During the planning of our first Chiapas fundraiser at Estrellita, I received a phone call from a man saying he had hear about our fundraiser in the news. He wanted to know if I had any information on two little girls that appeared in a CNN report. They were the survivors of the Acteal massacre and they had been left orphaned. He had been struck by their bravery and courage. The older of the girls had lifted the younger onto her back and faced the camera with such courage and determination.Over the next months I tried to find any relevant information for him about these two children. We received a list of the victims of Acteal and I called Caritas in San Cristobal for information. We were told that all the children in the December massacre had been adopted by relatives. Finally we were able to find out their names (we were told there were three sisters) and the name of the village where they live.
"Thomas" then told me that he had vacation coming up for a few days around Thanksgiving and would I be willing to go with him as a tour guide in search for these little girls? I said yes! So, in November 21, 1998 we will leave for San Cristobal to see how these little girls are doing.
We will arrive a day before the Caravan of Pastors for Peace and will be in San Cristobal at the same time as them. There is also an International conference being held in San Cristobal to help jumpstart the peace process. I feel that the coming together of all these events is no coincidence. Wish us luck and I will write and update on how our "adventure" turns out.