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Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 19:01:04 -0500
Subject: Four Decades of Deceit - COPA - Dallas - Nov. 21-23
COPA will be holding a regional meeting in Dallas from November 21-23 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the 35th year after the murders of Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you have not yet made reservations at the Hotel Lawrence, call them at 214-761-9090 now. They are no longer holding a block of rooms for us, but they have space left and will honor the COPA discount rate of $74 single/double per night.
Ralph Cole of Democracy U will be videotaping the event again this year and will have a set of tapes available from last year's conference as well as part of our meeting on RFK in Los Angeles in June.
We will be holding our annual Moment of Silence commemoration on the Grassy Knoll at 12:30 pm on Saturday, November 22, with a few speakers. Final individual speaker times and order have yet to be determined, due to techincal questions about the videoconference from Pittsburgh, however the topics and time slots in the schedule will not change.
We are happy that Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney will be joining us on Sunday, and it is likely that Dick Gregory will be able to join us as well. This will be a researchers' conference, presenting all the best new evidence in these cases, and discussing future plans for COPA and public action.
Those planning to attend our other co-sponsored conference in Pittsburgh can get a substantial discount on registration fees by renewing their annual membership to COPA ($25) in advance. We will be bringing some of the key speakers in Pittsburgh into our conference on Saturday by way of computer videoconference.
Those of you coming to Dallas are invited to attend our events. They are also accessible locally by Light Rail at the Union Station Stop. Note from the attached schedule (also below) that our events will be held at the Adolphus Hotel, the Hotel Lawrence, the Grassy Knoll and the Stationmaster Room above AMTRAK's Union Station, all in the vicinity of Dealey Plaza. We will provide shuttle service to and from the Adolphus on Friday evening.
Registration is $60 for all events, or $20 for each day, payable on site.
Hope to see you there,
John Judge for COPA
Reply to: COPA, P.O. Box 772, Washington, DC 20044
A Regional Conference on the 40th Anniversary
of the Murder of President Kennedy
Coalition on Political Assassinations
November 21-23, 2003
Dallas, Texas - Hotel Lawrence - 302 S. Houston St.SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
- Thursday, November 20
Hotel Lawrence
7:00 - 10:00 p.m. - Early Bird Gathering, Lobby/Restaurant
- Friday, November 21
Hotel Lawrence
Last Hurrah Books Resource Room - Hotel Lawrence - 2nd Floor rear**
- 5:00 p.m. - Shuttle service available Hotel Lawrence to Adolphus Hotel Adolphus Hotel, 1321 Commerce St. (at Fields)
- 5:30 p.m. - Drinks & Dinner at the Bistro Restaurant
- 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Keynote Speaker, Sam Houston Rooms - Adolphus Hotel Ronnie Dugger, former editor, Texas Observer Hotel Lawrence, 2nd Floor Rear
- 9:30 - 11:00 p.m. - Introductions and Current Research
- Saturday, November 22
Hotel Lawrence
Last Hurrah Books Resource Room - Hotel Lawrence - 2nd Floor rear**
AMTRAK Union Station, 400 S. Houston St. - Stationmaster Room, 2nd Floor
- 8:30 am - 12:00 p.m. - JFK Assassination - New Evidence and Old Debates* Grassy Knoll, Dealey Plaza
- 12:30 - 1:00 p.m. - Moment of Silence to Commemorate 40th Anniversary, speakers* AMTRAK Union Station, 400 S. Houston St. - Stationmaster Room, 2nd Floor
- 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. - JFK Assassination - Reopening the Case
Speakers will include Senator Arlen Specter, Jim Lesar, Mark Lane, Joan Mellen, Robert Tannenbaum, Bruce Feinman, Judge John Tunheim, Tom Samoluk on videoconference from simultaneous conference at the Wecht Institute of Forensic Law and Science at Duquesne University. Dallas speakers will include: Howard Jones, author of The Death of a Generation; Dick Russell, author of The Man Who Knew Too Much; Paris Flammonde, author of The Kennedy Conspiracy; Jim Koepke, author of Chasing Ghosts; Joe Biel, expert on Jim Garrison's case; John Johnston, author of Flight from Dallas; Bill Kelly, on a new JFK Grand Jury; Dave Starks, expert on Gerald Posner and counter-critics; John Judge - the JFK Assassination Records Act and release of records.
Hotel Lawrence, 2nd Floor Rear- 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. - Who Killed MLK and RFK? Latest Evidence (35th Anniversary)
Speakers will include Philip Melanson, Ph.D., author of The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and The Murkin Conspiracy, Larry Teeter, Esq., attorney for Sirhan Sirhan, T. Carter, expert on James Earl Ray, Ted Charach, producer of The Second Gun, John Judge, on the MLK Records Act.
- Sunday, November 23
Hotel Lawrence, 2nd Floor Rear
Last Hurrah Books Resource Room**
- 9:00 - 11:00 am - What Really Happened on 9/11?
Speakers include former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Dick Gregory, author of Callus on my Soul, T. Carter, eyewitness, Bill Kelly, researcher, John Judge of 9/11 CitizensWatch.
- 11:00 am - 1:00 p.m. - The Future of COPA - Legislation, Research, Legal Actions, Conferences
Speakers include Bill Kelly, Philip Melanson, T Carter, Cynthia McKinney, Dick Gregory** Last Hurrah Books Resource Room hours will be announced daily.
Reservations: Call Hotel Lawrence to reserve rooms - 214-761-9090, $74
single/double COPA rate.
Registration: $20/day or $60 total, paid at the events.
All events accessible by Light Rail Trains, Union Station stop.All events open to the press and public.
The Coalition on Political Assassinations, founded in 1994, is a national network of medical, forensic and ballistics experts, academics and authors, researchers and citizens seeking the historical truth about the political assassinations of the last 50 years. We were responsible for passage and implementation of the JFK Assassination Records Act, which forced the release of over 6 million pages of previously classified records, the largest declassification in US history to date. Our regional meetings and conferences present the most recent serious research and documentation regarding the murders of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and D. Martin Luther King, Jr., and others. We are a non-profit civic organization. In 2003, we held regional conferences in Memphis and Los Angeles to commemorate the 35th anniversary in the deaths of RFK and MLK, and in Dallas for the 40th anniversary of the JFK assassination. We also held our annual ceremonial event at American University, the site of JFK's address calling for an end to the Cold War.