From: MichaelP <>
Subject: WWW: Marcos Communique on Info Subway, Jan 14
Followup-To: alt.activism.d
Date: 15 Jan 1998 18:15:18 GMT
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Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 13:48:10 -0800 (PST)
From: Citizen Vagrom <>
To: Citizen Vagrom <>
Subject: DAMN: Marcos Communique on Info Subway
Thanks to the folks at Free Speech TV, you can now see and hear Subcomandante Marcos in real-time online addressing the current situation in Chiapas.Visit Vagrom's Non-Corporate Newswire for RealVideo & RealAudio links to Subcomandante Marcos on the information subway at . Citizen Vagrom offers 24 hour News Service, updated almost daily, Video Netcasts, and Activist reports free of charge. Link to and Bookmark the information subway site for ongoing coverage of the Media Revolution in progress.
A transcript (english translation) is included at the bottom of this message. For more information, contact Citizen Vagrom ( or Free Speech TV (
Interview with Subcomandante Marcos in Chiapas
Date: 01/09/98
Source: Kerry Appel, freespeech.orgAppel: Against the combined forces of the Mexican and North American governments what chances do the Zapatista have of achieving their goals?
Marcos: Well, the opportunity that we have to triumph depends on other social groups in the world understanding the demands of the Zapatistas and understanding in what way they can benefit living in a world that the Zapatistas attempt to live in. The Zapatistas have said clearly that they don't aspire to take charge of the government or to take power, but they aspire to recuperate the place that they deserve in the world that the modern history wants to exclude; not just the indigenous but other social groups that have been marginalized, excluded, and persecuted like, for example, before, the population of color, the black population of the USA with that same process of discrimination, of persecution, of racism that indigenous people suffered, not just in Mexico, but in the rest of the American continent. It is difficult to say that the indigenous people of the US and Canada have the same rights and prerogatives of other citizens or that they are treated in the same manner.
In another manner, they are only accepted if they renounce their cultural values and if they incorporate, as you say, "the American way of life," you know what I mean? They aren't accepted as indigenous or with their historical process under the culture that they have. They have to live like WASP, White Anglo Saxon Peoples. They have... in that form they can't live like their ancestors. They can't have the same beliefs. They can't be themselves ultimately. The modern system demands that they renounce their way of being and convert into another that wants to buy and sell, that is, what the modern system and global system produce. If we accompllish that these social groups in all the world, but above all in the countries that sustain the Mexican government which are the countries of the European Common Economy, the American Union (USA) and Canada, if we could convice these peoples above all, but also those governments, they would demand that the Mexican government adopt, reform, and actualize the relation of the institutions and the Mexican society with the Indian people.
In regard to our failure. If we were to fail and if we weren't able to triumph in our demands it would mean a defeat not only for us but for others that are excluded and for other social groups that demand their place in history and a defeat for humanity and a triumph of the global crime of this Fourth World War that we are now living.
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