WORLD ATOMIC SAFETY HOLIDAY PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED MANDATE THAT YOU TAKE EVERY ACTION NECESSARY TO AVERT Y2K RELATED NUCLEAR ACCIDENTS. January 1st, 2000 will bring significantly increased potential for nuclear reactor accidents and nuclear war. We consider long term worldwide radioactive contamination a greater threat to public safety than the possibility of temporary power outages caused by taking reactors off line through the new year. We consider nuclear war an unconscionable risk and call for the de-alerting of all nuclear weapon systems. THEREFORE, AS YOU ARE AN OFFICIAL WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PRESERVING THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND HEALTH OF OUR STATE AND/OR UNION, WE CALL ON YOU TO ADVOCATE AND CREATE POLICY THAT WILL IMMEDIATELY: 1. Take all nuclear reactors and all nuclear processing facilites off line from December 1, 1999 until Y2K compliance testing for all monitoring, display, control, inventory, security and safety systems is completed with third party verification. 2. Augment and equip all critical nuclear facilities and waste storage sites (particularly spent fuel cooling ponds) with additional and alternative emergency power back-up systems (not dependent on rail delivered fuel) by December 1, 1999 to prevent nuclear melt-downs and widespread nuclear contamination in the event of extended or multiple power grid failures. 3. De-alert all nuclear weapons no later than December 1, 1999 to prevent missle launch on warning based on false data from early warning system error and/or undetectable nuclear command and control tampering. 4. Suspend all shipment and transport of nuclear material from December 1, 1999 until Y2K compliance testing for relevant transport systems has been completed with third party verification. 5. Collaborate with all nations worldwide to take immediate and necessary actions to avert Y2K related nuclear disasters. Name Address Signature ___________________ ________________________ ____________________ ___________________ ________________________ ____________________ ___________________ ________________________ ____________________ ___________________ ________________________ ____________________ ___________________ ________________________ ____________________ ___________________ ________________________ ____________________ ___________________ ________________________ ____________________ ___________________ ________________________ ____________________ ___________________ ________________________ ____________________ ___________________ ________________________ ____________________ THIS PETITION WILL BE COPIED & SENT TO WORLD LEADERS (SEE REVERSE SIDE) Please fill it out & return to: Plutonium Free Future: PO Box 2589 Berkeley, CA 94702 Addressees of Petition United States: President Bill Clinton Vice President Al Gore John Koskinen, Chair of the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion Greta Joy Dicus, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Bill Richardson, Secretary of the United States Department of Energy International: Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations Leaders of Nuclear Nations Dr. Hans Blix, IAEA Chairman