ToC |
[The index has been included verbatim from the original book. Although
page numbers are not correct for this copy of the book, it was felt the
subjects noted here would be useful as reference. The original chapter
page numbers are listed below to facilitate cross-referencing --ratitor]
Acknowledgments ix
Notes 297
Introduction by Dr. Benjamin Spock x
1 The First Atomic Veterans 3
2 300,000 GIs Under the Mushroom Clouds 31
3 Bringing the Bombs Home 58
4 Test Fallout, Political Fallout 82
5 Continued Testing: Tragic Repetitions 102
6 The Use and Misuse of Medical X Rays 125
7 Nuclear Workers: Radiation on the Job 140
8 Bomb Production at Rocky Flats: Death Downwind 165
9 Uranium Milling and the Church Rock Disaster 177
10 Tritium in Tucson, Wastes Worldwide 190
11 The Battle of Shippingport 207
12 How Much Radiation? 223
13 Animals Died at Three Mile Island 237
14 People Died at Three Mile Island 246
15 Conclusion: Surviving the New Fire 264
Appendix A The Basics of Radiation and Health 270
Appendix B Summary of Atomic Bomb Tests 280
Appendix C Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors in the U.S. 282
Appendix D Organizations 295
Index 359
A-bomb. See Nuclear weapons tests
Aiken (SC), 167, 196
Alabama, 229
Alaska, 210
Albany (NY), 73, 96, 108-10, 236, 249
Albuquerque (NM), 180
Aliquippa (PA), 219-21, 255
Alpha Radiation. See Radiation
Amarillo (TX), 83, 166
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 88,
95, 211
American Atomics Corporation, 153, 190-94, 261, 268
American Cancer Society, 132-33
American College of Radiology, 132, 136
American Medical Association (AMA), 137
American Physical Society, 48, 56
American Society of Radiologic Technologists, 128
Americium, 161
Amish, 223
Anaconda Company, 180, 183
Anderson, lack, 23, 226-27, 244
Animal Mutations. See Radiation
Antiballistic Missile System (ABM), 214
Argonne National Laboratory, 48
Arizona, 43, 62-66, 111-13, 118, 177-78, 180-83
birth defects in, 186
Center for Occupational Safety and Health, 193
fallout on, 72, 92
radioactive wastes in, 192-93
Arizona Daily Star, The, 191-93
Arkansas, 173, 227, 245, 255
Arkansas Gazette, The, 227-28
Arkansas Nuclear One. See Nuclear power plants
Arkansas Power and Light, 227 255, 261
Associated Press (AP), 16, 20, 27, 92, 111, 122, 227
Atlantic Ocean, 171, 195-96, 253
Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC), 88, 145-46
Atomic Energy Act, 80
Atomic Energy Commission. See United States Government
Atomic Establishment, The, 184
Atomic Industrial Forum, 112
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, 185
Atomic Tests in Nevada, 105
"Atoms for Peace," 56, 71, 111, 207-08, 267-68
Australia, 3, 268
Babcock and Wilcox, 223
(Baltimore) News-American, The, 234-36, 248-40, 243
Barnwell Nuclear Center, 198
Barrett, Lake, 232
Battelle Laboratory, 143-44
Beaver County Times, The, 217
Beaver Valley (PA), 216-17, 222, 226
Beaver Valley. See Nuclear power plants
BEIR Committee. See National Academy of Sciences
Bell Laboratories, 56
Bennett, Herschel, 227-29, 245
Berkeley (CA), 48
Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, 48, 153
Berlin (FRG), 99, 107
Bertell, Rosalie, 133-34, 226, 265
Berwyn (IL), 10
Bethe, Hans, 56
Bikini Islands, 31-32, 37-47, 85-87, 99, 102-103, 260. See also,
Nuclear weapons tests
Birth defects. See Radiation
Bismuth, 147
Black, Hugo, 209
Blumenson, Leslie, 132, 265
Bond, Victor, 252
Bonebrake, Richard W., 24-25, 30
Boston (MA), 25, 127, 138, 211
Boston Globe, The, 155-56
Boston Veterans' Hospital, 155
Boulder (CO), 154
Bradbury, Norris, 50, 84
Bradley, David, 31-32, 38-42
Brafford, Chris 187; Neil, 187
Brody, Jane, 251-53
Broken Arrows, 166
Brookhaven National Laboratories, 218, 252
Brooklyn (WI), 43
Broomfield (CO), 173
Bross, Irwin, 132, 134, 136, 156, 265
Broudy, Charles, 105; Pat, 105-106
Brower, Stephen, 75, 77-78
Brown's Ferry. See Nuclear power plants
Buffalo (NY), 132, 159, 226
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, The, 53, 106, 110, 208, 212,
Bulloch, Kern, 76; McRae, 79
Burlington (IA), 35, 166
Bush, George, 267, 269
Cadmium, 177
Cain, Fran, 238, 242, 262
Caldicott, Helen, 225, 265
Caldwell, Glyn C., 33, 265
