabet Sahtouris
Copyright © 1999 by Elisabet Sahtouris
Dancing is surely the most basic and relevant of all forms of expression. Nothing else can so effectively give outward form to an inner experience. Poetry and music exist in time. Painting and architecture are a part of space But only the dance lives at once in both space and time In it the creator and the thing created, the artist and the expression, are one. Each participant is completely in the other. There could be no better metaphor for an understanding of the...cosmos.
We begin to realize that our universe is in a sense brought into being by the participation of those involved in it. It is a dance, for participation is its organizing principle. This is the important new concept of quantum mechanics. It takes the place in our understanding of the old notion of observation, of watching without getting involved. Quantum theory says it can't be done. That spectators can sit in their rigid row as long as they like, but there will never be a performance unless at least one of them takes part And conversely, that it needs only one participant, because that one is the essence of all people and the quintessence of the cosmos.
-Lyall Watson, Gifts of Unknown Things
Thank you.Special thanks to Jim Lovelock and Lynn Margulis for the original inspiration to write this book and for their encouragement over the years, also to Teddy Goldsmith for creating the Gaia Seminars in Cornwall. My deep appreciation to Dave Ratcliffe and Rebecca Lord for putting the book on the Web while it was out of print, and to Bruce Bigenho for his tireless efforts with the second edition. My gratitude extends as well to Nancy Larson for the original cover photo and to my son, Philip LaVere, for the cover design. Lastly, but certainly not least, I thank with a smile my sometimes enigmatic but wonderful editor at Praeger, Jeremy Geelan, for his great enthusiasm and effort to get EarthDance out there!
About the Author
Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. is an American/Greek evolution biologist, futurist and author/lecturer who has lived in the USA, Greece and Peru. She has taught at MIT and the University of Massachusetts, contributed to the NOVA/HORIZON series at WGBH-TV Boston and has been a UN consultant on indigenous people. Her current work focuses on bringing principles of living systems into the corporate world. She has two children and three grandchildren. Her recent books are Biology Revisioned, with Willis Harman, North Atlantic Publishers 1998, and A Walk Through Time: From Stardust to Us, Wiley 1998.
She is available for consulting and speaking engagements.
E-mail: elisabet [at] sahtouris [dot] com
Website: http://www.ratical.org/LifeWeb/