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The following is mirrored from its source at:
and was retrieved from: FindLaw: Cases and Codes: Federal and State Codes: Federal Register searching on the date of "12/07/2001" with Search Terms:
          Terrorist AND Organizations AND PATRIOT AND USA AND Act

See Also: Comprehensive List of Terrorists and Groups Identified Under Executive Order 13224

[Public Notice 3852]

Designation of 39 "Terrorist Organizations"
Under the "PATRIOT USA Act"

AGENCY: Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Department of State.

[Federal Register: December 7, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 236)]
[Page 63619-63620]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access []

[[Page 63619]]


Part III

Department of State


Designation of 39 ``Terrorist Organizations'' Under the ``PATRIOT USA 
ACT''; Notice

[[Page 63620]]



[Public Notice 3852]

Designation of 39 ``Terrorist Organizations'' Under the ``PATRIOT 
USA Act''

AGENCY: Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Department of 

ACTION: Designation.


    Pursuant to Section 411(a)(1)(G) of the Uniting and Strengthening 
America by providing Appropriate ToolsRequired to Intercept and 
Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-56, 115 Stat. 272 
(``USA PATRIOT Act''), the Secretary of State, in consultation with the 
AttorneyGeneral, hereby designates each group listed in the Appendix to 
this notice as a ``terrorist organization.'' This designation is 
effective upon publication.
    Section 411(a)(1)(G) of the USA PATRIOT Act requires the Secretary 
of State to find that a group has engaged in terrorism-related 
activities before designating it as a ``terrorist organization.'' This 
statutory requirement has been satisfied because classified and/or 
unclassified information available to the Secretary of State contains 
findings that the named groups have committed, or have provided 
material support to further, terrorist acts.

    Dated: December 5, 2001.
Mark Wong,
Acting Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Department of State.


--Al-Ittihad al-Islami (AIAI)
--Al-Wafa al-Igatha al-Islamia
--Asbat al-Ansar
--Darkazanli Company
--Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC)
--Islamic Army of Aden
--Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
--Makhtab al-Khidmat
--Al-Hamati Sweets Bakeries
--Al-Nur Honey Center
--Al-Rashid Trust
--Al-Shifa Honey Press for Industry and Commerce
--Jamiat al-Ta'awun al-Islamiyya
--Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB)
--Army for the Liberation of Rwanda (ALIR)--AKA: Interahamwe,Former 
Armed Forces (EX-FAR)
--First of October Antifascist Resistance Group (GRAPO)--AKA: Grupo 
de Resistencia Anti-Fascista Premero De Octubre
--Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LT)--AKA: Army of the Righteous
--Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)--AKA: Continuity Army 
--Orange Volunteers (OV)
--Red Hand Defenders (RHD)
--New People's Army (NPA)
--People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (PAGAD)
--Revolutionary United Front (RUF)
--Black Star
--Anarchist Faction for Overthrow
--Red Brigades-Combatant Communist Party (BR-PCC)
--Revolutionary Proletarian Nucleus
--Turkish Hizballah
--Jerusalem Warriors
--Islamic Renewal and Reform Organization
--The Pentagon Gang
--Japanese Red Army (JRA)
--Jamiat ul-Mujahideen (JUM)
--Harakat ul Jihad i Islami (HUJI)
--The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF)
--The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)

[FR Doc. 01-30576 Filed 12-6-01; 12:55 pm]

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