California, 3, 14, 21, 42, 46, 50, 73, 90-91, 105
Radiation and, 64, 66, 121, 128, 183
California Institute of Technology, 88, 95
California, University of, 48-49, 53, 81, 94
Camp Desert Rock, 67, 70, 90
Camp Mercury, 58
Canada, 14, 116-17, 159, 249, 268
Cancer. See Radiation
Canon City (CO), 186, 245
Canonsburg (PA) 188-90
Carbon-14, 56-57, 97, 210, 213, 279
Carlsbad (NM), 122
Carnegie-Mellon Institute, 218
Carter, Jimmy, 21, 136, 156, 159-60, 162, 198, 202, 254, 264
Calder Hall. See Nuclear power plants
Cedar City (UT), 59-60, 76, 79
Center for Disease Control, 33-34, 36, 156, 181, 186, 253
Center for Investigative Reporting, 103
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 102, 200-203, 267
Cesium-137, 9, 87, 114, 171, 195, 249, 266, 278
badges and, 36
escape from plants, 210
ocean dumping, 196
Pittsburgh residents and, 219
Chalk River (Canada), 159
Charlotte Observer, The, 13
Chicago (IL), 126, 151, 184, 203, 218
Chicago, University of, 48, 57
China, 217-18, 267 68
Christmas Island 104
Church Rock (NM), 177 80, 182-84, 190, 197, 261, 268
Clamshell Alliance, 228
Clapp, Delores, 12; Ralph, 11-14
Cleland, Max, 17-18, 21, 26
Cobalt-60, 190, 210, 272, 278
Cobb, John C., 156-57, 169, 175, 265
Colorado, 65, 122, 149, 162, 168, 182-3, 186, 234
birth defects in, 173, 186-88
fallout in, 72, 92-93
Colorado, University of, 92, 156, 169, 175
Colorado River, 118, 178, 183
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 36
Columbia River, 11, 196
Columbia University, 56, 152, 248, 264
Committee for Nuclear Information, 97-99
Committee for U.S Veterans of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 18
Commoner, Barry, 97
Commonwealth Edison, 151
Congressional Record, 215
Conley, Charles, 224, 236, 238, 241; Joseph, 239
Connecticut, 230
Conqueror, The, 80-81
Coppola, Anna, 20, 22; Harry, 14-15, 18-23, 25, 30, 36
Cornell University, 56, 185, 212
Critical mass, defined, 278
Critical Mass Energy Project, 203
Cuba, 107
Curie, 237, 277
Curie, Marie, 140, 277; Pierre, 140
Czechoslovakia, 140, 147 48
Dark Circle, 165, 173-75
Day, Sam, 208
Dean, Gordon, 69-70, 75
Decatur (AL), 229
Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), 13, 16, 19, 23-24, 27-30, 35-37, 81,
104, 147
DeGroot, Morris, 218-221
Denmark, 166
Denver (CO), 10, 92, 109, 149, 160, 165, 232
Rocky Flats and, 162, 168, 172-73
Denver Post, The, 201
Detroit (MI), 208, 229
Detroit Edison, 209
Diablo Canyon. See Nuclear power plants
Dillon, Read and Company, 55
Dine (Navajo) Nation, 177
Dosimeter. See Radiation
Dow Chemical Co., 56, 160-62, 169, 172
Down's Syndrome. See Radiation
Douglas, William O., 209
Dresden. See Nuclear power plants
Drinker, Cecil, 152, 265
Duckwater Shoshones, 65
DuPont, 56
Duquesne Light, 208, 216-19, 222
Durango (CO), 183, 185, 261
Dyson, Freeman, 214, 265
Edison, Thomas, 127
Eisenbud, Merrill, 96, 100, 148-49, 150, 265
Eisenhower, Dwight, 62, 75, 84, 98-99, 103, 107
"Atoms for Peace" program, 71, 207
Einstein, Albert, 52, 269-70
Elugelab Island, 83
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 143, 279
Eniwetok, 49-50, 82-85, 99, 104. See also, Nuclear weapons tests
Enterprise (UT), 59, 65
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). See U.S. Government
Eskimos, 210
Espionage Act, 32
Europe, 150, 171, 269
Face the Nation, 95
Fallout, 3-122, 268. See also, Radiation
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 84, 157
Federal Republic of Germany (FRC), 181, 266
Federation of Atomic Scientists (FAS), 37, 47, 93, 110
Fermi. See Nuclear power plants
Fermi, Enrico, 52, 58
Fission, defined, 278
Fitzpatrick. See Nuclear power plants
Flagstaff (AZ), 193-94
Florida, 20-22, 44-45, 49, 71, 196, 229
Ford Administration, 202
Ford, Betty, 132
Foreign Policy Bulletin, The, 96
Fort Bragg (NC), 70
Fort Lauderdale (FL), 19
France, 49, 107, 148
Franck Report, 5-6
Fredonia (AZ), 62-65, 111, 113
Freedom of Information Act, 202
Fusion, defined, 278
Gallup (AZ), 177, 180
Gamma Ray. See Radiation
Geiger Counter. See Radiation
General Accounting Office (GAO), 25, 158, 184, 194, 230, 265
General Advisory Committee, 52, 100
General Dynamics Corporation, 155
General Electric, 56, 79, 190
