Must watch discussion between James Corbett and Catherine Austin Fitts.
Operations COVID and FLOYD are nothing less than very real, highly-orchestrated attempts to enslave the underclass in a techno-feudal system of absolute
control. The details are more dystopian and profound than most thinking people
were aware according to the research of Corbett and Fitts. Foundations are
engines of profit for the vast organized crime syndicate behind it all.
Catherine Austin Fitts of
interviews James Corbett about his new 4-part documentary:
Who Is Bill Gates?
They go beyond the focus on Gates to discuss the syndicate that he
is leading, the business model it relies on, and the new form of
collateral that will underlie the digital economy: the human body.
Don’t miss this vital conversation that fills in the
missing pieces of the puzzle and draws back the curtains on the
real purpose of the injection fraud.
Mark Crispin Miller: This is the most important video to watch about what’s happened, and what’s happening—and what will come, if we don’t act to stop it.
NOTES courtesy of Darwin Hoop:
They really do want to take us all the way back to slavery.
Practical problems with slavery solved by “creepy technology”.
People involved have “unimaginable” liabilities for malfeasance with injection fraud (e.g.,vakscenes) and financial fraud.
What can be done? 5% or 10% passionate resistance to techno-feudal agenda would prevent it:
Push back and say “NO”.
Contact Tracing give
Control over your children to satanist pedophiles, turning them into collateral, sex slaves, sacrifices, and license to do whatever they please to them — “What happened on Epstein’s plane is nice by comparison”.
Revealing the hidden agenda vital.
Fitts has warned of this for years but it was so alien to people nobody could believe it.
Gates is very much a leader of new techno-feudalism, but is part of a deep state syndicate.
Goal is to use Microsoft strategy with 7,000,000,000 people, loading an Office-type system into everyone’s brains and hooking them up to the
Amazon’s “Jedi” Cloud contract with the CIA, then use “viruses” to necessitate updates for a constant revenue.
Vakscenes are not medicine at all but backdoor exploits to install the system and gain the most extreme imaginable control over people over time.
Vakscenes being produced where you only need to be vakscinated one time and they can electronically “update” the vakscene and it’s DNA-altering instructions remotely forever.
Transgenderism early work in transhumanism.
Installed, patented tech quickly becoming basis for “collateralization of system”.
Gates and operations are “proprietary”, properties of intel and the big money syndicate it represents.
“Genius” red flag word intel uses to describe their fake figureheads of major projects (e.g., Zuckerberg, Bezos, Musk). There is a ruthless, ambitious, unprincipled type they choose for these roles.
“Had multiple leashes on Gates”.
Gates, Buffett, and Epstein vital to vast laundering operation of the $21 TRILLION looted around 9/11 Operation.
Gates’ is essentially buying influence around the world for himself and his cabal “with our own money” (NOTE: Operation COVID also appears to be a looting and laundering op).
“Oh shucks” act taught by Buffett.
Foundation fraud taught by Buffett.
Arrested Harvard Prof. Charles Leiber technology vital to plan (Note: likely arrested to keep him and his work safe).
Business model of Foundations used to compete with Vatican’s tax-free wealth.
Harvard and Yale Foundations “motherlodes” of pooled, tax-free wealth of ruling class deployed to their ends.
Foundations used to roll over profits and to invest in corporations from which rich can harvest profits.
Gates “donations” are less than what he’d pay to the people in taxes, but go only to serve the business interests of “The Syndicate”.
Harvard Corporation profits enormously from “disaster capitalism” (their specialty). They and their partners create disasters from which to profit.
Madoff and Epstein schemes both laundered money through Harvard and MIT.
These funds were funneled specifically into “transhuman” technologies.
Ruling class fears losing control over extremely powerful new energy technologies vital to Fourth Industrial Revolution. Enslavement keeps control over these technologies with ruling class, prevents competition via meritocracy .
Controlling source of energy always vital to ruling class for maintaining control (e.g., Rockefellers with oil).
Controlling food supply high-priority goal for total control.
Vandana Shiva’s book, One Earth, One Humanity vs. the 1% “totally outs the billionaires” and they have
made her book nearly impossible to find.
People who want contact tracing and the new feudalism are the same people were involved with Epstein.
Syndicate has demonstrated control over most governments by getting them to participate in COVID fraud.
“control files” and “kickback packages” used to control ALL elected representatives of importance (e.g., blackmail and payoffs).
Operation much more successful in Democrat-controlled cities and states due to greater syndicate control.
To beat this, “people must accept that their freedom is more important than their lives”.
Pushing back has worked in the past. Resist at your level.
Billionaires fully intend to eliminate as many people as possible.
Near-utopia is possible for existing people with existing resources. Only Rockefeller-type control freaks and gluttons stand in the way. They are the problem, not the rest of the population.
Contact tracing grants rights to steal children. People who want this (e.g., Clintons, Dershowitz, Gates, etc.) are all alleged Satanic pedophiles associated with Epstein. These children will be abused savagely.
Those responsible are “as Satanic as it gets and you need to decide if you will permit them to get to your children”.
Corbett agrees acquiescing to this agenda will be “fate worse than death”.
We must work with our sheriff’s, our gun owners, and all trusted associations to awaken them to how urgent this is.
James Corbett:
“Their power comes in never openly stating their agenda
and what’s happening. So our power is in revealing that
agenda to the other people who are enforcing it unbeknownst
to themselves, for the time being that they are enforcing it.
Because we are moving into turnkey totalitarianism where it
literally takes a few people to be able to engineer systems
of control that can control literally billions of people.
Once we reach that inflection point—that’s truly what
keeps me up at night because I know they will flip that switch
when they can do it.”
Implementation of COVID operation appeared “rushed and sloppy” according to Fitts, plausibly because economy collapsed more quickly than expected or something that was expected to succeed went awry.
More people galvanized and awake than ever before.
Resistance and opposition arising from within governments and citizens alike.
The sociopaths involved are arrogant and incapable of seeing where their plans could fail. They lack empathy and insight and believe themselves to be above us and incapable of failure. Operating in narcissistic bubble.
People need to stop “playing ball” with the evil people.
We need to keep redirecting people back to the plotters and not on the riots, distractions, disease, etc.
Fitts says “focus on the Sheriff” not on the presidential elections.
Go to work locally. Local politicians are ultimately more important for protecting you from outside incursion of the plotters.
Corbett implores people to get into agorism, black markets, gray markets, side markets, and alternative currencies.
Fitts urges us to stop financing them. Don’t use their treasury bonds (or their businesses).
NWO is Anglo-American alliance financed primarily through the US federal credit system and dollar.
COVID Op “came down from much higher than the US government” says Fitts who believes there is resistance from within the US government which itself is factionalized.