General Public Utilities (GPU), 223
Genetic defects. See Radiation
Geneva (Switzerland), 94, 171
George Washington University, 67
Georgia, 152-53, 166, 196
Gerusky, Thomas, 219, 222, 234-36, 248
Getty Oil, 198
Gilinsky, Victor, 178, 184-85, 233
Glendale (AZ), 63
Gofman, John W., 111, 145, 153, 209-13, 218, 265
on radiation, 216-17, 229, 273, 278
Goodman, Leo, 209
Goodyear Corporation, 158
Grand Junction (CO), 187-89
Great Britain. See United Kingdom
Greenland, 166
Guadalcanal, 21-23
Guam, 23
Gulf of Mexico, 195
Haag, Kristen, 165, 171, 175; Rex, 162, 165, 175-76, 190
half-life, definition of, 270
Hammarskjold, Dag, 98
Hammel, Laura T., 239-41
Hanford Nuclear Reservation (WA), 78-79, 141-44, 196-97, 200, 203,
218, 261
Harrisburg (PA), 223, 232, 235-36, 247-249, 251, 254
fetal and infant mortality in, 252-59
Harrowsmith magazine, 249, 261
Harvard University, 52, 109, 130, 149, 152
Medical School, 128, 246
Hawaii, 31, 46, 49, 83, 86, 99, 165
Hayward, Susan, 81
H-Bomb. See Nuclear weapons tests
Health Insurance Plan of New York, 132
Health Physics magazine, 141-43
Health Physics Society, 109-160
Helms, Clifford, 13
Hendrie, Joseph, 236, 247, 249, 254
Hiroshima, 3-7, 54, 103, 142, 209, 212, 259, 261, 266
ABCC study and, 145-47
radiation and, 95, 276
size of bomb, 59, 71, 83, 103
U.S veterans and, 3-33
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Physical, Medical, and Social Effects of
Atomic Bombing, 46
Hodgkin's Disease. See Radiation
Hollywood (CA), 80-81
Hong Kong, 152
Honolulu (HI), 103
Hughes, Howard, 80
Human Resources Research Office, 67
Humboldt. See Nuclear power plants
Hyaline membrane disease. See Radiation
Hypothyroidism. See Radiation
Idaho, 54, 73, 108, 118
Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory (INEL), 167-68, 196, 200, 203
Idaho Statesman, The, 168
Illinois 3, 21, 24-26, 45, 72, 198
Radium Dial Co. and, 152-53
Indian Health Service, 180, 186
Indian Point. See Nuclear power plants
Indiana, 24, 72
Infant mortality. See Radiation
Iodine, 74, 100, 167, 209-10, 249, 278
TMI and, 231-36
prenatal development and, 110, 213, 217, 247
weapons tests and, 76, 89, 101, 114-17, 171
Ionizing radiation. See Radiation
Iowa, 35, 166
Iraq, 196, 267
Isotopes, 110, 183, 196; defined, 237
Israel, 196, 267
Jacobs, Paul, 112
Japan, 3, 23-26, 29, 34, 38, 44, 57, 195, 212
ABCC Study and, 145
fallout and, 96
fishing industry and, 87-88
protests and, 98, 269
Jefferson County (CO), 174-75, 182
Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, Church of (Mormon), 60-64,
Johns Hopkins University, 127, 133
Johnson, Carl, 174-76, 182, 234, 265
Johnson, Lyndon, 208
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (JCAE). See U. S. Congress
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 33, 134
Kansas, 49, 72
Karkenan, Dan, 161; Miriam, 161
Kellex Corporation, 56
Kelly, Orville, 34-36; Wanda, 34-36
Kemeny Commission, 160, 181, 232-233, 235, 248, 259, 264
Kennedy, Edward M., 65, 118, 151
Kennedy, John F., 107, 208
Kentucky, 157-58, 197
Kerr-McGee Corporation, 180, 183
Knapp, Harold, 77, 100, 209, 265
Knapp Report, 77, 100-101
Kneale, George, 141-43, 265
Korea, 43, 58, 73
Krumback, Florence, 162-5; Leroy, 162-5
Krypton gas, 167, 260, 262
Kyshtym (USSR), 200, 203, 261, 268
Lake Mead (AZ), 178, 183-84
Lake Ontario Ordnance Works, 198-99
Lapp, Ralph, 9, 88, 96, 100
Lasky, Alvin, 24-25, 30
Las Vegas (NV), 58, 64, 67, 73, 91-92, 118, 178, 183
Las Vegas Review Journal The, 91-92
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 52, 84, 146, 209-212, 214
Lead, 147, 177-78
Lebanon (OR), 10
Lee, Jane, 223-24, 237-38, 241, 260-62
Leukemia. See Radiation
Lewis, E. B., 95-96, 109, 127, 274
Lewiston (NY), 199-200, 203
Libby, Willard F., 89-90, 93-97, 104
Lifton, Robert Jay, 6
Lilienthal, David, 57
Limited Test Ban Treaty, 112
Little Rock (AK), 227
Liverman, James, 144
London (UK), 170
Los Alamos (NM), 6, 48, 141
Los Alamos County (NM), 154
Los Alamos Laboratory, 184, 276
Operation Sandstone and, 50, 56, 58, 74
studies and, 78, 84, 153-54
Los Angeles (CA), 64, 73, 107, 178, 184, 235
Los Angeles Times, The, 201, 267
Los Angeles Herald Examiner, The, 93, 121
Love Canal (NY), 199-200
Low-level radiation. See Radiation
Lloyd, David, 49, Scotty, 49
Luminous Processes Co., 152-53
Lymphoma. See Radiation
Mackelprang, Gayneld, 62-63, 113; Rose, 62-63, 113
MacLeod, Gordon, 246-48, 251-55, 264-65
MacMahon, Brian, 109, 130, 142
Maine, 118, 236
Mancuso, Thomas, 141-47, 156, 159, 265
Manhattan Project, 5-6, 47, 109-10, 153-55, 199
Mariana Islands, 3
Martell, Edward, 36, 115, 154, 172, 265
Maryland, 37, 54, 133, 138, 195, 216, 218, 253
Marshall Islands, 75, 99, 207, 252. See also Nuclear weapons
Massachusetts, 72
Matayoshi, Almira, 86
Matheson, Scott M., 121
Maughan, Alan, 186; Dale, 186
Mechanicsburg (PA), 237, 244
Medina Weapons Plant (TX), 166
Mediterranean, 166
Medvedev, Zhores, 200-201, 265
Mennonites, 223
Mesa (AZ), 43, 187
Metropolitan Edison Company, 223, 231, 234-35, 247 264
citizen opposition to, 237, 254, 260-61
Miami (FL), 184, 203
Michigan, 19, 24, 194, 215, 267
Michigan, University of, 159-60
Middletown (PA), 224, 233, 238, 259, 261-62
Milham, Samuel, 142-43
Military Liaison Committee, 47-48, 53, 68
Millirems, 237, 249; defined, 277
Millstone. See Nuclear power plants
Milk. See Radiation
Milliroentgens, 72-73, 92
defined, 277
Minnesota, 43, 46, 118, 133
Miscarriage. See Radiation
Mississippi, 116, 122, 188, 249
Missouri, 72, 97, 99-100
Mixon, Lloyd, 173-76, 186, 190, 225, 228, 245
Monsanto Chemical Co., 56
Montana, 118, 137
Moorehead, Agnes, 81
Morgan, Karl Z, 93, 97, 128-30, 162, 220-21, 232
Mormons. See Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Church of
Multiple myeloma. See Radiation
Myelofibrosis. See Radiation
Nagasaki, 3-33, 169, 203, 261, 266, 276
production of bomb, 142, 153, 207
studies of, 145-47, 209
Najarian, Thomas, 25, 155-56, 265
Nation magazine, The, 54, 255
National Academy of Sciences, 127, 275
Advisory Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing
Radiation (BEIR), 146, 219, 275
National Association of Atomic Veterans (NAAV), 34-37
National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 56-57, 91
National Cancer Institute, 30, 132-34, 138, 141, 147
National Center for Atmospheric Research, 36, 154, 172
National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP), 97, 148
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),
144, 156
Native Americans, 65-66, 81, 148, 177, 179, 182
Nebraska, 118, 126
Nevada Test Site, 58-59, 67, 113, 116-18, 215, 245
fallout and, 72-73, 75, 89, 100-101, 116
health effects, 59, 64-65, 68, 104, 120
public and, 62, 66, 80-81, 90, 111
New England Journal of Medicine, The, 25, 65, 127
New Hampshire, 155, 173, 225, 228
New Jersey, 112, 151, 184
New Mexico, 48, 50, 58, 89, 161, 179, 181
health studies, 141, 154, 181
bomb tests in, 5, 84, 89-90, 122, 178
uranium mining in, 177-84, 186
New Scientist, The, 200, 202
Newsweek magazine, 16, 38, 42, 54
New York (state), 21, 24, 56, 167, 226, 245, 267
cancer rates in, 100, 109
fallout in, 72-73, 96s, 109
infant mortality in, 110, 215, 218
radiation doses and, 108, 126, 133-35, 159, 173, 249
wastes and, 72-73, 96, 109
New York, State University of, 100, 197
New York City (NY), 57, 99, 133, 184, 218, 229, 241
fallout and, 279
wastes and, 194
New York Times, The, 47, 54, 106, 214, 250-51
radiation reports in, 116, 199, 260
TMI and, 239, 242, 253
New York Times News Service, 87
New York Public Interest Group (NYPIRG), 130, 135
New York University, 100, 259
New Zealand, 3
Nikoloff, John, 235, 238-40, 243 44
Nine Mile Point. See Nuclear power plants
Nixon, Richard M., 149, 211, 246
Noble gases; defined, 249
North Carolina, 13, 21, 58, 70, 166
North Dakota, 97
Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS), 159, 198
Nuclear power plants, 12, 134, 266
Arkansas Nuclear One, 228-29
Beaver Valley (PA), 160
Browns Ferry (AL), 229-30
Calder Hall (UK), 170
Diablo Canyon (CA), 254, 267, 268
Dresden (IL), 54, 218, 261
Fermi I (MI), 208, 229-30, 267
Fitzpatrick (NY), 226, 229, 261
Humboldt (CA), 218, 261, 267
Indian Point (NY), 218, 261, 267
Millstone (CT), 230, 261
Nine Mile Point (NY), 226-28, 249, 261
Peach Bottom (PA), 253
Seabrook (NH), 228
Shippingport (PA), 156, 159-60, 207-23, 244, 250, 255, 261
contamination around, 226-27
statistical deception and, 221.
See also Shapp Report
Three Mile Island (PA), 177, 179, 190, 214, 246-56, 261, 267-68
Animals and, 64, 222-25, 239-43
infant mortality and, 255-63
licensing of, 184
public reaction to, 236-37
radiation and, 74, 160, 169, 171, 231-32, 278
Vermont Yankee, 225-28, 244-45, 261-62
Waltz Mills (PA), 219
Nuclear Utilities Services (NUS), 216-26
Nuclear weapons tests, 3-122, 134, 190, 194, 269, 274
Bikini Islands
Able, 31-33, 39, 42, 45-46
Baker, 2, 39-45, 67, 102
Operation Castle, 84-87
Operation Crossroads, 31, 37-38, 40-49, 104
Hiroshima, 6. See also Hiroshima
Marshall Islands
Bravo, 84-88
George, 82
Mike, 83-84
Oak, 104
Operation Greenhouse, 82-83
Operation Sandstone, 49-50
Yoke, 50
Nagasaki, 6. See also Nagasaki
Nevada Test Site
Baker, 11, 67
Baneberry, 117-18, 120
Bee, 90
Buster Jangle, 67
Climax, 71
Easy, 68
Exercise Desert Rock, 67
Harry ("Dirty Harry"), 73-74
Hood, 105-106
Operation Knothole, 70-72
Operation Plumbbob, 105
Operation Ranger, 67
Operation Teapot, 89-90
Operation Tumbler-Snapper, 69-70
Priscilla, 106
Schooner, 116
Sedan, 114-15
Simon, 72-73, 96, 108
Smoky, 33, 36
Turk, 90
New Mexico (Gnome), 122
Project Plowshare, 115-16, 210
Swordfish, 104
Wigwam, 103-1 04
Oak Ridge (TN), 141, 157, 162
Oak Ridge Associated University, 144
Oak Ridge Health Physics Lab., 93
Oak Ridge National Lab., 146, 183, 202, 225
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 158
Ohio, 72, 131, 141, 157
Ohio River, 217, 219, 227
Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union, 158
Okajima, Shungo, 29
Okinawa (Japan), 3, 11
Oklahoma, 85
Ontario (Canada), 249
Oppenheimer, Robert, 49, 51-52, 84, 93, 153
Oregon, 44, 118, 228
Oxford University (UK), 25, 96, 129
Pacific Ocean, 3, 82, 84, 89, 212
dump sites in, 195
nuclear tests in, 31, 58, 67, 103-104, 107, 207, 261
Paducah (KY), 157-58, 261
Palladino, Nunzio, 242, 268
Pantex Weapons Plant (TX), 166
Pauling, Linus, 94-98, 209, 213, 265
Peach Bottom. See Nuclear power plants
Pearl Harbor (HI), 3, 44, 118
Pendleton, Robert, 81, 108, 114-17, 265
Pennsylvania, 65, 72, 136, 210, 223, 232, 241, 246
Nuclear reactors in. See Nuclear power plants
Uranium in, 178, 184, 188
Pennsylvania, Government of
Department of Agriculture, 235, 238-43
Department of Energy, 235-36, 238-42
Department of Epidemiological Research, 219, 250
Department of Health, 246, 251-59, 264
Department of Radiation Protection, 231
Department of Radiological Health, 219
Medical College, 136
Public Utilities Commission, 237
State College, 184
State College of Engineering, 242
State University, 126, 184, 235
Pensacola (FL), 71
Philadelphia (PA), 139, 223
Philadelphia Electric Co., 235
Philippines, 44, 49
Piketon (OH), 157-58, 261
Pittsburgh (PA), 10, 188, 197, 208, 212, 218
strontium in, 110, 137, 219
Pittsburgh, University of, 141, 144, 189, 212, 251, 253
Medical School, 108
School of Public Health, 246
Pittsburgh Press, The, 188
Plutonium, 79, 111, 181, 194, 196-197
airborne, 165, 172
bombs, 6, 9, 31, 41, 166
concentration of, 29, 175, 266
defined, 271
exposure to, 36, 119, 153-54, 160-62, 176
half-life, 171, 196
health effects, 12, 22, 271
ocean dumping, 196
at Rocky Flats, 168-70, 173
wastes, 194, 197, 203
Polonium, 147, 177
Polycythemia vera, 10
Portland (OR), 7, 9-11
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, 155-57, 261
Potassium-40, 279
Potassium iodide, 247
Potomac River, 69
Powell, Dick, 81; Ellen 81
Princeton University, 106, 214
Provo (UT), 115
Public Health Service, 114, 117, 136, 149-50,
Quigley, Bernice, 8, 11; Linda, 8; Lyman, 3, 7-9, 11-13,
27-28; Ron, 8
Radford, Edward, 146, 219, 265
animal mutations and, 198, 223-27, 237-40, 243-44
food chain and, 40, 78, 227-28
human diseases and
analyzed, 270-79
aplastic anemia, 127
bladder cancer, 154
bone cancer, 14, 26 133, 152
breast cancer, 131-33, 152-54, 158
cancer of the colon, 152, 154, 158, 162
Down's Syndrome, 131, 187, 261
"Factor VIII," 12
genetic defects, 45-46, 60-61, 70, 94, 97, 134, 230, 274-75
Hodgkin's Disease, 7, 25-26, 238
hyaline membrane disease, 213
hypothyroidism, 252-54
infant mortality, 212-15, 218-20, 249-68
leukemia, 96, 104, 109, 133-34, 155, 217
exposure levels and, 211
immune systems and, 274
Nagasaki and, 25-26
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and, 155-56
radiologists and, 127
Rocky Flats and, 65, 175
Shippingport and, 160, 221
Sternglass and, 219
Three Mile Island and, 249
thorium and, 181
uranium and, 185-86
weapons tests and, 36, 60, 63, 75, 86, 120
veterans and, 7, 33, 37
X rays and, 130
lung cancer, 133, 136, 147-51, 156-58
lymphoma, 33, 59, 106, 175
miscarriages, 46, 86, 130
multiplemyeloma, 127, 142, 152, 160, 175
veterans and, 7, 14, 19-25, 30
myelofibrosis, 7, 25-26
necrosis of the jaw, 151-52
oat-cell carcinoma, 25
pancreatic cancer, 154
prostate cancer, 158
skin cancer, 138
stomach cancer, 154
rectal cancer, 154
rheumatism, 188
thyroid cancer, 133
tuberculosis, 44, 188
measurement of, 277-78
dosimeters, 36, 41, 45-46, 71, 90, 159-60, 234
film badge, 170
Geiger counter, 60, 66, 76, 93, 119, 151 153, 236
bomb tests and, 39, 44-45, 70-72, 87
milk and, 74, 97, 100-101, 117, 268
poisoning, symptoms of, 22, 41, 49, 59-64, 69-74, 81, 83,
202, 213
types of, 270-79
alpha, 29, 36, 77, 93, 148, 152, 157, 234, 271
background, 279
beta, 36, 77-78, 93, 157, 233-34, 271
cosmic, 279
gamma, 92, 152, 157, 272-74
measurement of, 159, 210, 233-34, 277
ionizing, 25 143, 270, 275
neutron, 147, 210
low-level, 36, 95, 133-34, 147, 151
X ray, 109, 212, 266-72, 277
dose comparisons, 17-18, 27, 77, 79, 89, 93
genetic damage and, 94-96, 108, 130, 274
medical use of, 125-62, 279
workers and, 140-62, 268
veterans and, 4, 9, 13-14, 16, 23, 30
Radioisotopes, 9
defined, 270
Radionuclides, defined, 270
Radium, 40, 177-78, 180-82, 196, 222, 226,
deepwater tests and, 103
rivers and, 183
sediment samples of, 184
treatment with, 137
watch-dial painters and, 151-53
Radium Dial Co., 152
Radon daughters, 147-48, 185, 271
Radon gas, 137, 147-50, 184, 271
Ralph, Harold, 14-15, 22, 25, 30; Mike, 15; Virginia, 14-16, 18,
21-22, 27
Rasmussen Report, 230
Reagan, Ronald, 122, 136, 194-95, 264, 269
Reagan Administration, 113, 230, 254, 265, 267
Reilly, Margaret, 219, 231, 234-36
Rem (radiation equivalent man), defined, 277
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 72, 219
Resnikoff, Marvin, 159, 197-99, 265
Rhode Island, 26
Richmond (VA), 70
Rickover, Hyman, 155-56, 208
Rimland, Bernard, 215, 265
Rio Puerco (NM), 177-78, 180-82
Rochester (NY), 249
Rockefeller, Happy, 132
Rockville (MD), 216
Rockwell International, 160-61
Rocky Flats (CO) Nuclear Weapons Facility, 65, 160-62, 165, 175-76,
231-32, 279
accidents and, 168-72, 190, 200-201, 234, 261-62, 268
animal mutations and, 174, 186, 225, 228, 245
human diseases and, 160-62, 165-76
Rocky Mountains, 168-70
Roentgen, Wilhelm, 125-26, 129
Rongelap Atoll, 85-87
Rongerik Atoll, 87
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 122
Roswell Park Memorial Cancer Research Institute (Buffalo), 132, 226
Russellville (AK), 227
Saint George (UT), 81, 89, 100, 111-13, 260
cancer and, 86
Nevada fallout and, 61-65, 73-74, 86
Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, The, 112
Saint Paul (MN), 46
Sakharov, Andrei, 213, 265
Salt Lake City (UT), 80, 107, 114, 149
San Antonio (TX), 166
San Diego (CA), 103
San Francisco (CA), 32, 85, 195, 210
Savannah Beach (GA), 166
Savannah River (SC), 141, 167, 196, 200-03
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 215
Schroeder, Patricia, 15-17, 25-26, 122
Schweitzer, Albert, 97
Science magazine, 95-96, 108-110, 115, 126, 147, 236
Tamplin, article by, 214
Science Digest, 102, 115
Science News Letter, 38, 40
Scott, Helena, 46; Thomas, 46
Seabrook. See Nuclear power plants
Seattle (WA), 194, 203
Selenium, 177
Shapp, Milton, 219, 231
Shapp Commission, 219-22, 229, 231, 247, 265
Shippingport. See Nuclear power plants
Shiprock (NM), 186-87, 261
60 Minutes, 36-37
Snake River (ID) Aquifer, 167, 196
Sodium-24, 153, 177
Sohio, 180
South Carolina, 141, 166-67, 194-98
South Dakota, 187
Southern Piutes, 65
Spain, 166
Standard Chemical Company, 188
Standard Oil Development Co., 56
Sternglass Ernest, 108-10, 117-18, 171, 212-14, 218-19, 230,
247-55, 265
Stevenson, Adlai, 95
Stewart, Alice, 95-96, 108-109, 129-30, 134, 141-43, 146, 162,
265, 273
Strauss, Lewis, 53, 56, 84, 88-90, 94-95, 105, 108
Strontium, 9, 36, 65, 86-89, 95-99, 114, 171, 196, 210, 216, 219,
230, 249, 266
Health effects explained, 271
Structural Ironworkers Union, 118
Susquehanna Corporation, 188
Susquehanna River, 223, 247, 260-62
Switzerland, 152
Syracuse (NY), 249
Tailings (uranium), 178, 187, 197
Tampa (FL), 44, 49
Tampa Tribune, The, 22
Tamplin, Arthur, 172, 209-11, 213, 216-18, 229, 265, 273
Teledyne Inc., 235
Teledyne Isotopes, 235
Teller, Edward, 50-53, 58, 80-84, 95, 97, 106, 108, 110, 232
Tennessee, 17 141, 146-47, 157
Tennessee Valley Authority, 17, 208, 229
Texas, 83, 166, 173
Theory of Relativity, 270
Thomas, Irma, 61, 113
Thorium, 177-78, 180, 183, 196
Thornburgh, Richard, 231, 241, 246-48
Three Mile Island. See Nuclear power plants
Time magazine, 38, 51
Tinian, 3
Tokuhata, George, 219-21, 250-56, 265
Tokyo (Japan), 6, 54, 146
Toledo (OH), 10
Tonawanda (NY), 199-200
Tonopah (NV), 65, 111
Tonopah Bombing and Gunnery Range, 58
Topeka (KS), 49
Transuranic wastes, 197
Trinity (NM), 178
Tri-State Leukemia Study, 133-34
Tritium, 153, 167, 190-207, 210, 270, 274
Troy (NY), 72-73, 96, 108-10, 236
Truman, Harry, 5-6, 20, 47-56, 67, 105
Tuberculosis. See Radiation
Tucson (AZ), 153, 190-94
Udall, Morris 179-82
Union Carbide Co., 56, 157
USSR, 84, 98-99, 200-202, 213-14, 267-68
tests and, 53, 56, 96, 107
United Auto Workers, 208-209, 229
United Kingdom (UK), 98, 101, 107, 129, 141, 143, 158, 170-71, 268
Atomic Energy Authority, 96, 171, 200
scientists in, 25, 49, 147
United Nations (UN), 49, 86, 94-98, 171, 207
United Nuclear Co. (UNC), 178-82
United Press International (UPI), 29, 246, 252
United States, 2, 6, 11-12, 15-17, 20, 23-24, 28
censorship in, 134
electricity and, 229, 241
evacuation and, 87
fallout and, 112, 116
nuclear wastes and, 166, 199, 268
off-site venting and, 117-18, 120
radiation and, 99, 108, 115, 141, 172, 203, 279
test subjects and, 111
veterans and, 3-102
United States, Government of
Air Force, 36, 51, 75, 116, 118
veterans and, 49-50, 69, 83
Army, 4, 7, 24, 31, 50-51, 70
Army Corps of Engineers, 179
Army Reserve, 174
Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC), 145-47
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 47, 51-54, 57, 62, 68, 71, 78,
86, 99, 116, 121, 141-43, 166, 173, 208-10
animals and, 65, 78-79
Division of Biology and Medicine, 75, 80, 89, 96, 100, 105,
Division of Military Application, 118
Earth Sciences Branch, 217
fallout and, 75, 77, 88, 92, 94-95, 105, 110, 248
Fallout Studies Branch, 100
General Advisory Committee, 109
Gofman Study and, 211
H-bombs and, 51-54
Health and Safety Laboratory, 218
Knapp Report and, 101
Mancuso Report and, 265
Martell and, 36
milk confiscation and, 74, 97
mine tailings and, 187-88
Office of Raw Materials Operations, 148
ocean dumping and, 172, 195
psychological effects of bomb and, 69
Public Health Service and, 80
Rocky Flats and, 169, 171, 174
Sternglass and, 212-2
Truman and, 56
uranium mining and, 148-50
WASH-1520, 203
weapons production and, 186
weapons tests and, 58, 66, 73-74, 89, 90- 93, 102-104, 119,
231, 268
Bureau of Animal Industry, 78
Bureau of Fish and Wildlife, 235
Bureau of Radiation Safety, 252
Bureau of Radiological Health (BRH), 129, 131, 192
Bureau of Vital Statistics, 118, 249-50
Coast Guard, 99
Congress, 17, 54-55, 108, 130, 144, 149-50
ABM and, 214
Armed Services Committee, 15
FAS and, 47
Hanford and, 203
House, 67, 76-77, 98, 116, 128, 264
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (JCAE), 48, 53, 89, 96, 98,
100, 108, 150
nuclear wastes and, 194, 196
radiation and, 34, 129
Nuclear Safety and Oversight Committee, 264
Senate, 196
Tamplin and, 211
Department of Agriculture, 64, 78, 222-25, 236, 239-43, 253
Department of Defense, 8, 12-13, 23-25, 34-37, 48-53, 67-70, 99
Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), 28, 81
fallout and, 18, 74
Hiroshima and, 18, 21, 28
Department of Energy (DOE), 41, 111, 158, 168, 233, 264
nuclear waste and, 188, 195-96, 199
Rocky Flats and, 172, 174-75
subsidies of, 208
test sites, 87, 113, 117, 120-21
Department of Interior, 199
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), 246
Department of Health Services, 76
Department of Justice, 62, 66, 121, 194
Department of State, 55
Department of Transportation, 40-41, 194
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1, 121, 141, 159, 180,
192, 230, 236
Nuclear wastes and, 183, 187, 195
TMI and, 242-44
Federal Commission on Medical Malpractice, 135, 137
Federal Radiation Council, 99, 128, 212
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, 183
General Accounting Office (GAO), 230, 265
Interagency Radiation Research Committee, 29, 65
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 53
Navy, 33, 51, 155-57, 212, 215
Bikini tests and, 31 40, 42-46, 50, 85-86, 104
Nagasaki and, 24, 26-27
Seabees, 7, 13, 19, 21, 40
U.S.S. Coucal, 44
U.S.S. Dawson, 46
U.S.S. Haven, 31-32
U.S.S. Hughes, 43
U.S.S. Moctobi, 104
U.S.S. Nevada, 44
U.S.S. Ottawa, 45
U.S.S. Pensacola, 42
U.S.S. Phoenix, 99
U.S.S. Quartz, 43
U.S.S. Salt Lake City, 45
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), 77, 152-53, 159-60, 167,
231-34, 242-44, 260, 262
nuclear plants and, 160, 229, 231-36, 254, 264
nuclear wastes and, 194-95, 228, 230
radiation and, 101, 247-48, 266
Public Health Service (PHS), 63, 65, 72, 78, 114, 149-50
Supreme Court, 209, 229
Surgeon General, 107
United States News, The, 38, 87
U.S. News & World Report, 56, 93
U.S Radium Corporation, 151-52, 261
Uranium, 6, 110-11, 167, 175-77, 278
airborne, 172
Czechoslovakia, and, 140, 147
fuel pellets, 170
half-life, 270
Workers, and, 147-151, 153-54, 157-60
Wastes, 178, 180, 188, 194, 197
Utah, 58, 86, 111, 121, 183, 215, 260-62
animals in, 75-79
disease in, 60-64, 66, 81, 151, 185
fallout and, 59-62, 72, 89-92, 114-17, 209
iodine and, 100, 108, 115, 117
University of, 65, 81, 108, 114-15
Utirik Island, 86
Vanadium, 177
Vermont, 72, 173
Vermonter, The, 226
Vermont Yankee. See Nuclear power plants
Veterans Administration (VA), 16, 19
benefits and, 12, 43-45, 70, 82, 106
claims and, 9, 24-26, 44, 68, 104, 154
compensation and pension service, 21
hospitals, 11, 22, 70, 138, 155
protests against, 11-14, 21-22, 33-35
Virginia, 178
Voeltz, George, 154-55
Waltz Mills. See Nuclear power plants
Washington (State), 110, 117-18, 141-42
University of, 97
Washington (DC), 69, 80, 93, 148, 155, 184, 249
testimony in, 36, 50, 60, 83, 130, 138, 154, 209
protests in, 14-17, 19-22, 241
Washington Post, The, 28, 94, 116, 253
Wayne, John, 81; Michael, 81
Weber, Robert, 237, 241, 243 44
Weber, Nancy, 226, 229, 245
West Palm Beach (FL), 19-20
West Valley (NY), 159, 197-99, 203, 218, 245, 261
West Virginia, 55
Westinghouse, 56, 190, 208, 212
Weyerhouser Co., 14
White House, 13, 16, 21-23, 51, 53, 65, 114, 207
Windscale (UK), 101, 170-71, 200-201, 231, 261, 268
Winterer, Jorge, 180 81, 265
Wisconsin, 43
World War II, 11, 14, 43, 51, 56-57, 138, 192, 202, 212
Wyoming, 183
X ray. See Radiation
Xenon, 121, 167, 278
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